Karl worked late into the night, making dozens of jewellery pieces of different sorts, a few more fireball staves, a dozen more fireball wands like the ones for the academy. That should be enough to take the shop through the next day, as the collection was now larger than what they had sold during the previous shift.
With the shop closing at dusk, they were able to work a few extra hours after and get ahead of their anticipated sales.
When the next morning arrived, Karl realized that Remi had been up all night, and she had made a massive supply of potions, enough that she likely wouldn't need to do it again for a month.
She had cleared large patches of her space for materials, but that would grow back quickly enough. The important part was that she hadn't used up any of her resources. So she didn't lose anything, other than some time.
Everyone gathered on the second floor, and Karl outlined his plan for the day.