Episode 97: The Cold Hollow & The Warm Spring

Episode 97: The Cold Hollow & The Warm Spring

"No!" Narci screamed as she swung her sword for the back seat aiming to behead the already zombified Flash. "You asshole!" Her sword slashed his head but failed to leave as much as a cut. "How long have you been faking it huh?:

The zombiefied Flash chuckled in a hoarse manner as he flexed his hand with the claws growing longer. "Hehehe. I have been listening for a while now waiting for the right time to strike, I only chise to come out because of what's up ahead! A monster who would make even father's power look like s**t, and to think father could not sense it, you really are dying aren't ya?"

Kilr had only come to realize, he had be coughing up blood. Losing conciousness and forgetting things.

"Am I really dying? No! That can't be, so sudden? I'll just come back anyway, I've done it before!"