Episode 66: Sacrifice

Episode 66: Sacrifice

Narci looked down at the girl who had tried to kill her by drowning her in the school pool.

"But why?" She asked.

Sofia lay there on the ground with her temperature burning her up from the inside out. She made a failing attempt at a scoff.

"If I died here. It wouldn't matter much, would it?" She said weakly followed by a pained moan.

Narci reached out to her and felt her burning skin under her finger's touch. "It makes no sense, you of all people want to live. So why?"

Sofia smiled deeply, "Because I hate you. I want you to live on in this hell knowing that my blood is on your head. Call it a punishment if you will."

Narci found this highly disturbing but the sounds of the rising battle drew her attention, but what could she do about Sofia. "I- I won't let you die!"