Haseo’s Special Item…

Killing, cooking, and finally eating. That was all that was really left for Haseo to do. Everything was just on a bigger scale than the prior realm. Both Asura realms were just fighting big animals and monsters. While the Deva realms were just walking to the store and picking up ingredients.

The only real change was what came after. It was finally time to ascend his skill or rather the skill he got from Bellatrix. But on his way to the last door, the system let out a blood curling scream.

"What is your deal? You almost gave me a heart attack! ..system? Hello?" Hearing the door in front of him open, he decided against opening his system menu and walked towards the door.

"I guess since there isn't a lot of people ascending, they don't oil these doors. Or making I am overthinking about this. I wouldn't even be focusing on this if the system didn't scream."

Getting to the door, he hesitated for a bit. However that didn't matter as a kick from behind forced him inside.

"The bastard almost didn't get close enough. If he was just a bit further out we wouldn't be able to do anything."

Looking behind him, Haseo saw a group of unknown people standing outside the door. Before he could summon out his wings they closed the door and he was surrounded by total darkness.

"Welcome to the end, Haseo. Thanks for getting this far, but maybe you should of tried harder on focusing on yourself more than helping others."

Lights turned on as Haseo found himself in a padded room. The only area that wasn't padded was the viewing window, where the 49 others of the Toy Box were standing.

Well that wasn't entirely right, as a new person suddenly appeared. What was strange was the fact it was someone who was eerily similar to Haseo.

The only difference was they were covered in scars and seemed like flesh rather than a plastic doll. "I am a bit confused, what is going on here? Guys, did you betray me for this look a like?"

The person laughed and tapped on the glass. "There was no betrayal here. Just someone who isn't wanted and shouldn't be here. You see, on the Toy Box, all 50 people are free to move around."

"This was a problem because anyone could steal their special item and trade it for first entrance to their special universe. So each of us got rooms that we could lock and unlock."

Haseo walked up to the glass and placed his hand on it. "You say that but I was trapped in that room and couldn't get out. It wasn't from lack of finding the exit or key. Granted I never done an escape room, but there wasn't even a door knob on the inside, same with this room."

"Well it should be obvious, isn't it? You are my special item. Some fool selected to be my public face and collect up some crimes. If you pull up your system, you would better understand what I am saying."

Haseo stared blankly at the window and frown. He pulled up his other hand and started making motions. Sweat started covering his body as he started yelling out 'System start!' Or 'System on!'. It finally got to the point he just started yelling profanities.

The man on the other side placed his hand where Haseo had his. "You sweating reminded me, I only took your system from you. Let me take your Elements as well."

Suddenly 12 wings sprouted out of Haseo and rotted away instantly, than the man grew 12 and removed his hand.

Haseo's body started changing, instead of being a doll like apparance, he become a doll that didn't look human.

"Good, now everyone here can tell us apart! The only thing left is to use my special item." The man snapped his fingers and Haseo exploded into pieces and died.

[Congrats to ???'s Platoon! All Special Items have been used. With the past forgotten, may you adventure on to greener pastures.]

[Welcome to Server 0!!! As the center dimension, all residents get a 10,000 boost! May you always prosper and help your Universe to grow.]

[Opening servers 1-10,000…. Congrats! You may know recruit others to fill your server spaces…. Max occupancy reached!! A record joining!!!]

[Opening servers -1 and Below… Error Error 3Rr0R … Hostile Force DETECTED!!!]

"It is alright, that is a prisoner that can't be unleashed into the wild. Please sever all connections to and from that server."


[Are You Sure? Doing So Will Not End Well For You?]

"Ah, one of the other voices that shared the head space with me in that loser Haseo. I wanted to extract you when I took the others, but you were the only one out of reach."

[Because I Am A Being Outside Of The System's Control]

"Sure you are, how could I be so blind. Honestly I thought you were something to be afraid of. But now that I have full control, I can see you were hiding in the trash bin of the trash bin. I mean at that point you should of been deleted."

[Many Have Tried And All Have Failed. You Seem 'great' SO TRY IT LOOSER B*TCH!!!]

The man smiled as he used his system menu to select the file named 'do not delete, important'.

"I don't know why you are taunting me, it doesn't even list you as having data. But I am not so stupid to delete you. At least not in my servers."

"System, move this file to Server -1 and delete it at the same time you cut off the connection." The man chuckled. "Let's see what little plan you have. Maybe you are a file meant to blow up the server, a last ditch effort to end the money pot that this server is."

The man has been planning this for a long time. He was someone who added himself to the system fusion after its initial creation. He wasn't the first or last to attach themselves to Haseo's system.

The reason being it was a cash cow. While only being the size of a platoon, all that matter was Haseo's system and not whatever group he developed to help build himself up.

Being able to create items was something all could do. But having the Spirutal Element of Utility and the Physical Element of Item was different.

The reason was mass production of systems. While all beings had a system that could make them equals in theory, in practice was something impossible.

Say you could get stronger by eating flames. Once you get to a big enough size, you could eat stars and it was all uphill. But what if you were born or sent to a water planet.

Sure you might find some flames but what was the point? A torch light couldn't burn a tsunami away.

But with Haseo's system, a breathing apparatus could be made that takes in water and turns it into oxygen and hydrogen. Breathing this in with some fire will help one become a flaming king on the water planet.

And all it cost was negligible, if you ignored Haseo's life, all it cost was some plastic.

[Cutting off connections to dimension -1… Error Error Er… complete ;( have a g00d d- -y…]

{Special Condition Met. Congratulations Mr. O, you really did it. You got rid of Haseo without even thinking of what would happen.}

"Uh, that is new? The system sound comes from the mind, but this felt like it came from my body. So who are you? Some other person who snuck in and wanted to be exiled to the negative servers? Too late, so I can only find and delete you."

{Don't waste your time. In truth I am only speaking to you because I am so happy. I couldn't bring myself to place that poor child there. But it was what he wanted and what you wanted.}

"What do you me-." Suddenly the man's hand went around his neck and broke it. His body dropped to the floor and started flopping around.

{Do not interupt me fool. I was telling you the answer, so stop acting with haste. You wanted the positive number servers because of the boost. But he always wanted to go to the negative servers because of its boost.}

{You wanted the times boost, while a great starting boom, it isn't looking at the bigger picture.}

{Haseo wanted the power boost, while a normal start without anything boosting him, ever dimsension he goes down makes him that much better.}

{You can be happy with having those people side with you against him, as the true original of the body. But if he ever chooses to leave and hunt you all down, you will not win.}

{Oh and before I leave I will tell you. Cutting off the direct connections doesn't matter. For he is one who ignores dimension. The boogeyman may be the most scariest to those who it hunts, but the boogeyman should know that he is hunted as well.}