Titles and Names can be changed as long as the Tutorial isn’t over yet

"Well, I admit I messed up and lost my cool. But we still achieved the target outcome. I can see why you guys volunteered for exploding the infantry planet."

The Energy Hermit shook his head. "I don't see you being able to blow up more places like you did this time. Detonating the energy of a plane requires more luck than it does knowledge and skill."

The Succbus raised her hand to interupt and pointed to a screen showing the outside. A giant serpent appeared in the space and slithered around the area the Lower Animal Realm Plane was.

It moved around as if searching for something. When it looked in the direction of the Wasp Nest, it stopped and suddenly struck at them.

"Dumb snake! Sure the fact it could sense us so fast is impressive but it doesn't matter if it kept hit us." Angel spoke with confidence, but this only caused Haseo to wish she would shut her mouth.

The snake rapidly coiled around the Wasp Nest and bite it's tail. Suddenly, awhite glow appeared and blinded all of them and knocking them out.

When Haseo awoke, he was chained to a jail cell wall. As far as he could tell, he was alone. He lazily called out for help but there was no response.

His system screen lit up and displayed information of the choosable targrts of the Upper Animal Realm.

Connecting the dots, Haseo guessed the snake was what the Upper Animal Realm lived on. Being able to capture the Wasp Nest, which is illusionary, is a remarkable feat.

After waiting for around 5 minutes, foot steps echoed out from the hallway outside of the cell. When Haseo saw this person, he recognized them as one of the targets he could choose.

"I am Warden Moon, I am surprised you people could take out our favorite sports channel realm. However, have fun trying to try that in here, these cells are covered in anti magic and will stop you from pulling in any energy."

When Warden Moon saw Haseo smirk, she angrily smacked the cell door with a baton. "Prisoner, do you really think you should be trying to piss me off?" Shaking his head, Haseo tried to shift the conversation. "Oh no, I was just glad I got a goth warden. I am sure many people have this fantasy one time or another. I didn't expect to be living someone else's dream."

Rightfully angered, Warden Moon spat on Haseo. His smirk got even bigger and he as said, "You have to be doing this on purpose. I guess the Upper Animal Realm are fetish across, who would of guessed."

Pointing her baton, an old illegal bear trap appeared and snapped deeply into Haseo's leg, drawing blood and breaking bone.

Wanting the last laugh, Warden Moon walked away after saying there was more pain to come for him.

After waiting for her to be gone, Haseo let out a sigh. "It is harder to drive people away on purpose than I thought. She should of been disgusted and left early. But I am glad she didn't realize a massive issue with the cell."

Like the 5 Pilots, the Upper Animal Realm members were teamed up together. However it was by chance rather than being assigned to work together.

When Warden Moon got back with the other 4 Wardens, she notice them making odd expressions. An older gentleman notice her entering and started to speak with her.

"Warden Moon did you notice anything wrong with your prisoner?" She thought back and she was just reminded how annoying he was when he spoke.

"What, are the others a bunch of losers who have trouble talking like normal people?" Weirdly enough, this was true. But they still felt there was more to this.

The older gentleman started to sweat heavily and leaned onto the wall. "Maybe it wasn't the prisoners but the cells? For some reason I feel my energy rapidly depleting. My anti magic should be draining energy from them and supplying to me. But the cells were dimmer than normal, was yours also dim?"

Warden Moon's face went as pale as a sheet when she heard this. The idiot in the cell talked so much, she didn't pay attention to the fact the cell was not only dimmer but wasn't glowing at all.

"Dammit, we were tricked! That bastard is probably tampering with the cell, we need to hurry!"

The snake they were all in was more machine than beast. It was like a long spaceship rather than a planet or realm. This allowed for certain problems to occur, one being the lose of power and being trapped in a room.

It felt as if a quick earthquake occurred as the snake space ship lost all power and became adrift in space.

A few chuckles rang out as there was now 10 people in the room rather than just 5. "Haseo, you almost gave away our plan. While my Energy Hermit power you have is not your own, the other 3 have learned to control it better than you."

"Sorry about that. It might because I am a simple metal elementalist, your fire based element is hard for little ol me to control."

Hearing their banter, the Warden's wanted to fight back. But for some reason they couldn't move. Angel walked around them and smiled.

"You all made the biggest mistake you could. Just because you can capture your animal, it doesn't mean you should. I mean for real what were you thinking?"

Let alone capturing all five of them and their base, just bringing one into an enclosed space was horrible.

When Angel awoke, she released spores through the ventilation shafts and spawn hundreds of clones to manual take over the snake space ship.

The Fairy decided since there was only 5 Wardens on board, it was better to release general sickness dust instead of releasing dust to turn ones into zombies.

The Energy Hermit focused on draining the anti magic energy and than used a bit of his own to light up to space to make it seem like the cells were struggling to drain them.

The Succubus released an illusionary mist to make all the wardens fall asleep when they got into the same room after checking on all of them.

While Haseo was the only one to not really do anything helpful. Rather he had to work hard for himself since his system was weirdly making him struggle more to not give away he wasn't trapped.

"Time to carry my weight I guess." Haseo swiped his hand and they were no longer one the snake space ship but on the Wasp Nest again. Tossing a toy snake on the ground and stomping it, he clapped his hands and smiled at the other Pilots.

"Well look at that, the Upper Animals were weaker than the lower ones. Though they were also lower in quality as well. It is funny how they are above them in the hierarchy."

The Energy Hermit raised his hand. "I volunteer as the one in charge of the Animal Realm. Before you make your changes for it, it is better for me to just do it all myself. That is alright with you right, Haseo?"

Haseo just blinked at him and motioned for him to continue.

"Alright then. Well, I guess we can start with my name. I feel like the word Devil is a name that fits me well enough."

"Haseo made a good point in the lackluster capabilities of the Upper Animal Realm. So we shall just combine both lower and upper."

"Hmm, a new name for them to make it easily to call them. Honestly, Pilot would fit them better than us but our leader already used that name."

A few of them chuckled but no one spoke up. "So we will go with Ace and Support. Ace's get to enjoy their mecha and use the power of Support as well. The reason they seemed so weak is because the snake is supposed to be used to connect to a mech and power up."

Looking over at Haseo, the Devil smirked. "Unless you think we should be called Ace's and these guys be the Pilots?"

"I didn't expect we would run into other people who Pilot bigger machines than us. Luckily things will only be finalized once the 5 of us each control a realm. So meh, whatever."

Controlling 2 of the 5 realms meant they were almost half way done with the start of their assigned mission.

Though they now needed to move onto a place that held beings of the Human Realm. Which is considered the easiest realm for them to conquer.

While those in the Human Realm were numerous and had the best synergy and worked well together, their strength was rather lacking.

Because to be human, wasn't meant to be better or stronger than others. But it was rather being able to form a working group of beings who were civilized and could work to the bigger picture.