A gift from above

"I don't know what is going on, why am I here? Last I checked, I wasn't a dog person. I was sitting with Fish Girl and suddenly I heard birdbrain say catch." In a office were 3 people, a man and a woman in suits and a woman in a school uniform.

"Yep, those are the lines I remember hearing him mutter in his sleep. A lot of the other pups have been laughing at the absurd stories he speaks of. I am sure a few of them have been transcribed into text among the pups."

The woman in the school uniform left and the two suited dog people nodded at each other. "As we suspected, the reason he is a rare breed of Coyote is because his blood reins from the frontlines. Who knew we would be the first group to greet the new resident?"

The woman started shouting and kicking the wall. After we tired herself out, she slumped to the ground.

"This isn't fair! I was already low on the totem, now there is going to male pups who speed past me! Maybe I should neuter them before they can think big."

The woman was already holding rusted blade and matching towards the kennels where the new pups stayed. They would exist here until they reach adulthood, not by age but by passing a test. Once they have proved themselves, their bodies change to show their status.

All males born into the kennels were placed on the bottom and had to work more than their female counterparts. The reason for this was the females born into the kennels were 100% guaranteed to be pack masters. They would be able to claim their pack and the work needed would still be 1 person. Allowing pack masters to do multiple days worth of work in one day.

Only 10% of the males can unlock pack master later in life while the other 90% develop random pack member.

The kennel that was mention wasn't some small cage that provided hardly enough space, but rather caged underground shelters. The only problem was the 'dirt' that surrounded their kennels.

While they are all dog people, they are more canine then they are human. So the dirt was excrement old and new, blended together to make a fertilizer type dirt.

The fact every atom was an ArcShip, applied to all atoms equally. So if one were to collect a hand full of dirt, that would become a whole fleet of dirt canines who would spend all life digging up dirt. But their, lack for a better term, ArcAtoms do not produce living products but rather empty space that could help expand items and territories.

"I can't get over this smell, is the reward even worth it." A coyote demihuman was wiping his hands off on some grass after digging a burrow. Though in seconds it filled all the way back up.

"Hey Haseo I am back with some kibble!" A woman who looked like a priestess, with a bloody eye wrap, ran up to the coyote demihuman and placed the bag down.

"Okay thanks for the dog food I guess. No, wait…" Haseo started munching on the kibble that was brought to him.

"Hmm, I honestly thought you brought dog food but this taste like corn chips. They are puffy but also a nice crunch." Haseo took a handful and started crunching away.

Seeing him eat more and more, she smiled. "Yeah, though it is the cheapest brand and flavor, each little chip is one Dollar." Haseo started chewing slower and slower. Checking out the bag, he didn't see the count.

"I ate so many I lost count, it should be fair to round it up to $1. Please Mary, you know I am broke and can't even afford rent. I always have to sneak into your kennel to lay around and enjoy the free bed and shower."

Mary smiled and rubbed his shoulder. "You take a shower because of the fertilizer you tunneled through to get here. You also get a bed so you don't dare lay down on mine."

She took a handful of chips and started eating. "I never said I was charging you for this, no need to freak out and act responsible. Also it is the duty of the pack master to take care of the strays that sneak into the kennel."

Howling noises and scratching started to ring out all around the kennel. Haseo paused his eating and looked at Mary. "I thought the point of a personal kennel was to not hear horn dogs. But it seems the pup watchers just let boys roam around."

Mary smirked and laid her back on him. "Says the stray who built a little love tunnel every night to sleep in my bed."

"Oh, who? It can't be little me, my bed is a small futon tossed on the ground. While Master pack master enjoys her king size bed."

The scratching outside become louder and louder. Huffing noises came out and it cause Haseo to choke on his food. "Is this wolf drama happening? A simple coyote shouldn't be here. I am so small and they sound like there are a few outside. I don't want them to think they can hop on me when you beat them senseless."

On the gated side of the kennel, was a door that led to an outside path that didn't refill with fertilizer. A voice of a gruff man sounded from the door. "Mary Moon! I, Shiba Wolf have come to pay my respects. Me and my boys noticed the smell of a stray and wish to come in to handle it."

"Oh no, Miss Moon! They know a low blooded coyote like myself isn't enough for you. Sorry, I must prove them right. I am just a stray who dug in here and dirtied the misses carpet."

Haseo was trying to dig into the way, but his claws weren't good enough to dig through it. He blankly looked at Mary who chuckled. "Oh, did I forget to mention these wolves hate when prey get away. You can't sneak out of here like you were planning. They have almost broken through the door, think faster."

It seems they both were planning on ditching each other. Coyotes hated fighting bigger targets. Also the fact it was a pack of wolves, he was screwed.

Mary Moon was from the Blood Moon WereWolves. A breed above most dogs. So she had a daily hassle of suitors barking at her gate.

If people found out she had a pack, the members would be dog piled and ripped to pieces. At least if she pretended she didn't know him, he had a chance to escape.

The gate blasted open and 3 dog people walked inside.

"I am packmaster Leash, these two are Mutt and Wolf. It seems my pretty boy wolf wants to make a litter with you, come along then. Hmm, a coyote? It seems some feral snuck in, I part time at animal patrol. Let me chain him up."

Everything happened too fast, next thing Haseo noticed was being dragged by a chain on his foot.

"Moon help me!! Please ole great pack master! You are the guiding moon! Or whatever I have to say to have you save me."

Haseo wasn't even trying to fight back. Mary raised her hand and snapped her fingers. The kennel, which was well lit, suddenly dimmed and the lights turn into a blood red.

Space shifted and a giant fleshly red moon appeared in the sky. Mary's voice sounded from all around.

"Let the moon bleed into you. Let the rage consume you, become a were." The moon started to shrink while the 3 newcomers started to grovel on the ground and their hair growing rampant.

"Haseo, you should put them down. Their bodies should be failing right now. So there should be a minimal chance of them fighting back."

Equipping his MechCar, which was the dirt bike equivalent of a Mech. The cockpit puts the user in stomach facing downward and is a running coyote form.

Running up to them, Haseo used his MechCar to rip their necks out. Letting the MechCar go back to being an armor, Haseo kicked the corpses.

"Hey, would it be cool if I keep these three? If I fully conquer them, it should be enough for me to qualify for my own personal kennel! I wouldn't need to sleep around a bunch of strangers."

Mary was already back into a humanoid form and repairing her kennel with flesh magic. "I already got my worth out of them. With their necks snapped and brain damaged, the societies inside are falling apart. Though they will be filled with an almost endless wave of were creatures. So have fun were wolf hunting."

Dragging the corpses, Haseo went to one of the back corners of the kennel. "Hmm, I could invade with my MechCar army. Though dirt bikes vs werewolves doesn't really scream smart plan to me."