The cost of laughing at someone who doesn’t mind a painful death!

Haseo finally reached the base of his target. Compared to the destroyed buildings used to hide in their mecha, this place was vastly different.

A giant golden pyramid was covered and surround by bright gold mecha. "The ones on the pyramid are not fit for combat and are probably older beings. Either one's good at hiding or injured in combat. The problem is the ones surrounding it."

There were a few hundred mecha armed to the teeth. However his target was not among them. While searching for him, suddenly the top of the pyramid opened up.

"Hmm, how should I go about handling this? If I tried to have a shoot out, I am dead. If I go in for combat, as the smaller machine, I will be smacked around. I guess I really should be pulling out my win-."

Haseo didn't catch the movement of the enemy mecha. However in a split second, orange aura rushed out of it painting the whole pyramid a dark shade of orange.

Aiming its rifle, the Sun God shot out a laser beam that had a height, width, and length 10 times the size of Haseo's mech.

All he could remember was the painful burst of light. Awakening in the pod back on the Wasp Nest, he hung his head and started to vomit from the pain.

A harmonious laughter sounded out as the clones left by Angel rewatched the sad ending that Haseo had.

"Haha, Master Haseo, I thought Master Succubus warned you to go 2 winged down there. Now those Animal natives will find you a sad joke."

Stepping out of the pod and using the Angel Clone's wing to wipe off the vomit left on his face, he looked over the screens of the other 4 on planet.

"So that is how these guys roll. They plant themselves in the ground and just charge up enough energy to explode. If I could go full 10 wings I bet I could do the same."

After stretching out for a bit he got back inside the pod. "Redeploy me in the Wasp Hunter. I pledge from now on to take all these future collections seriously."

The pod closed and filled with fog particles. The Angel clones looked at each other in silence before they all decided to watch Haseo's screen.

Flying in space for a bit, Haseo stopped before a spot that looked different than the emptiness of space.

"Yep, there is still from residue left from that blast. Hmm, I wonder if he can see all the way up here. Eh, even if he decides to blast up here again it won't matter. My next move ends this."

"Praise the Sun God!! For he is the reason we shall be the strongest force ever in the universe. No one shall stand in our way, we shall convert others to join us and we will be able to upgrade all our mecha in time."

All but the Sun God stepped out of their mecha, praying devotedly to the machine on top of the pyramid. They thought they could feel his godly gaze, but he was staring into space.

"What is that devil doing? Just floating in the range of my gun, is he stupid or something? I can still dish out a few more attacks on the same level."

The Sun God tried putting himself in the devils shoes. Despite an easy defeat, he still came right back for more.

"A masochist? Is he trying to get me to waste all my attacks. Heh, with that small piece of crap I could just shoot normally."

His radio, which was set to be off, suddenly sounded out a lot of static and a creepy distorted voice started to speak.

"Hey golden child, you must like the throne you built yourself among the lowly beast. But like the prick you are, you pricked me. Though you all will die in a few minutes anyways, I will make sure you all die a painful death."

The Sun God started to laugh and picked up the radio. "Self reflecting much? How am I the prick? I might be a lowly beast, but that doesn't make me an uninformed one. The pyramid here was used to communicate off world back when Animal Realm beings could fly out there."

The Sun God lazily grabbed the handle in his mech and aimed his rifle at Haseo and blasted again.

"My shots are instant so I hope this reaches whatever home base you have in the sky. You loser being from the lowest realm, you are just a pathetic bastard who wants to take from others."

He looked down at his men praising him for showing the might of the rifle. "I used my power to teach these old dogs the trick of laying before the great me, yet a dumb devil like you can't even learn that."

Letting off the trigger and stopping the laser beam, an even more distorted laughter started to cut in and out on the radio.

"Thanks for the jump off, having to absorb radiation from space seems highly inefficient for my wings. Now I can unfurl and return the favor."

The Sun God stepped out of his mecha and stared into the sky.. his eyes looked like a glowing orange sun.

He sighed and had a self deprecating smile. "Being the faster being in the universe isn't always the greatest. My mouth is still faster than my brain."

His men were confused when the Sun God got out of his mecha. Before they could ask why they looked into the sky. However instead of fear, they rallied in cheers.

"The prophecy is true!! The scrolls in the pyramid were true. Our god is great!"

However there were a few who saw the falling sun in the sky and felt some regret.

"Didn't the prophecy state the realm would unite would the falling gray sun appeared? Whose to say this is a good thing? We are still united with our neihbors.

"Ha, you fool, did you sleep during weekend holy readings?! It is stated once we are graced by the might of the great gray sun, we will go into space and be united with the greater self."

They looked over to their Sun God to see how they should act. The further one was from him, the more pious and hopeful they were. However the ones close enough to see his eyes knew something was up.

Some thought the tears were because he was happy. Him being the most pious among them, or at least openly, they thought this was what it was and looked up and started to tear up.

Though the ones who were even more close enough to hear him saw the snot coming from his face. They were scared, but cowardly thoughts made them think it was because he was human too. God's cry too right?

His closest confidants knew they were screwed. They were with him in his most early clone forms. He hated religion and even more for those who let it control their lives.

When they found the pyramid together, he wanted to burn the documents, but the smarter ones among them came up with the plan of unifying through religion.

These people were close enough to hear their leader over the humming of the falling sun. He was sniveling and praying to a god he didn't believe in. They took off their hats and looked up at the blindly sky, welcoming their death.

Back on the wasp nest the Angel clones were stunned. "What is he doing?! Is he trying to take out the other 4 before they charge up enough energy?"

Another one chimes in. "What is worse is that for the pyramid to produce that energy, shouldn't it be bigger than what we see? What is the underground of it like?"

The clones contacted the original and asked her to scan the underground. Using her control of fungus, Angel got back to them rather quickly.

"Huh, it seems Haseo didn't need for us to be down here to blow up the realm. That pyramid is basically a powderkeg. It is just an outlet for the realm to let out excess energy. If he hits it dead on, boom, this place is done."

The clones looked at Haseo's target. He was positioned perfectly at the top, so the outcome will be obvious.

The sounds being sent to the Sun God were no longer coherent but it didn't matter as they were seconds from impact.

Right before his death, the Sun God saw Haseo in his burning mech. His smile would haunt him forever in the future, even if they were to become friends, he could never unsee that face.

After the destruction of the Lower Animal Realm, the 5 Pilots popped out of their pods. All but Angel seemed fine from the nuclear explosion. Angel was acting the same way Haseo did when he died to the laser blast. When he smirked to the clones, they felt a chill in their fungal spines.