Mecha Fighting Is Much Safer When It Is Just A Game!!!

Driving around in the MechCar, Haseo noticed the wandering zombies were walking like normal people and on the sidewalk. "So now they get out of the road. Like in early life with training wheels, I guess here I shall have them as well."

Though in the undead MechCar factions, it seemed they were not entirely allies. Just a higher chance for them to be nice and offer one time items. These one time items can range from a race for cash or even a new MechCar.

"I finally arrived at destination. Oh, I have to pull a card now I guess."

[Tier 2 Citizenship test passed. You can now drive your MechCar in either form if space allows.]

[Tier 3 Citizenship test. Mecha National Guard Piloting course!!!]

The space started to warp and Haseo ended up in an arcade. Many people were climbing into pods and others watching on the attached screen.

"It is nice to meet you. My name is Matt, I noticed you haven't acquired a Tier 1 companion. Would it be fine if I joined you?"

[Tier 1 Companion Matt: Everyone needs a 1 in their deck of cards, why not open the doors to Matt. Gender M(50%) F(50%). This Companion comes in a vast variety of people who could be considered a doormat, one who is walked over. All Avatar skins downloaded.]

"I was getting worried for a bit, it has been years since I saw someone without a Tier 1 spot. Most people are too prideful, but I welcome this new name!"

Haseo placed his hand over Matt's face and sighed. "So if I am getting this right? You are, one companion? So what does this all Avatar Skin mean?"

Matt had a light bulb appear above his head, startling Haseo. "Right, I am probably your first companion! So while I am your Matt, you have others Matt's that could be in my place. Think of it as a hive mind of people with their own personalities but they share the same name."

"I am just as surprised as you with unlocking all of them. Maybe it is a good thing I am the one teaching you this. You can hire anyone in any spot if you tell them you have all skin unlock."

"So what does this have to do with Mecha?" Haseo was glad he made a friend. Maybe this was a chance to try and act normal. But he wanted to get ahead to the Mecha. As it still stands, he was defenseless and couldn't fight. His new friend being a Matt, he probably was just as bad as off.

"Well, we don't actually get to ride in a Mecha, this is just training to make sure we meet our Citizen quota. If you suck, you are stuck here till a war breaks out with open spots. Then you get tossed into a crappy situation. If you are good, you can keep going and getting stronger."

"Well you have to get the basic load out for yourself. But you just have to get in the pod and it will help you select the right things. You will be shaping your MechCar for it to become a full fledge mech. Well, have fun. I will be out here watching you."

Climbing into the pod, Haseo followed the right steps to get in position and start up the pod.

[Loading… Drug Fusion Found… Nano Machine Compact Storage. This drug allows full storage from full Mecha to base armor. Note:Higher Tiers allows for Higher Tech storage.]

In the pod, Haseo found himself in the cockpit of his MechCar. Suddenly needles stabbed and locked his arms in place. Liquid Metal started to flow through Haseo's body and the MechCar.

Melting together and growing, it became a Pure Meduim Mecha or rather the most scientific Jack of all trades Mecha.

"Alright that was weird but easy, I guess my arms stay in place for now. Can't move them at all, I hope it is just a tutorial lock or something."

Motioning with his hands, he started making hand signs and gestures. "So throwable weapons go here. But for now I just get the wristbands that can store them."

Haseo walked up to a shooting range and found balls. It seemed these were training rounds he could borrow to test out the throwable function.

Haseo spent some time here to earn some points. He couldn't take any throwables with him, but the points should help out in the long term. Maybe he could score perfect points and move on right away. Probably should of asked how many points are needed.

"Crawling section, I guess this is good training but how safe is it." Getting the Mecha into position, he started to go through the course.

"The loud scraping noise is making it hard to remember this is a training pod. I need to focus and get through the mud and wires."

Outside of the pod, a few people were watching Haseo's progress. Matt was sitting with them and was sitting in his hands.

"So you finally found someone? I was starting to give up hope and was regretting my past actions. But if this really is a newbie, we can all pretend we are goodie two shoes. Once he finds out otherwise, we'll be bounded for enternity! Haha!"

Matt looked up at the laughing person. "But isn't it weird? I know some of the others noticed but we had all spots filled for companion cards. But none of us could add each other. So what is his card and why can we connect with him? Who will be the one left out of all of us."

The person stopped laughing and leaned in closer to Matt. "I know you are just a Tier 1 and I shouldn't expect much. But did you forget to read the rules or something? Everyone needs a Full Suite, but certain modifiers increases or decreases who you need. We had all the cards but the Wild Card."

"Are you serious? A Wild Card is something I have seen in the rules but I thought it was like not possible. Isn't that something that can't be here?"

The person stood up and left. They stopped and looked at Matt for a bit before whispering. "We have all been abandoned here, but none of us are trash. I wonder what has been going on in the outside."

[Core and Mach speed course.] Haseo was suddenly simulated on a burning sun, in a runaway Mecha. He needed to stay conscious long enough to do a full lap around the sun.

This was a more grind till you win, each try making one last just a bit more in the next and so on.

"I am guessing this is one way you could do something as a Citizen. Run away very fast. I guess this is good training for scouts but not frontline soldiers."

After finishing a full lap around the sun, Haseo was finally able to get out of the pod. Matt waved at him and pointed at the table.

"Oh, thanks for the lunch. I didn't realize how hungry I was getting." They had small talk for a bit and finally finished their meal.

"You finished the lap pretty fast, I remember back when I was trying for this. Damn near took forever. But back on track, the next part is virtual."

Matt handed over a cassette tape. "Now when you summon your MechCar, you can put it into VR Pod mod and dive into virtual realms. The playlist on the cassette tape is what determines the time allowed online. Once the music is done, so are you. You would need to find more music if you wish to dive back in."

"So what I am getting at is Mecha only exist for online combat? They don't exist outside?"

Matt blinked and started counting on his fingers. "Umm, what was it? Ah yeah, well yes and no. You see, think of Mecha as cyber intelligence ace's. They fight on the digital front and are armies in themselves. If you can beat others, you can enter the real realm and strike at the targets physical properties."

"That sounds less like a game and more like a alien cyber terrorism. I mean, like what places are you appearing in a Mecha? Places with internet? That sounds terrifying!!"

Matt shrugged his shoulders. "That is a perk of getting Citizenship. You can't be claimed by other countries if defeated. Most people never claim their Citizenships because they feel it is too easy and takes away challenges and a waste of a perk. But when you know that after your house explodes by Mecha attack, the next morning everything will be back to normal."

Haseo didn't know if he zoned out, but something felt off about the way Matt was talking.

"Yeah, I am just going to jump into this. So it is just a hacking simulation. Alright, oh I can choose first person mode or controller view mode."