“How many times do we have to tell you, that when you are dead, all thoughts are projected as if speaking?”

When Haseo learned about their back stories the first time he met them, they honestly scared him a little bit.

They asked him about his life in the thought realm, but he told them he just lived a boring life.

He was born into a country that started wars with others at the drop of a hat, but they were never really invaded by other countries.

It wasn't because they were the strongest country or anything, it was just that they were the most self destructive.

The country was falling apart from the inside and it was bound to either run out of people first or blew itself up.

His personal life in this failure of a country was living in a hot area that he wasn't built for. Not only did he gained a sickness causing him to be unable to be himself when the summer came, his skin and eyes were damaged just from being outside for an hour.

Though thanks to the system he received he doesn't have that worry anymore. The system allows him to classify anything as an Item. Though the caveat to this was his body was turned into one as well, hence his last name of Graydoll.

His body was strong like others and he could still feel things, but he was now a plastic doll. However becoming a doll was a weird thing for him. A person's system was either affected by the life and role you lived in the thought realm or it was what caused your life to be a certain way.

Him being a doll would mean he was just a toy for the universe. The implications of this kept him awake at night sometimes.

The only job he ever held was being in the military, like every generation of his family have done. While he was the only one to not fight in a war, he advances further in rank then all of them.

He thought he would end up being congratulated by consoled by them when they met in the afterlife. But it seems family are all separated from each other.

After getting out of the military on medical retirement, he just lazed around for the rest of his life. Wanting to die but being too much of a coward to do so.

The other 4 were silent when he told them before. He assumed they were disappointed or confused because someone like him was but as equals as them.

But it was the opposite of that. Compared to him, all of them achieved great achievements. Yet here he is, which could only mean one thing.

His hunger for whatever he desired was enough to ignore any requirements needed to earn him a spot with them.

They secretly discussed what his hunger was. It was agreed by all of them that it was to turn all of existence into a toy for him to play with. All Graydolls followed this as a way of life. Though he was only adopted into them, the fact he didn't receive any of that clans training before being deployed here was proof enough.

His title would help them understand more but they never learned what it was. They have asked many times what it was but waxgtime he tried saying it, something would happen that was just important enough to forget that they asked.

"So I shall name it to be 'Pilot' instead of 'Hungry Ghost'. While this shall cause further confusion, it makes more sense to me."

"Like flying a speeding jet, if we slack control of what drives us, we die or cause others to end up dead. Also there is the fact we can travel between all the realms easily while most others are trapped where they are born."

After he finished talking, there was a long silence in the room, the Angel looked around and smiled when no one seemed to want to speak.

"Alright then! Now that Haseo is done narrating about our backgrounds out loud, we can choose who will take control of this realm as the controller. Which will be me by the way, so all opposed?"

She asked this first despite the fact normally you asked who was with her. It was simply because they were all a bunch of people quiet introverts, so it was faster.

"Uh, did you say I was thinking out loud just now?" Haseo's face looked blank but he was extremely embarrassed.

"Alright then, so we all agreed cool. Since I am in charge I guess I can make some changes. First, let's strip down the Infantry's mech armor from 3 meters to 2. This will let me bump up the mech for the Pilot to be 7 meters."

"Of course this doesn't make the Infantry weaker, they will just be wearing cosplay rather than a mech armor. I would ask the Infantry, but I don't care, so yeah."

Nuclear Hermit nodded his head. "That would make it easier to climb into the mech if they don't need to take off that clunky mech armor. On the note of simplicity, I feel like we should give ourselves a first name, to be more like Haseo."

The Angel nodded her head. "Well I will just go with Angel then. The rest of you can rename yourselves after we claim more sla- or I mean more people from other realms."

The Nuclear Hermit made his system screen visible to others and projected a giant floating island.

"While this looks small, this is in fact a endless flat piece of land for those of the lower Animal Realm. The residents believe themselves to be of the Upper Human Realm however, typical Animal Realm behavior."

Haseo spoke to interrupt. "Like last time, I will be choosing my favorite of the 5 chosen and you guys get to blow up the place and take your picking."

He started to sit back in the pod but the Succubus stopped the pod lid from closing. "Hey champ, this isn't like the Hell Realm. You should go in with at least 2 wings. Honestly 4 wings released or higher is better."

Haseo moved her hand and let the pod lid close. While it was being filled with a mist he sighed.

"I thought you guys could hear all my inner thoughts out loud. My system was what limited me from doing so. Now that we filled the Hell Realm spots I can have 2 wings, 4 wings when we take both lower and upper Animal Realms."

Lasers filled the battlefield as 15 meter mecha shot at each other. Each hit would go through the mecha turning it to Swiss cheese.

Watching from the sky was a newly upgraded 7 meter mech. Ignoring the size difference, the only thing that set them apart was the mech followed the human body loosely. The mecha on the field had only about 5% different from what a human knight would look like.

Both had a cockpit but the mech one was exposed while the mecha's was located inside the chest.

Bigger wasn't always better in this situation. If either side was hit, they were done. This was why Haseo was a bit more cautious.

The now renamed Infantry, was easy for him to solve because at most one in every ten had a mech armor and couldn't really get airborne.

The Lower Animal Realm was different. The only time a person was out of their mecha was because they lost their last one or they formed a group to take turns keeping a watch so others could sleep better and build a base.

Haseo's target was a person who lived in a base or rather was worshiped in the base.

"I didn't get lucky this time, no one seems to trust a delivery service that popped out of nowhere. Or maybe these guys don't have internet?"

Flying high above the battlefield, the only type of signals his mech could receive were radio signals.

Unlike the beings of the Hell Realm, who are in an adult body that doesn't age, the Lower Animals were beings born as babies.

Though they rapidly aged and were like dogs, every year being like seven years. It was more apt to call them Clone Realm. Despite being birthed as babies, they all came from clone vats.

Two years of accelerated school, the students would be roughly 15 years of age when they would be placed into mecha and sent onto the battlefield.

If they died in combat, they would have a clone spun up and sent out again. If they somehow managed to live 20 years, they would get to return and receive an upgraded mecha and a new body that aged slightly slower. Then sent out again with a new deadline and so on and so on.

Before coming down to the realm, Haseo's system showed a side by side comparison of the 5 chosen and he picked the more interesting one.

"Let's see how much protection you have set up for yourself. The so called, 'Sun God of Lasers and Mecha."