Episode 91: Narci Goes OP

Episode 91: Narci Goes OP

The rain let up a bit to the spectacle about to transpire on earth.

Narci kicked off the ground. "I'm taking the lead!" She yelled to Black Mask as she closed in on Kilr as fast as she could. "Now this is gonna hurt, a lot!"

She planted her support leg like and anchor to the ground and kicked forward with her front foot. She outstretched her body and arms with a mighty swing.





Her sword cut through the air with a bright red flash and reaching for Kilr's waist, her aim was true but…

Kilr's eyes flashed with an even brighter crimson glow as he jerked back. "I, DODGE!!"

"What the--?" Narci remarked as her sword cut through thin air missing it's mark by a wide margin. "Don't tell me, he's."