Episode 70: Crackles Of Red & Green

Episode 70: Crackles Of Red & Green

Colours of red paint the air between them as Arthur left a clean cut all over Andronicus' chest, severing the reinforced armour like it was as thin as paper.

"Argh!!" Andronicus groaned. "How are you so strong?"

Sir Arthur beamed brighter. "Sorry but… for over a decade I have been sparring with the strongest person I know! To meet up with my lord's expectations I trained endlessly, I slayed, I battled. Forging my body to the point it became immature to carry my true power."

Andronicus stabbed his sword in the ground and pulled off his helmet to reveal the face of a young man in his late twenties, with thick black hair and a handsome face. Now Kilr was even more conflicted with thoughts of his a over 500 year old knight still looked like a gymnast in his prime.