We didn’t ask for a backstory

After handing the order of wings to the embarrassed maintenance division sailor, the Hungry Ghost's mech flew off into space at a breakneck speed.

The commander looked over at her and sighed. "I didn't see you give him a tip, I am assuming you already included it in your order. Right?"

Stopping mid bite, the sailor's eyes went blank. "I.. I was going to tip per how long it took them to get here. So much happened that I forgot about the tip. Y-you don't think that would anger them, would it?"

Hovering in space over the Naraka planet, the Hungry Ghost was eating wings as well. Suddenly the comms in his mech went off.

"Hello hello, Mr. Haseo! My original body and the other 3 Winged-Ones are in position. We are just waiting on you to finish eating your lunch."

Haseo licked the wing sauce off his fingers and chugged a soda. Burping he picked up another chicken wing.

"Don't worry about my lunch. I am just eating to kill time anyways. Go ahead and start the mission."

A laugh sounded over the comms and suddenly 4 eruptions happen on the Naraka planet.

"Man, they aren't too subtle. I know we need the planet for materials, but all 4 of them going supernova seems a bit much."

The eruptions looked like gray particles shooting into space. As time passed, they started to flow towards Haseo and the planet started decaying into particles and following as well.

Before he could finish his lunch, his mech was consumed by the particles and he was vaporized instantly.

Sometime later, the particles flew into a giant wasp nest in space. As soon as all of the particles went into the wasp nest, it turned transparent and started to move.

Inside the nest was an illusionary space that didn't conform to reality. It was a futuristic colony ship. Five pods in the control center opened up and Haseo along with the other Hungry Ghosts exited out of the pods.

A man with tattered devil wings was the first to speak up. "Now that we each have laid claim to Naraka beings, we can finally changed the titles of realms to things we can relate to."

Next to speak was a woman whose picture would certainly be in the dictionary next to the word succubus.

"Little hemit, don't talk as if we get to be picking the names. Only Haseo has the system that could do that. Our systems don't give us the power to change the universal terms."

The other two reamaning members were a fairy and an angel. All 5 of the members colors were gray and all seemed to be beings who had wings.

Haseo, who was the only one to not spread out his wings started to speak before the other two members could complain or give suggestions.

"The first realm of beings I will keep at being called Hell realm. Only because I am lazy and can't think of a good replacement name."

"The lower half of this realm will be henceforth be named 'Infantry'. They are a race of beings who laugh in the face of death, as their systems were made with this thought in mind."

The fairy chuckled and leaned over to the angel and nudges her side with an elbow and whispered. "I thought he went on one of his famous tangents. Who would of thought he is using text to speech, how lazy can he get?"

The angel just shrugged her shoulders. "Well of course he is lazy. The system he got allows him to do so. He told one of my clones before about his system. He just has to give an open ended statement and he is flooded with questions to autofill the work he needs to do."

They suddenly felt chills and looked over at Haseo who was blankly staring in their direction.

Both the fairy and angel motioning them zipping their mouths, Haseo smiled and started talking again.

"Now we move onto the upper half of the hell realm. Formerly known as Hungry Ghosts for their endless hunger and thirst for specific things. I feel as though those of lesser thought, couldn't fully comprehend the meaning of this."

The other 4 Winged-Ones chuckled to themselves when they heard this. Out of the 5 of them, Haseo was the newest to the realm of the afterlife.

They were happy when they were grouped up as this meant he was on the same level as them. Depending on the level of thirst and hunger of the subject, Hungry Ghosts varied immensely.

The being with the tattered wings was known as the 'Nuclear Hermit'. His desire was tasting sweet loneliness in his realm of life. However he was surrounded by beings no matter where he went. As they were all energy beings who existed as radiation.

The other beings radiation particles flew around his and made him feel disgusted. He told them to leave his cloud of particles but all the beings in this thought realm were 'loving'.

Though they were energy beings, just clouds in space, they too had a religion. Their love was built into them so they could form 'The Collective Mind'.

They were hardwired to want to overlap with each other and enter the afterlife as a power collective with a countless amount of systems.

A loop hole they were meant to achieve, though they would only be a drop in the ocean as many have achieved this.

However they didn't know that the Nuclear Hermit was a Hungry Ghost to the last particle. They were all naive and mostly made up of beings in the human and deva realm. After being told many times by thousands of others to just combine with them, the Nuclear Hermit snapped.

Reacting to his real self, his energy particles found a way to fill his belly. In a short time period he devoured the other beings until he was the only one left.

This was an achievement no one ever made, though he was set up for success and feels no real pride from it.

The succubus life in the thought realm was the second least violent, the least one being Haseo. Her title is 'Gamer of Time'.

She was an avid historian. While others of her kind used their powers to go to the past to seduce people of all types of thought realm, she did it only to experience other cultures.

Made fun of for being the only virgin succubus, she ignored these taunts and spent more time going through the mist of time.

Eventually after 10,000 years straight of living in the mist, her system manifested in front of her awarded her for being a shut in virgin.

The fairy and angel, just like the hermit, wiped out their whole thought realm to advance. The fairy's title was 'Pestilence Dust Swarm'.

She was born into a realm of fairies that on their 18th birthday, their wings would sprout and they would gain a system.

Unlike many other thought realms, they got early access to their system which should only be useable upon or near death.

Leading up to this, she was loved and favored by all of the other fairies. On the surface she lead an adequate life.

But on the inside, she only craved one thing. The apocalypse was something she read about many times in the library. She fell in love with one of the characters, the first horseman of the apocalypse, Pestilence.

She thought the book was just of fiction and it would be nice to lead a life in the apocalypse. Fighting zombies and relying on others, not because you were pretty and loved, but because your life depended on it.

She craved real connections with others. She felt that others treated her well, but none of it really felt like connections.

One day while reading, some other fairies charged in the library and arrested her for trying to start a rebellion.

Locked away in a tower she was scared and confused. Paranoia started to take over her. Looking back in life she started analyzing all of her relationships with people and came to the conclusion she wasn't anyone's friend or chosen one.

It started to feel like to her, she was just tolerated and kept around because it would kill the vibe if a loser was moping around.

Finally on her 18th birthday her wings came out. The tower exploded and dust filled the air and as if a super volcano exploded, the skies were covered in a giant dust cloud.

Whenever someone was touched by the dust, their bodies rapidly transformed into armored zombies and then would go on to consume others who were hiding away from the pestilent dust.

The angels story, though just as bad, was a lot shorter. She was put in charge of a thought realm as a manager. She was not controlled by her hunger, rather she didn't comprehend how bad it was. Shorter than a day of being put in charge of the thought realm, she used her fungus like wings to build a network to better control the beings of the realm. Instantly being forced out of the thought realm.