Episode 67: You Have Arrived At Zombie Castle

Episode 67: You Have Arrived At Zombie Castle

Kilr reached the base of the mountain after slaying every zombie in his way. Before him was the steel door of an elevator with only one button flashing at him. He walked up to it and pressed down hard.

A low chiming sound followed and the door opened up to reveal a normal everyday elevator.

Knowing it to be the only way up Kilr walked into it and the door shutting behind him. The moment he entered a voice spoke from a tiny speaker at the top of it.

"Welcome, welcome Mr Devil or should I call you The Lord Of Death!?"

Kilr said nothing for a while, only glaring at the speaker.

"Answer me you fool! It's embarrassing being the only one taking!"

Kilr stuffed his hands in his pocket and remarked. "I thought you were a f**king vice mail!"

"Very funny you are!" The voice said back at him.