Endless Mission Timer

"Bullet trajectory off, BirdDog Captain taking over controls. New target, The Red Moon Core."

The bullet that launched through the air was a Mecha Platform. As Mecha only exist in the virtual world, Mecha Platforms were the go to for any youth surfing the web.

The current bullet they were in was the 3-floor platform, each floor holding a Mecha and the pilot.

Bird steered the platform, as it was powered by her energy. Thanks to her, they landed on target. Capital of RedMoon, the control point of the whole Werewolf ArcShip. If they were to break through the firewall, they can deal some real damage.

Every atom was an ArcShip into itself, though easy to say and hear, the true understanding of this is a weird perspective.

A speck of dust can have over trillions of atoms, so how thick was the layers and layers of red moon did the Mecha Platoform burst through.

Each atom destroyed was 10,000 lives. So who knew how many lives were stolen with just a pull of a trigger?

Once its reached the target, the Mecha opened up and became 3 heads sewn together and looking outward.

"Okay this is your leader, Bird Dog the Great. Yes, I did have that title and of course I might add more later. Any who's, listen up for the mission plan."

"Mary, you go down there and cause them all to mass mutate and start hunting each other." Mary saluted and yelled, "Roger!" Then she ran off and jumped into her section of the Mech Platform. The face opening up and dropped a blood covered Dog Mecha.

The falling Mary, howled all the way down, causing Haseo to focus on her drop. His vision could see each individual atom and the lives inside, this caused him to have a migraine.

[Auto Upgrading Enemies To Equal Playing Ground]

Haseo then saw the atoms start fusing into each other, massively reducing the the amount of enemies needed to beat.

Bird read all the data and nodded her head. "Okay no anomalies, with the two of us going out, the chances are slim so we are good to go as well. But some ground rules so you know what is going on."

It seems Mary and Bird have done something like this many times before. Haseo was the only newbie. "Everyone uses the virtual realm, but Mecha rein supreme. So when we go out, we are assimilated into data that becomes a Mecha."

She pulled up a diagram in front of Haseo. "So if you get damaged, because you are data, people can steal your hardware snd software. But this means you can steal from them and the rewards are worth it."

"Your individual Mecha is called the Hydra Pack Master. It is able to replicate full body copies and use them as backups and your pack. Your bullets summon the Mecha, but their bullets only deal damage for now. Once they Rank up, they could also summon more Mecha."

Bird got up and followed Haseo to his Mecha. She gave him a recap of the basic controls. "Alright just launch after me. By the time you reach the battlefield, you should be at a couple million bullets."

She left before Haseo could speak up. So he check his system menu and checked how much Mech Platforms he could shoot out. "I already have 1.3 million Mecha platforms to shoot out. Can I fuse these into a bigger bullet or something?"

[Bullet Fusion Not Unlocked Yet]

"Ah, so I guess I should try to save up some bullets for fusion later." After a bit more, Haseo got the go ahead and launched out in his Mecha.

Mecha had a range of a solar system. The giant balls of flames serve as internet relay points. Haseo could feel a pull towards a certain direction.

"The power source is in that direction. If I treat this as cyber warfare, if I can sneak in and steal the power bank, it is easy to plug and pull without getting shocked."

It should only be logical to attack something at the power source. But also logical that it should be protected. Which it was or rather used to be.

The corpses of mutated werewolves, the size of Mecha were covering the floors. There was other corpses but it was hard to tell from all the burn damage if they were mutated or not.

The smell of rotting charred corpses flooded the air, Haseo noticed from just the smell alone he gained a few thousand more Mecha Platforms.

"I guess I should start shooting. If it looks like a building, that is tech points. Don't think about how easy this is, it is totally fare fight."

Haseo was expecting his enemies to also be in Mecha, but despite all of the ArcShip Atoms that fused, they only grew in sturdiness. They didn't develop ways to defend themselves.

Every now and then, Haseo would see fleas. They were native werewolves that haven't gave up the fight. Though if they knew they were only kept alive to sharpen Haseo's fangs, they would of given up sooner.

Despite the Mecha being so big, the Hydra rounds that were shot out were pitifully small. Though still big enough to solve the human sized enemies. As they had the normal height of a human, the round fired was the same size of the werewolves.

The rounds didn't do enough damage to make 1 Mecha, but that is why he had so many. Even if he couldn't destroy 1 atom, the bullet waste alone would combine into a fully functional and fight capable Mecha.

"Bang bang, I summon the gunpowder storm! All shall believe in me!" It seemed Bird had enough time to chirp over the radio and cheer on Haseo.

But he felt embarrassed as some of the wolves started laughing at him, giving away their position and being turned to paste by endless gunfire. "At least I won't get snuck up on?"

Having no same sized enimies, it was a game of destruction. After getting enough copies, he started having them blast the land into near nothingness, turning all space he saw into a glass parking lot.

"I feel like this isn't fair." Hearing Haseo complained, Bird chirped over. "Don't think about it. We turned this guy into a werewolf because he was a bad person probably. So the little people he is made up of shouldn't receive sympathy for being weak."

"No I mean the mission timer. Each time I make a new copy, another minute is added. I guess it is the same for you two, since we have weeks of in game time."

Mary's voice came up, sounded as if she had her mouth full of food. "Yeah, but that is why the Hydra Series is banned in a lot of places. But that is why we have you, a pet to take all the blame. A pet who is also a citizen, the perfect guy to walk the line of legality."

Bird coughed. "Ignore her, her bloodlust is flowing heavily right now. If we fully take over this place and have time left over, the Mecha System you will get will be outstanding!"

Haseo flicked on the radio and sighed. "I still don't understand why you guys attached yourselves to me so easily, but I'll let the pet thing slide because I need some form of contact." The radio went silent as Haseo rushed toward letting it rain bullets.

Mary and Bird moved to a separate radio channel. "Hey, the pet we adopted seems it's one of those lower types. The one that can't keep friends or family."

"Well, living beings are complicated. Not all of us can be happy as you Bird, blasting things to ash in your Mecha. We should probably find other pet owners, allow Haseo to mingle."

The two sat in thought for a bit. "Mary, we should ask the other two's opinions on him. If they think it is best to socialize him, we need to make sure he doesn't get picked on."

After days of flying around in a Mecha, Haseo looked off into the distance, the place bis real body was.

"I have just been standing out there, but for how long? I know the time here is slower thanks to the Hydra glitch, but it was originally suppose to be 1 min of damage to determine my base attack. But it should be over soon."

In front of Haseo was thousands of werewolves surrounding a blood red door.

Bird was moving the Mecha Platform over and Mary was making sure to herd the werewolves around the gate. "Alright, recombine all Mecha. Estimated time: 5 minutes."

The 3 landed their Mecha in their positions and the face closed them in. Suddenly the 3 mouths opened up and started to intake the Mecha copies, causing it to grow in size.

After the 5 minutes, Bird had the Mech Fortress above the blood door. "Initiate drop and self destruction."