Titles are called and voices are heard.

Time passed and the people present got more comfortable. While just back ups for the 3, they still had their own personalities. They wanted to be helpful and challenged the 3 to duels of cutting ingridents.Winner gets some of the losers ingridents.

Haseo chuckled when he was challenged. "So that is were the horseman of war comes in. Sorry little ones, I am in a different league than y'all. If we fought on your terms I lose. If on my terms, I win. So only come to me if you want to lose."

As backups, they were generally happy to help. Since he was so open about it, people lined up to instantly forfeit. Haseo gained many prepared ingridents.

Though it go to the point Haseo had to yell them to bother the other two. Not because he felt bad or anything. It was because he being swamped with work.

When you have to be turning ingredients to dust, being handed a nicely cut apple in bunny shape was worse than a full apple.

With the help of all of the backups, days worth of cutting ingredients were handed to the 3 to meet the requirements.

Haseo was constantly in the lead before the help as he just had to touch the blade to the ingrident and it was mostly solved.

"Congratulations. You have all passed the test and can now call yourselves true Butchers. Now you two may leave, Haseo still has one more thing he needs to do."

The Flood Queen marched off laughing to the ascension to the test for the Upper Hell Realm. Bellatrix looked confused while she was leaving. Before she got too far from Haseo, she turned around and looked at the woman who was in charge of this area.

"Excuse me, but don't you mean I should be the one staying?" The woman looked at Bellatrix with a glare before having a creepy smile.

"Ah, you must be the future core. Thank you for your service Miss and sacrifice to be the center of power. You will be like a God of Cooking, or rather just Chef God is better? Hm, the Enlightened Warrior Chef? Yes, whatever you are you can leave."

The woman waved Bellatrix away and Haseo just shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry about this, as the owner of our space hub, I am like the main character to these NPC's. Though to make it up to you and reward you for being the first to donate your special item, you can name the space hub."

Haseo and the woman walked into a corner in the wall and disappeared. Bellatrix shuffled her feet over to the Flood Queen and was moping.

Before they left the room, she looked over at the corner one last time before saying, "Toy Box."

Through the corner and down seemingly endless hallways, they arrived at an open room.

"Agent Haseo time to do your job. Your role as the Toymaker of Deva, the Hidden One. These 10,000 Deva are isolated here waiting for your punishment."

Haseo blinked and looked around the space. "Where are the Deva? All I see are lumps of clothed flesh. Maybe they are weird bean bags? Though it is more like a disgusting water bed meant for 10."

Some of the lumps started to whimper and the closest started shaking and through a lot of effort turned to face him.

"How dare you insult us you bastard! Do you know who we are?! I alone have 10 million of you disgusting Hungry Ghost Flies."

"Hmm, did this thing dare say I insulted it? You see, my system is pretty useful when in this room. For some reason it left some post it notes on your system menus."

Haseo kicked the Deva and watched his fat jiggle. "With a quick glance, the majority of you share the same crimes. Though one in particular is probably why you are in front of me."

Turning over to the woman, Haseo pointed at her and made a thumbs down. "And you. Because you listed me as some fake title, this bastard thought he could talk in my presence without emptying his bowels."

"Fake title? You dare lie about you-." Haseo was suddenly in front of her and lopped off her head with a tuna knife.

"You see fatty, Hungry Ghost is a broad term. I don't think you understand how many little things fall underneath it. Hell, people think Deva are good and Asura are bad. But look at you, you ate thousands of residents of the Hell Realms and you only got punished because you moved onto humans."

Stabbing the corpse of the woman and turning them to dust, Haseo sighed. "Then there is this woman. She was the Asura who captured you and wanted you punished. However she brought forth a great purge that brought many Deva down. Doing this she thought she would've rewarded and become a Deva."

"But she met someone who fell under the same Hungry Ghost type as me. They were also the one who lead the purge and collected you Deva. So when she was approached by them, she held out her hand for her reward. But she was asked a simple question."

"Why did you only step in when they moved onto humans? She laughed and said she wasn't a clairvoyant. When they brought up the hell beings to her, she scoffed."

"Who cares about a bunch of losers? They were born with the leftover traits that us higher realm beings didn't want. It is the same as shuffling through crap. If some bougie fatso wanted to dine on crap, who was she to stop them."

"Wait what?! But doesn't that make you a B-."

"That is when she was put in charge of the group of you. For the day you were to be eaten by someone and give power to them."

Walking up to a table, Haseo found a filleting knife and picked it up. Walking up to the Deva, he made a long cut and allowed blood to slowly sludge out.

"Boogeyman, reaper, Santa, these names all just the same type of being. The only difference is the individual. I am sure you Deva aren't all bastards, though 90% probably are. It is the same with my species. Hmm, that sounds more physical than spiritual. Anyways, I am here as a Butcher and that is all."

As if their vocal cords were cut, the lumps of flesh only struggled and didn't let out any sounds.

"Your skin and flesh is pretty tough. I guess you are this big because the level of being you are couldn't become more dense without you keeling over."

Haseo kept looking over at the system menu of the lump in front of him. The system was over written and only displayed the best way to prepare the ingredient into ingredients.

Each carcass took an hour to get through. Though the more he worked, the quicker he got through the bodies. He couldn't tell how much time has passed once he finished off the last one.

Looking at the still wriggling flesh in front of him, Haseo was glad he was a puppet and didn't have anything currently in him that allowed one to vomit.

"I see you didn't like your present. She was a good warrior, though she never cooked before I assumed with you it would only be microwave food you would be making."

Haseo was the only human shaped being in the room, though he was use to this voice and pulled up his system menu.

"When you turned her into a warden of the fat Deva, you stripped her of all her power. She was just a figurehead in this space. What was the point of keeping her around when she has such a nasty attitude. She should just be happy I am allowing her to move into dimension 9999."

"Just one spot away from the no redemption server? Though I don't think you understand that even a ticket there is still in high priority. Once you go public, I bet people will fight over the negative ones. Even with your ridiculous price hike."

"It isn't my fault for the price increase. All prices are fair and out of my control. Blame the inflation or rather shrinkflation. Shrinking a dimension allows the empty space to be filled up more."

"And unlike the fat pigs you just carved up, everything is based on scale. Heh, who knew imagination could be used to make any item dense but not heavy."

Haseo was basically in a room talking to himself. Not only was the system talking only to him, but in a sense the system and him were one. This is only open to discussion simply because other people,or at least the majority, didn't have talking systems. Even when multiple people were used and stored in them, they weren't much talkers. After all, who stores themselves in a little computer screen for thousands of millions of years and eons? It sure isn't people who enjoy talking or the company of others.