Episode 51: Ultimate Move

Episode 51: Ultimate Move

Standing before Narci was…

"It can't be!" She said in a hushed tone. "You died!"


The hiss of black smoke coiled in rings from it's joints.

"It's you… WHITE BONE!"

She found it hard to believe, standing before her was the white bone zombie Kilr had killed by the school pool before he departed from her. Kilr had beheaded it, she saw the corpse. Or could zombies return back to life even after death?

What a baffling theory.

The white bone brother looked at her with glowing black eyes that seemed oddly familiar. "My lord sent me ahead to protect you!"

Narci stammered. "Y- Y- Your lord?"

She had no idea what he was talking about, but that did not explain the fact of why the zombie had returned.