Episode 52: The Prominent Side Character

Episode 52: The Prominent Side Character

"You thought I died?" Duke grinned.

Sniper zombie raised his head and stared at his destroyed sniper rifle. "I shot you!"

Duke held his huge golden shield in one hand and ran the other down his hair. "Ya did jackass. Lucky me I had this guy!"

Chaz appeared before Narci with his arms extended and giving a green glow, her wounds almost immediately closed up at a rapid rate. "I've healed you up and stopped the bleeding. A portion of your HP should have returned too."

Narci locked eyes with the timid boy and nodded.


The remains of the white bone zombie turned to a hiss of white smoke that converged together breathing life to the zombie.

Duke scoffed. "What's the deal with that thing. It seemed to be on your side."

Narci swung her arms around and stretched. "Seems like it!"