||Episode 125: Assault • From • Above||

||Episode 125: Assault • From • Above||


The heavy sounds of the whirring of helicopter wings fipped the air thousands of feet's above. The sky filled with hundreds of reinforced fighter jets all making a circular formation. Their cannons aimed at the top of the empire state building.

"This is Alpha One to Round Dog..." Said one of the the pilots behind his head gear. "Round Dog do you copy? Over!"

There was only a second delay before he recieved a a reply on his receiver. "This is Round Dog, I copy you alpha one OVER."

"This is Alpha One, OVER! I report that the ultra sonic combustible sniper shot has proved ineffective against the subjects. Permission to use more lethal forced. OVER!"

"This is Cyclone, I have received directive that we can used any amount of lethal force on the subjects. OVER!"