|| Episode 126: Still • Human ||

|| Episode 126: Still • Human ||


Kilr screamed out as he threw himself up from the bed and throwing all of his sweat with it. His ash hair scattered over his face, his chest heavy.

"Da-- oh, I remember. The old man hates swearing." He noticed the bed wet under him, or in clear terms soaked. "Holy shit! I didn't wet myself now did I? No way! So it's sweat."

"System what's wrong with me?"


The system glitched on and off repeatedly.

"What's this now? Don't tell me it's another update." He scratched his messy hair. "Come to think of it I don't know where this system is from, lately it's been giving me nightmares and headaches. Now it's glitching? I would have thrown away the notion had I not had that dream."

It was clear as day, he was viewing it as a third person POV. The scene of him as... A zombie facing off against HER!