So I am just useless???

In a place with no land or water there is no planets or debris for one to live on. So if you were to be in such a place, you would be adrift in space.

But what if there was no space? What would the feeling be called if you were adrift in nothingness. Some people who have no imagination would say you wouldn't feel anything. They would try to hide behind science and blurt out things that they believe will help their arguments, but it doesn't.

Some religions state that a great being clapped their hands or let out a fart and everything was slowly created and destroyed over and over again.

While this would explain things, if you were to ask where did those gods come from, they fall apart. This isn't to say their religion doesn't state this or anything. It is just to most, religion could be considered a fad.

They are viewed better if they pretend to follow a higher power and they get influence over those that wish to believe. But they inside don't believe, but if their religion is to be true they would have a horrible outcome to once they die.

So where do the gods come from? Well, probably a place where they are just normal people. Then this implies they have their own gods, since it is universally believed we are made in our creators image. So if you truly believed in a higher power, then your higher power must believe in a higher power.

The hard truth is, this means it keeps going on and on. It would have to stop at some point, right? That would be the nothingness, the only thing that can exist when nothing exist. Hence the name we use for it. So, can someone imagine nothingness?

The thing is, anyone and everyone can imagine what nothingness is. But comprehension is what most people fail at, sure they claim to know but that isn't comprehension.

So what is comprehending nothingness? Well there is one word you can think of that can help you comprehend and that word is infinite. In the infinite nothingness there is no end. But some could argue that there must be space or you can't measure it, meaning it can't be infinite as it is zero.

But isn't the infinity sign just 2 zeroes? There is also the fact that nothingness would apply to all dimensions, so the infinite nothingness is more than infinity as it is infinity to all.

But for one to claim nothingness is out there, they would have to see it. Simply because to see is to believe and to believe is to see. So, Haseo open your eyes.

[50 Special Items Detected In Trash Bin]

[Warning… Detecting Contamination In Special Item:Doll Of Endless Hunger And Terror… Warn-]

[ERROR ERROR ERROR Detecting Observer In Trash Bin]

[Uncomplete User Detected… Solution:Fuse Special Items]

[Congratulations Haseo For Forming ,Foolish Wanderer Unit. Warning: Your System Is Corrupted. Solution: Apply Reboot From Shadow Copy]

[ERROR ERROR ERROR. Shadow Copy Detected To Be Incomplete. Apply Anyways?]

[No Reply In 1 Year Deteced. Applying Shadow Copy.. Opening Zip Files.]

[Estimated Download Time is 12 Years]

"Hello? Where am I? What is this white space?" An empty white zone was all that could be seen. If there was a voice, who could hear it, let alone who could speak it.

Suddenly a changed occur in that white space, a floating menu appeared. On it was 'Apply For Citizenship, Click Now.' Though it was pointless for this to appear here.

So what if someone could click it to get a citizenship, to where would it apply. Would one get a citizenship to this empty white space? That wouldn't make any since cause that person would have to enter said white space to even click it.

However despite this, the choice on the screen lit up as if someone did click it and the system menu went away.

Than the white space turned to a dark nothingness, as if there was no one to observe the space anymore and the owner turned out the light.

"So instead of a white space, I am in a rusty closed off room. Hm, better yet why does my head feel so off? My brain is so clear, only dreams use to make me feel this way."

A grayed out slim astronaut suit was standing in an old rusted room. A screen on the wall lit up and welcomed him. The astronaut suit started rubbing his arm and not moving from the spot.

"If this is the dream, that means all of the stuff that happened before was real? I am dead and then after that I was betrayed. Though is it betray when their faces on the other side of that glass weren't even looking at me like I was a person. Am I just a doll, where those memories of being alive false? Would walking up to that screen give me a flashback to their faces."

Knowing just standing there would get him nowhere, Haseo approached the screen. He has had dreams before where he would need to suffer before moving on, this was probably one of those dreams.

[Welcome to your Citizenship test! This is your first stop to the greater unknowns! As your home world is probably no longer a thing, becoming a Citizen is the only way to leave this place not in a body bag.]

"Huh, this is odd. Normally when I get threatened in a dream I go all psycho and start killing. I feel super calm right now, so what is this? Maybe I am double dead and this is where you go? Nah that can't be right, I should be a Upper Hell Realm being, dying isn't something that should worry me. Unless I am no longer.."

[Opening door to the first test room. Note if 'Haseo' was to die, they would appear back in this room. Note: This room is designated as 'Haseo's' respawn room for Citizenship test. All future dimension clears will also be in this room.]

As Haseo was wearing an astronaut suit, no reaction from reading the screen could be seen. He sorta just stood there for a bit then suddenly turned to the door leading to the first test room.

[Welcome new Citizenship tester! First off hold your left arm in front of you and swipe your finger upward on the screen on your watch.]

Holding his arm in front of him, Haseo saw the so called watch. It was part of the suit and was a rectangular screen. Pressing down caused a square to light up on contact. Swiping it upward caused it to display a system screen in front of him.

[Please check and get use to your starting load out gear. Note: As these are meant for being a Citizen, the gear you have is meant as a last resort. If needing this gear to protect yourself, death is most likely outcome.]

"Okay then, there are a few tabs on this bad boy but they are grayed out and covered. On the other hand, the Equipment tab I am already on has 50 slots with only 5 not grayed out."

Sidearm(L): Utility Knife Handle: While not in use, this weapon looks like any ordinary box cutter. Though sliding up the button allows equipped weapon to spring out and engage in combat. Note: no extra weapons including. Meaning: This is just a stress grip to hold if attacked.

Sidearm(R): Handgun Handle: While not in use, this looks like a gun handle safely secured in your holster. When in use, you may select certain guns and use the variety on the battlefield. Note: No guns included. Meaning: If you see someone with a gun that shoots bullets, ignore them. They are different from you and if you don't understand what this means, try shooting them.

Armor: Basic Foundation Model: This armor allows one to live and function in space. Note: No extra functions or armor is offered in the base model. Meaning: A bullet or loose screw going into your armor is just as deadly if in space. While breathable air is supplied through recycling of breath, food and water are not. Please check if area has an atmosphere before taking off helmet to eat or drink.

Aura: Sink Peasant Aura: Starting aura, allows one to leak aura into weapons. Note: This is the most basic aura and one should not activate to show off. Meaning: Even someone's pet hamster can cause you to drown in fear if you act wrong.

Primary Weapon: Lightning Rod Squire: This weapon allows one to easily summon a primary weapon to fight. Note: If you do not own other Primary Weapons, do not use. Meaning: You can always call down a lighting bolt with your rod. But it is only rated for what you can handle, anything pass limit will flow into user causing death by smiting.