Episode 96: System Reboot

Episode 96: System Reboot


The sports car zipped down the highway, turning and swerving, avoiding the few cars on the way before coming to a stable progression.

"Hahahaha!!" Kilr laughed at the passengers in the backseat shaking wildly, "Pussies!"

Narci glared at him.

Kilr smiled at her and shrugged. "What? It was fun, right?"

Narci frowned and balled up on her seat, turning he head to face outside the window. "For a slacker you feel more alive when things are s**t. I envy that you never get scared of anything maybe because you are indestructible."

Kilr kept his eyes on the road as he kept to a stable acceleration. "It's not that I don't feel fear, I'm just that good!"

Narci hissed. "Bragger."

Kilr dropped the window pane to allow wind to rush in causing Narci to gasp and glare at him.