Horseman of War and Vibration Element: A Chef At Battle!!!

Awnsering Bellatrix's threat with her own, the Flood Queen pulled out a butchers knife that had the length of a sword.

Before they could clash, Haseo stepped in between them with two of his own tuna knives and knocked them back from each other.

His tuna knives turned into dust and was absorbed back into his body. "You two need to pay attention to your surroundings. Like for example, we are in a room with a few hundred people."

The two women looked at Haseo and were confused. Who is this guy with a paper lunch bag for a head? Though he sounds familiar and the dust power narrows it down even more.

The Flood Queen pointed and yelled at him. "Wait, aren't you the guy in the mech that blasted me to death! I have been wanting to find you to beat your face in, how dare you tell me to calm down!"

Bellatrix laughed. "You picked the dumbest of the Lower Hell Realm to be part of your permanent team. Instead of trying to fit in at the hub, she just kept looking for her outdated mech armor."

Before they could squabble more, a bell was heard causing all noises to be dampened. "It seems all 300 students are here. I am the administrator for your learning of the Butcher Infantry Style."

"At your station you will find ingridents. Using your system, you will find tips and tricks to make the work more efficient. You will also be able to keep track of your numbers, that is all."

297 people rushed to fill the prep station and began cutting up various ingredients. The 3 remaining people however went back to talking.

They formally learned each other, though the Flood Queen refused to say her name. Bellatrix inquired about Haseo's choice in headwear which he nodded and pulled up his system menu.

"You should both check your system. I know you both are use to your mech armor but sorry, they are gone. What we are wearing is what replaced it."

Everyone present was in varying chef or cook type uniforms. While it all looked like normal clothes, it was more apt to say it was special armor.

"We are wearing chef cosplay, which allows a bit of protection from blades. At least enough to where we won't chop off our own fingers."

Bellatrix spun around her tuna knife and made some swings. "Hmm, interesting enough I feel stronger. Not only am I not restricted in my movements by that clunky armor, I don't have to worry about ceilings being to low now."

The Flood Queen was giving them the silent treatment because she was the only one upset about the replacement of the mech armor.

Haseo walked up to his prep station and started chopping the ingridents to a fine powder and decided to give the Flood Queen some hope for the future.

"While the butcher or chef outfit we are wearing is pretty thin and doesn't offer much combat use. It is simple because there is no need. If it is a class that requires fighting or defense, the cosplay will be more like the mech armor. But it will still be compact to an everyday wear outfit."

Bellatrix and the Flood Queen started to also cut ingridents. Because they were butchers, there was some animal carcasses prepared for them to cut.

"Hey Haseo, you don't seem to be following the prep directions. Are you some weirdo that thinks people will eat powder and not want to eat solid foods?"

The Flood Queen noticed that Haseo was the only one doing it in his weird way. Both herself and Bellatrix were doing it in the same fashion as the other 297.

"Ah, that is because they will be used differently. You need chunks of ingredients to put together a meal while I just need dust to enter a printing machine. So you two are making real food and I am using science for mine."

The two women stopped and looked at him again. Though he was using twin tuna knives, they acted differently than Bellatrix's did.

First of all, his were glowing gray and looked old. In fact, his outfit looked as if someone sewed a bunch of old gray chef uniforms together.

"Wait a minute, your tuna knives aren't cutting! They are turning the ingredients to dust on impact."

Haseo turned his head and smirked at the Flood Queen. "Yep, these bad boys are particle blades. That is another reason I have it super easy right now. If I was required to serve food like you two, I would be stuck here forever. The number of needed prepped ingredients is already high enough as it is."

"Huh, now that you mention it, what is the least amount we need. That's weird, hey Haseo, my system menu is only stating the requirements to be in the top 3 and nothing else. Why is that?"

While the Flood Queen didn't understand the need for top 3, Bellatrix did. "It is simple. The 297 that are here with us aren't really meant to leave this place. They are the residents for this realm, never being able to leave unless someone brings them out."

"While the 3 of us were teleported here or rather isekaied here to achieve greatest for god!"

Haseo stopped moving as his paper bag head turned to look at Bellatrix. "Are you both stupid? You know your system screen allows you to scroll up to see past notifications it pushed. When we got here and you both were fighting, a whole novels worth of information was dumped to all of us."

Bellatrix and the Flood Queen spoke in unison. "Oh, I don't like reading. Could you summarize for me?"

Going back to turning his ingridents to dust, Haseo decides what information to keep and what to throw out.

"Well some back story to this place would be nice for you both to understand. We are all fungal beings that were spawned in here. Though the 3 of us took over bodies."

"If you include us with the others, you will notice there are 100 males, 100 short females, and 100 tall females."

"Bellatrix is short and the Flood Queen is tall, while I am a guy. The reason for all of this is because those are our backups."

"They will stay here forever until one of us dies later. The body we possess at that time will be turned into produce while we take over a body here and return to around the same place we died."

"I could go into more detail about what we will need to do after finishing our ingredients, but I will explain as we go."

"What is more important is explaining why we are here in the first place doing this at all. Back at our space hub, everyone was spawned in with an important item."

"This item is something that none of us will want to willingly part with." Bellatrix snapped her fingers. "Is that why the space hub is so crappy? Giving us bad living conditions to force us into doing deals with you to make our lives better? How could you do this to us?"

Bellatrix was of course messing with him, but the Flood Queen might believe she was being serious.

"No, per my systems logs, that space hub was not only the best deal but a perfect fit for our platoon."

"Sure it may not look the best and is super questionable about how it works. But once all 50 of us give up our special items to me, the doors will open and we can leave."

"Anyways, the special items that could start this off was either Bellatrix or the Holy Emperor. Both being from the Hell Lowers Realms."

The Flood Queen's eye twitched. "What is so special about them? I am also from the same realm. Is my special item not good enough to start us off?"

Haseo pointed the tuna knife in the sky and the 2 women looked at him with confusion. "When throwing yourself into the fray, would you rather have a gun or knife. Personally I would of liked the gun, but Bellatrix found me first and I tricked her to handing over her item."

"Granted I will get the gun in time and the order doesn't really matter, I wanted to be a guy who brought a gun to a knife fight."

Going back to destroying the ingredients, he hummed a bit and sighed. "But there isn't any fighting yet. Moreover, I thought because Bellatrix had the power of the Horseman of War, this place would be full of fighting."

"Maybe this is a safe area and outside of this we will get destroyed. Hehe, we do have 100 lives so who knows?"

Soon there was no talking and only the sounds of ingredients being cut. However a bit of time later, the Flood Queen coughed and whispered. "Did he just say this chick is a Horseman of War? "