Hitting save causes all involved to love, not hitting it only causes hate

Unlike the Hell and Animal Realms, the Human, the Asura, and the Deva realms had their Lower and Upper halves together.

While this made it quicker to collect them, it made it harder to achieve. The Wasp Nest parked near a busy space hub. Scanning the many parking garages, which were the size for spaceships and not cars, they discovered the main use of the space hub.

Far from from, these Human Realm beings became a working collective. Though they kept their distinctive personalities and looks, they worked together efficiently almost like bees or ants would.

Haseo was getting ready to enter the pod to go down, but was stopped by the Fairy. "Sorry, the nuclear explosion tactic isn't very useful here. So we are just going with my tactic. The mech should be attached with my zombie crop duster spray."

Haseo was having a bit of fun going down and being in a mech. But that wasn't the point in all of this. So instead of fighting face to face, Angel's clones went out and sprayed the space hub. This allowed some leisure time.

However they all felt the need to continue with the mission, so instead of calming down they sat in awkward silence.

After a bit of time Fairy stood up. "Haseo, all of us besides Devil, just picked simple things. So I am Fairy. Anyways, I am taking this and they are called Scientist and Religious."

Haseo just hummed to confirm he heard her. He was focused on his system screen. "So the two given to me are magic candle girl and ghost puncher dude."

While this collection was easier, it didn't feel right. But the upcoming Asura should be action packed and full of hard work.

Haseo was flying around in space looking more emotionless than normal. Giant corpses of monsters and animals were filling the emptiness of space.

"Toy collecting is one of the few skills I wished that was shared with you guys. But why did it not? Did someone just want scenes of me adrift corpses of freaky beasts?"

But all he could do is complain. The others were focused on dragging corpses back. After spending a good bit of time, Haseo noticed a pattern.

All the corpses seemed to belong to 10 different groups. While it was mostly focused on color of the corpses and the feel of the flesh.

"Focusing on who we claim doesn't really matter in the end. All 50 spots belong to 1 single group. So knowing only 10 rather than 50 isn't really helpful. Eh, I have plenty of time to learn about them once we start our purpose. Though we won't really learn what our purpose is until we submit our application."

Succubus sounded over the radio. "The one time you can be alone with your thoughts and you tune in the group chat to monologue? Anyways, these giant beasts will be good for me to lay claim of. I can travel through their times and deploy baby versions to fight like tamed beasts."

Haseo looked at his mic icon that said it was not receiving voice. "I focused the mech to be more efficient for hauling corpses. It seems all my screens and indicators are where the system skimped out on."

Pressing the button it showed the mic to be on. Doing a few tests, his voice was picked up and it sounded back to him. No one outside the mech could hear him.

"After collecting these guys, I will now be able to 4 pairs of wings. Just one pair made me pretty strong, so what will spamming that do. Will I even be able to pull it off or what."

An Angel clone sprouted out of some mold that was inside the cockpit. "Hello! I am here to debrief you on the last collection."

After speaking only a few words, the clone left Haseo alone in the cockpit. Though the fact another could pop up instantly was always a thing.

1000 bodies of giant beings were brought to the wasp nest. Haseo's system notified him of his 2 newest members. A hungry chicken and a girl with cursed jewelry. The two new namings were Giant and Kaiju.

"Alright guys, one finally collection and then we can start all of this for real! My name is staying Haseo, but I am getting rid of my last name. We are all just the Gray Clan from now on."

"I guess we won't be really talking much after this so the names I came up for the Deva are General and Governor."

Taking a deep breath, Haseo flew up to a giant floating wall that blocked a giant space colony. No matter what direction you approached it, you would end up meeting a wall before meeting the colony.

It was an odd phenomenon that stopped one from being able to hit a colony directly. But the plan didn't have them trying to avoid the wall. Since 5 of the targets were on said wall.

"Alright wall and colony. All in one go just push forward and summon my wings. Okay, now!"

Haseo knew the changes to his mental stability would be more affected by summoning 4 pairs of wings than it did with 1.

After pulling out his wings, the Wasp Nest was turned to dust and filled the wings out. He only remembered running into 3 things.

The wall was clean all the way through. Or rather everything turned to dust before Haseo could notice. The next thing he hit was the colony wall. About halfway through, as if knowing his path, a woman was standing in the path with her arms wide open.

Smashing through her felt more solid than the wall did as he lost consciousness shortly afterwards.


[50 members detected. Group is classified as PLATOON]

[Met Requirment:Personal Mission Hub awarded, "Tired of waiting in line for a mission or a job?! well look no fur- *GLITCH* no further than PMB CORPORATION…]

A group of 49 were sitting in a theater room. When the welcoming message started to glitch, everyone started yelling and left.

Most went back to their rooms or hung out with others. Only one person went out of their way to go find the one person who didn't go to the theater.

While walking to the armory, the person stared at the walls. "Man the closer I get to where Haseo is stuck, the worse the walls get. I know he was selected as the centerpiece, but why is he getting so screwed over."

The woman ignored the few radioactive warning signs and finally reached Haseo.

"Yep, you are still stuck in here. If it weren't for the fact most of us get lost trying to get here, I am sure they would all try dragging you out of here."

The Haseo she found looked more like a puppet than before. Before it wasn't noticeable he was not a being of flesh, but it was even more obvious now.

"I already told you, only those who are qualified can find me. Are you ready to hand over your blade now?

The woman pulled out a tuna knife and passed it over to Haseo, who was isolated to a seemingly small room.

Haseo's puppet like head turned 180 and was looking at the board behind him. Next his body was lifted and turned to fit his head. Walking forward, he tossed the tuna knife into a trash can.

Before the woman could yell, the trash can started to make grinding noises and turned the tuna knife to dust.

[Alert Alert Alert!!! Come done to Haseo's Toy Store to redeem your free bag of 100 plastic toy butcher miniatures.]

3 figures across the garbage like hub started to distort and vanish. These 3 were Haseo, the Flood Queen, and the woman who gave Haseo the tuna knife, Bellatrix.

[First Submission STR Class: Chef]

Hell Realm Lower: Butcher.

Hell Realm Upper: Chef.

Animal Realm Lower: Classfied

Animal Realm Upper: Classified

Human Realm Lower: Classified

Human Realm Upper: Classified

Asura Realm Lower: Classified

Asura Realm Upper: Classified

Deva Realm Lower: Classified

Deva Realm Upper: Classified

Realization struck Haseo when he noticed the lack of name changes. They were just listed as lower and upper and the names he inputted weren't there. He never hit save for the names after making his Platoon, which was the last time to change them.

It seemed when he was unconscious, he was asked about saving the final change. It must of times out and picked a generic naming convention.

While even he could admit to forgetting the names, he made such a big deal about it. He was mad, but could do nothing. Maybe next time he should try saving before passing out.

Flood Queen was looking around confused. That was until she saw Bellatrix. "Hey it's you! What the hell are you doing here?! Get back to your country, you freak!"

Bellatrix suddenly pulled out a tuna knife and stepped towards the Flood Queen.