Wands Complete

The mage took the staff and retreated from the counter to let someone else come forward while he sent a message home.

It was close to three hundred kilometres by road to Lared, and his teacher would want to know right away that the deal had been made, and not in four days from now when he returned to the Academy by trade ship.

While the mage talked, Karl sold a number of the assorted Commander Rank rings, which posed a small dilemma for his team.

They needed the apprentices, or at least Wendy, to keep making wooden jewellery, while Loros made the more detailed stone items for Karl's work. But he had just taken a rather large order for wands.

He really should have thought that one through.

{Lotus, can you make me forty-nine wands with at least Commander Rank potential? I need to inscribe them with Fireball and a basic combat buff, so either make them long, or leave room for a small stone.} Karl requested via Guild Message.