Episode 90: Narci's Plan

Episode 90: Narci's Plan


Narci opened her eyes to the feeling of a warm substance dropping on her cheek. Why was she not bitten? Then who was --

"N- n- no!" She mumbled as almost inaudibly.

Her eyes caught sight if Kilr's primal glow and his huge fangs clamped down on the hands of someone, the blood dripping down at a rapid rate.

"W-- who?" Her voice went stale.

"Did I not say that a hero will never leave a man or woman behind!" Flash said with a pained grin as he kicked Kilr over the face sending him flying while also ripping out parts off his flesh with his strong jaw. "AHHHHHHH!! THE F**K!"

He screamed as he fell backwards.

"Has such a strong grip!!" Flash said as he helped her up and put himself in a guard position. "The f**k, he vanished."

Realizing she was clinging on to him, Narci stepped away.