The Truth

Aaron walked into his apartment with a spring in his step, the scent of fresh lemons filling the air as he held up the bag triumphantly. "Olivia! Baby, I brought you a ton of lemons, just like you wanted!" His voice was light and joyful, expecting to see Olivia's smiling face greeting him.

But instead, what greeted him was Olivia, sitting on the sofa with tears streaming down her face. Her shoulders shook with each sob, her hands clutching a tissue that was already crumpled from use. Aaron's heart skipped a beat, the bag of lemons slipping from his fingers and hitting the floor with a thud.

Next to Olivia sat Nick, his face ashen, his eyes hollow as if the very soul had been drained from him. The sight of Nick's expressionless face, combined with Olivia's uncontrollable sobs, sent a wave of dread crashing over Aaron.