“Don’t know what to do next? Don’t worry! That is why I am here!!!”

A voice sounded from above that startled Haseo. Then out of nowhere , a vague memory reappeared in Haseo's mind. Some idiot bird brain yelled this at him before as well.

Right before he appeared as a dog person, he was on his way to a fish girl. But the corpse of a coyote knocked him to the ground and made him blackout.

Swiftly putting his arms above his head, he was completely unprepared when the side of his leg was meet with two shoes. Despite smashing the back of his head against the ground, sending dirt everywhere. Haseo was able to get up right away and draw his gun.

"Wow, these corpses failed the process too? Hey, I know you are the Metal guy, but as the Fire chick I am quite good at crafting. So I could get better use out of these than you can. At least until you get a solid step into the worlds of crafting."

Haseo aimed his gun at her head and wiped some dirt off himself. "Yeah, what does that have to do with me not shooting you for knocking me down twice?"

Bird looked him up and down and shook her head. "Don't worry, we can wait for you. I know your gun couldn't shoot, even if you had some ammo." Haseo felt offended by what he thought she meant.

"You are a Citizen and working on Dog? You know these are like certificates for what we qualify for in life, right? You aren't even a player character yet, just a human shaped pet."

Pulling the trigger and nothing happening, Haseo sighed and dropped his gun. Falling to his knees, he just sighed again and wrapped his arms around his legs.

Bird and Mary, who was still watching everything going on, looked at each other and back to Haseo. Mary walked up and started poking Haseo who was unresponsive.

"Hey Birdbrain, what did you do?" Mary's face was neutral but one of her arms was in the shape of a bleeding werewolf arm.

"Uh, nothing Mary. He just started this randomly, I mean I guess I said.. A joke! Yeah, nothing mean or something, right?"

Bird was freaking out, did she do something wrong? Or was Haseo just being pouty? Suddenly Bird notice something wrong. Haseo was pulling on Mary's pants leg and pointed at the 3 werewolves. Mary eyes started glowing red. "Are you bullying him for the scraps I gave him?! You are a grown ass woman!"

Searching through her pockets, Bird pulled out a gun and presented it to Haseo. "Right! I just remembered I was suppose to trade this to you! I am so forgetful some times."

Haseo, as if nothing was wrong, was spinning the new gun around and checked the stats of the gun. "Hydra Series: 3-Headed Coyote Mecha Launcher."

Mary transformed her body back to normal and crossed her arms and death glared Bird. "You think giving him a sterilized toy gun like that is enough? He can't earn resources with that and can only craft Mecha to launch out."

Bird was scratching the back of her head and looking at Haseo's crocodile tears on the verge of coming back out.

"Fine, I guess this outcome is still a good one. You can lead the operation on P:RMH, Project Red Moon Hunting. I already have a baker's dozen for myself, so giving him our best subject won't set us back."

Bird had Haseo and Mary get in her Mecha and she flew through the roof of Mary's Kennel. Then blasted off through the endless dirt.

"It is cool to find out you have a Mecha, but all those times I almost had cave ins while digging through the dirt is suddenly making my stomach hurt."

Haseo started doing breathing techniques in the back of the Mecha's cockpit, the inside having enough space to live in comfortably.

The edition of space is thanks to the backpack function that all Mecha have, Bird's current one being like a nest that had multiple small rooms.

Mary and Bird were in the piloting room. "Mary, are you sure it is safe for him to go with us? He is still weak and needs our protection."

"You are wrong Bird. We just have to cull all of the things stronger than him. I thought that was why you gave him the 3-Headed Hydra? It allows 3 to go in at a time."

Bird tilted her head back and forth. "I just wanted him to think 3 times fast, like almost me." Mary gave Bird a look. "He might get smarter but if he talks like you, he will also be called bird brained."

The rest of the ride was silent. Haseo took a long nap and woke up as soon as the Mecha was parked.

"Little puppie awake from his nap?" Bird pinched Haseo's face and started petting his head. Before he could complain, Mary covered his mouth.

"Sorry Haseo, this is a more private public area. We are only allowed to carry you in if you have a collar. Too many stray boys come in to this place, so we had to pass a law requiring all who enter needs a collar, proof of you owning or belonging to a kennel,"

Haseo couldn't move his body as the two were brushing his hair and cleaning his clothes. Bird was using fire and burned off Haseo's hair that she found out of place.

"Maybe we should of just brought the experiment to him. It would of allowed us to keep him to ourselves, now the other two will get involved."

Mary who was regrowing Haseo's, causing their work to be endless, sighed. "I just feel bad for him, he can't push pass being our pet if we keep him caged up to ourselves. I want him to become a strong man, so we need to keep him growing."

*Thud* *Thud*

"Is there a reason you are parked here without getting out? There might be unlimited parking, but the walk is still a pain. So parking here in the VIP sec- wait VIP?"

The sound of people running off was heard and Mary looked at the hatch. "It seems like she is here, their running stopped abruptly as the same as their hearts and breath."

A knocking pattern sounded from the hatch, which caused Bird to press a button. Two more woman came inside, there surprising still being enough space for everyone.

"Fish and Terra are our names."

"Rhyming things aren't our game."


Terra handed over a collar to Bird. "I did the rush job, it should follow the building path you have set for it. But what are you planning to use it for? Some freaky horror movie set."

Bird took the collar and shushed Terra. "This is a home that the 5 of us will share. I thought it be nice if there were many ways in and out of the kennel."

Terra now knew why one one was an exit only room. "Well anyways, Fish got him a job. So now he will be a wharf dog." Fish handed over a Manila folder. Inside were papers, all legal documents needed to work as a life raft operator.

Haseo looked at the 4 women grouping up and talking about him. "Uh, do I get to pick my own job? No? A pet doesn't have free choice."

At most one of them would stop talking and pet him, causing him to not speak.

Then they all went on a walk to the place where the subject for the plan was. Haseo looked at his surroundings and took in the culture.

"I am the only male I see that is not on a leash?" Haseo didn't mean for it to be a question, but he was worried.

"Well you are a good boy, so you won't run off and bite someone. Once you get to the leash stage, most owners won't take their pets out. So it is surprising to see so many out."

They got to a laboratory and went to one of the basement floors. When they walked inside, they found a werewolf with a blood moon core protruding out of their chest.

"That is odd, wasn't that smaller before? It is probably a good time to shoot it. They seem to be expanding themselves too thin." Bird and Mary grabbed onto Haseo.

"Okay, ignore these two. It is just the 3 of us going in. Aim and hit the werewolf anywhere. Though the closer to the center of the red moon core, the better."

As he pulled the trigger, the werewolf screamed out in horror, causing his gun to move before shooting.

As the bullet released, Haseo, Mary, and Bird's perspective changed. Instead of standing in front of the werewolf, with the two on his back, he was now in a rocket shooting over to the werewolves thigh.

It seemed the other two were still on his back as he heard Bird's Voice sounding over the comma network.