All Good Trio’s Come in Three’s!!!

Haseo and Matt were at a bar drinking. Haseo felt this was a better path then when he was just rushing through. If he has to go a third time through this, it could only mean he was in hell and being punished with amazing afterlifes he could of had if he was just a better person.

Matt suddenly stood up and waved someone over. "Hey I forgot to mention, I have a good friend I want you to meet. But don't make it weird, I think I have a pretty good chance at g-."

Before Matt could say something really weird, the friend came over and smacked him into biting his tongue. "Please excuse my brother for being a siscon, all of his hive minds collectively hit their heads as babies. It is more rare to find ones that haven't hit their heads."

Matt pouted for a bit. "My to- my to-, my totally awesome sister here is named Ace. We call each other siblings because she is a total brocon and needs someone to feel that title. We are hiveminds, we can't have siblings."

Haseo chose not to speak. As a single being, in more ways than one, he didn't understand what kind of culture could come from a hivemind collective.

This weird joke between the two could be them teasing him to think hiveminds are weird. Or it could be real and he was walking on a minefield of social cues he might mess up.

Ace and Matt were just staring at Haseo waiting for him to speak. However only a blank face stares at the two. Ace cleared her throat and started speaking again.

"We come from the union of two giant hiveminds and we were split off from their connection. I would think this be the same as single beings being birthed from the same mother and father."

Haseo gave a thumbs up and then more silence…. Ace's face started to turn red from the awkwardness. "Wow hey, anyways you should draw a card from your wrist thing. It would be pretty cool for you to do that."

"That is the least suspicious thing I ever heard come out of someone's mouth. Anyways I can't, I should only be able to pull a card when I complete a citizenship test."

Ace and Matt nodded. Matt leaned closer and poked the card deck that Haseo had. "But, isn't it weird that it is out. Normally it only shows up when you can draw a card, see me and my sister can also draw a card right now."

Ace placed her hand on her card deck. "Wow would you look at that. My brother is telling the truth for once. Hey, for this special instance of us meeting, we should all three draw our cards at the same time! It would be so totally cool."

Now it was Haseo's turn to receive awkward silence. Since he wouldn't talk, the other two just had their hands on the deck to draw a card. He just shrugged and drew a card. In sync, all three drew and placed the card in front of them.

[Synergy detected…. Tri-Fusion Citizenship…]

[Tier 1 Citizen, ArcShip Civilization Armor. All entities in Test Server are made up of Arc Ship Atoms. Each Atom contains 10,000 smaller beings that are in charge of the body functioning.]

[5 Elemental Trash Lords Synergy found.. Telaporting now.]

"Oh, what now? Hey Ace and Matt, where in the hell are you two? Also what is up with my body."

An armored Haseo was adrift in space. Staring at his arms, he felt as if he could see and feel millions of beings in his arms. Though it was obviously way more, it just sounded better then stating the official number.

"Oh you guys are there." With a little focus, Haseo could see all beings and infrastructure that made up his body. Inside where his brain should be,was a sectioned off space with only two open residents. The weird brother and sister pair.

"Hey big man, sorry about this. We needed a single body host to make this work. There are no downsides to this." Ace was trying to sound she was sorry, but on closer inspection, she had her hands full with ice cream and champagne.

Matt, who was plugging in a game station to a tv laughed. "Yeah, we get the responsibility of running your body and getting rewarded many times over with all the new bodies for our hiveminds. Then you get a perfect body, and as long as you are always taking in resources, mass production of recycled resources."

Haseo checked to see what information his system screen had on him. "So if I felt like resting I could put my consciousness into one of the beings in my body. But I can also use pieces of myself to invade others?"

Ace tossed an empty ice cream carton and opened another one. "Yeah you can. But you should also meet up with the other 4 trashy lords or whatever. Even though we are 3 in 1, we only make up 1 number. Also we are still not combat focused."

Matt loaded up a game and laid down on a bean bag chair. "At best we can only collect the air and ground your body physically interacts with. But we don't have that yet till we get the others. So stop talking to us and enjoy those other 4. Who knows how far off we will be from talking to each other again."

The view into his brain was privated and he couldn't see them anymore. He decided to just look around him to understand what was going on. The giant flaming star in front of him… was something he should of seen.

It started to fall apart and a woman with rainbow colored wings appeared beside Haseo.

"Congratulation's on becoming one full entity, oh the youngest of you three is incharge? Most beings allow the oldest or the brightest being to be in charge, it seems there was always a third choice."

"Uhh, thanks I guess or screw you maybe? Wow that came out wrong." The woman just laughed and smacked Haseo on the back. The friction between their bodies caused some of the ArkShip residents to freak out and get ready for combat.

"It's fine, I like a little fire. But as a Tier 1 Citizen, you are just stuck here in space. Maybe you can struggle to get some scraps, but worry not. Us trash lords combine makes a Tier 5 Citizen, which means we can conquer 5 dimensions at a time."

"So that Tier 5 Citizen, is singular? How does that work?" The woman handed over a gun. "Well our identity will be 5, so all five of us can be one. It is just a title, don't think too much about it. If you want a 5-man team, we could do that."

"Just putting a gun in a strangers hand I see. So what do I need to do with this? Shot you or myself. I don't see much use for this gun otherwise."

[Tier 2 Citizen Pact activated. Salvage Mecha Gun. Projectile's shot out of gun will produce an invading Mecha to target.]

"Easy enough, but you need to supply your own Mecha. Even if the gun gives you a boost, your basic Mecha are kinda trash. So try to find better ones before you get any ideals."

The woman pulled his arm and they started moving through the endless space. However as time passed, little stars appeared and exploded constantly.

"I bet it is getting toasty for your little guys. I will take drop you off with Fish Girl. Oh and my name is Bird."

Haseo felt Déjà vu at the simple names and looked at his system menu. "Another rush job, I really am in the trash bin. Incomplete jobs sewn together and called trash and thrown away again and again."

Bird coughed the word emo out and dropped him off at the Fish Girl, then she flew into a far away star.

"Sorry about Birdbrain, she was a giant phoenix who hunted ships in space. Now that she is forced to be a humanoid, she has gotten scatterbrained."

"Anyways here is a harpoon, a living rod, and heaven home. The others got tired of waiting. They just tossed these here and said later. It seems it was decided we are going separate ways to cover more ground."

[Tier 5 Citizenship confirmed…]

Multiple warnings appeared and then the system rebooted.

[A New Citizen Has Been Born!!! All Welcome Haseo!!!]

[Starting Up Test Server!!! Final Loadout Confirmed. Trash Man: An ArkShip being who is a jack of all trades, but under qualified for everything and can't hold a job. Can only eat resources and sucks at combat.]

"So, I am the Trashman now. I finally get a superhero name and it is Trashman. Calling myself Janitor Boy would be more creative, but Trashman it is."