Blunt Force Cooking is the best way to cook.

Moving onto the next trial, Haseo had a mech that could transform a food truck. He was required to serve 10,000 meals before he could continue.

However with a touch menu for orders and his system letting him create any type of meal, he went through customer orders quickly.

A lot of the ingrident dust was used up for these meals. After all of the meals, just like last time, he was required to do a special trial before he could move on.

"These test are rather simple or lazy. All I need to do is be the one to press the button to turn my.. special ingridents into meals. Though no mention of eating them quite yet and only the meat was used to make meals."

It seemed being a chef, at least for Haseo, it was just pressing a button and letting the food truck mech process it along with the system.

He thought being a chef would be more chef like, but it was over and he figured maybe cooking could come later. But the voice from the system randomly interjected with a joke or rather a taunt.

"When have you ever seen a doll eat? At most we get tea time or stand in front of a toy stove. Just be happy the food that comes out is edible, even if it was mostly plastic."

Making a meal with some leftover dust, Haseo noticed the amount of ingredients used and the size of the meal were not equal. There was about a 100 times difference, possible due to his system turning the food into an item.

Item Element was based on the versatility of plastic. On paper, the items created using Item Element were vastly better. Though this was only for people considered to be min/max oriented.

A steak made using this would have a hint of steak flavor, though this does change once quality and familiarity increases. The texture was simply strange, as it couldn't be change with familiarity. When biting into the steak, your body will respond and send signals that the food is weird. But it is also addictive, making one just barely overcome their instincts to bite into it again.

When he moved onto Lower Animal Realm, he received a food delivery mecha. It would be considered an ultra light mecha, barebones mecha was also fitting.

"Pizza-Boy Mecha Mover: The top in class mecha built solely for food delivery in safe zones only. With ultra quick speed and light frame work, these are the best disposable mecha money can buy."

Haseo was on his way to make deliveries and was reading the manual that was included inside the cockpit.

"I wonder if the food truck mech transformation had something like this? Eh, then again I guess it was just a food truck when transformed. This is still a mecha through and through, even if it is only for delivering food."

"Note: This is the modified edition by GrayMarket Inc. and if scan by certain countries, entry may be forbidden and legal entrance is banned."

Haseo rubbed his eyes and reread the note. Doing this he found a p.s. that pointed for him to read the exact changes with manual 2. "I guess I should avoid all scanning. How can manual 2 be twice the size if it only contains changes? I would rather ask forgiveness for tresspassing than permission. I am sure every place will insta ban me."

Haseo was happy to find out that he wouldn't be making single person deliveries with his a mecha, as this was overkill. Instead he found himself delievering to a whole company or business.

"So the pizza boy is who you invite to those company pizza parties. Hmm, nothing off planet yet. I should be able to get this bad boy into space though."

His extra mission was the same as before, delivering food orders. The only strange thing was after each delivery he needed to put the mecha into refit and get into a differently painted mecha.

Seeing the places he made those deliveries were into more shady places, like a graveyard party with people in robes carrying shovels. Or at a bank heist where the robbers were happy for the food and the police gave him knowing smiles.

Haseo was glad he didn't try eating any of these orders. Though to try and sample the food, he would need to exit out of his mecha. So no incidents happen to him.

After these delieverys he got his original Pizza Boy Mecha that had a few upgrades. "Ah the combining thing I heard about before. So there is a slot for a usb to jam into and turn like a key, doing this summons the attachment. Okay, this allows all mecha to fly. So that is why delivers didn't go into space, it was so others didn't feel left out."

"Winged Jaws of Life: This back attachement allows for increased vibration into melee weapons. This increase allows the mecha to hit above its weight class. Original design to make rescue in ship wrecks, new upgrades causes rescue work into dust collecting."

"So Pizza Boy becomes Icarus? I mean sure the attachment turns my arms into chainsaw wings, but no upgrades for the mecha frame. If I used it hazardous, my mecha would probably break into pieces."

Looking at his system menu for help, he made changes to the mecha. "Alright that was easy, I made it have a scroll for power uses. So let's go with 1%."

Starting up the wings, each individually feather started to vibrate. The Pizza Boy started to shake and made Haseo feel slightly noxious.

"Alright I would hate to see what would happen to someone who is made of flesh. Uh, thinking about that made my plastic stomach feel bad."

Stopping his little test of the wings, he made a guess he could not use these wings on vibration mode to save normal people from their cockpits.

Luckily the job he needed to do was cutting up salvage of mecha in space. While having nothing to do with cooking, he guessed some aspects of a Horseman of War would be solely for combat even if it was forced into becoming a Chef class.

The after job he received as the owner of the Toy Box Hub, a name he learned through the system menu no longer bugging him to name the hub, was the same as the job he just worked.

It was only different as the mecha needed to be salvaged were working and had people in them. The work was mundane as the wings set to 1% turned all of the pilots to a paste with any solid contact made between the mecha.

Though it wasn't like he was unkillable. He died a few time simply because the wings broke his mecha frame from extended use and was taken done by the flood of mecha.

"Lower Human Realm is finally cooking. Though I don't understand what is going on." In front of Haseo was a raw steak. Because it was an item, it was plastic and wasn't bloody. His system menu was telling him to smack the steak to cook.

Haseo didn't know if system menus could play pranks on their owner. They were one in the same so it would be having fun at your own expense. When he was alive he was self loathing, so he didn't know if that awoken some weird setting in his system.

Giving up, he smacked the steak and it was cooked to rare. One more it was medium and the next was well done. He liked his steaks well done and he knew whether a steak that was cooked well done was cooked correctly or not.

"Hmm, despite only being 3 slaps it is cooked as if a professional chef slow cooked it to perfection. Man this would take an hour or two back in the Thought Realm I am from. I wonder if one more slap would be considered still good?"

A little bit of char on a steak was great. Though the well done steak in front of him had a little, he wanted more. Giving a soft pat to the steak, the system informed him the steak was charred beyond food.

Sighing, he tossed it and got to work on making the steaks for his requirement. He was having a bit too much fun smacking the steak and burnt almost half of the steaks. Noticing the waste of food and time he started to focus. He only needed 10,000 rare, meduim, and well done steaks. He started on the rare first before getting the other two done in order.

"Seeing I am giving these steaks blunt force trauma with my smacks to cook them, I am assuming my duties of punishing the wicked is going to be similarly."

And he was correct. He went into a room with a club and a bunch of Deva who were tied up on chairs. One smack with the club and they were cooked rare, so on and so on.