“Josh, where is my MechCar?”

There wasn't much for Haseo to do. He tried going back into the water but was stopped. "Sorry kid, the water isn't safe for you. If you had some sorta vehicle, that was water safe, I'd let you go out into the murky waves and have fun."

Haseo was breathing heavily looking around back and forth. "That is the problem, my MechCar was right here. Wait, the water wasn't this close earlier. Did it get pulled away or something."

After the man heard this he prayed. "Oh, sweet baby Josh in the sky! I am glad you are safe, sorry to say I know what happen to your MechCar. You see the thing is, it was eaten by a shark."

Haseo took a step back from the water. A shark that can eat a MechCar? Hope it doesn't grow legs any time soon. But these thoughts were only false hope.

"No need to freak out, the gators came by and cleared out the sharks. It is nice they clear out those sharks that cross over from elsewhere, but they will out of meat and need to go back to an all liquid diet. Then it gets worse than the sharks. But uh, sorry about your car kid."

A log in view suddenly sunk off the shore into the water. "Okay noted, I shouldn't have came here at all. So not only am I stuck here, I still don't have anything to do around here."

Haseo looked at his key fob, which was being unresponsive, and tried to summon another MechCar. Having no luck, Haseo felt this must be on purpose.

"I might of been sent out here to learn to survive being marooned on a island. No, something is wrong here. Less about my current situation and more about my past."

Suddenly the air around him turned into fog. No people or buildings could be seen. Haseo was standing in water, his feet finding just enough space to stand on.

He felt if he took a step into direction, it was over. The deep black water was calling him into the abyss. His mind wanted to go in while his body was keeping him still.

Suddenly a cloaked figure came, using a long bamboo to push off the ground in the water. Was the water shallow or the pole long? The fact this question was floating in his head meant only one thing, that was a long pole.

"Come." The voice of the cloaked figure was of a woman. She didn't wait for him to step aboard, as he was sitting behind her.

"Odd, I have always been in the back of this boat. But why do I remember she came here to pick me up?"

The woman let go of the pole and it slowly sank as if couldn't fall straight down. The small raft suddenly sped up, at times being fully out of the water.

After some time, they came across muddy water. Once they hit it, the small raft started doing doughnuts, using the mud to slow them down.

"We are at our last stop. Sorry if it has been confusing, lower life forms are still new to us. Um, the other girls probably don't want to bring it up to you, but I felt like I should speak."

She pulled out some fruit and shared it with Haseo, who was surprised that Fish was the cloaked woman. Also the fact she had fruit, though scurvy might be a universal concept.

"We don't want to send you out into the wild. We truely want to keep you as a house pet, so all of us could stay together forever. But our siblings said that a guard dog without teeth is pointless."

Haseo was buffering, visual and mentally, he didn't know what to say. Every time he tried to speak he would go back to a frame where he wasn't. This kept happening until he sighed and popped his neck.

After a few seconds of not talking, he looked back at her in confusion. "Hey Fish, why do I remember there being more of us? I think I remember seeing nine people looking at me in a pod."

Fish grabbed his arm and started dragging him away. "Sorry we don't have a lot of time, it seems the data package is at a critical stage. We need to see Terra before it hits 100%."

They found Terra in front of a bunker door. She waved at them as she opened it up. "You guys are here early. If I didn't know it was you guys when you hit the mud, we might not be talking until I could dig you guys up again."

When they got inside the first compartment past the bunker room, the door shut loudly snd air started to hiss out.

"That is just some good old air locking. We have a few more sections before we get to the right area. Do you have time to tell me why you guys didn't enter the collar kennel I gave Haseo?"

Fish pulled the collar off of Haseo and handed it to Terra. "He can just use the base model as the entry unit. Honestly I still don't like how we have to use poor Haseo as the connecting server. We could of just plugged into you, your thing fits the need better."

"Only subpar groups use water or earth as the core. With water, unsafe and open to all invasions, since it is just a orb of water. Earth has that trouble as well, a random chuck of matter that can be landed on or drilled into. Honestly the only positive is the extra space."

"Wood as the core is lame, having everyone fusing into forest group cluster that is susceptible to flame. Fire is just living on a star with good internet, but everyone and their mother can spot you since you are a GIANT BALL OF FIRE!"

"Metal is where it is at, all high tech fun! We get nice space structure to live in, using the Earth we collect in space with our Mechs and Ships, we can have as big as a structure as we can. Same with any Water we find."

"The internet might not be as good as straight up being internet beings. But you can collect said beings and use them to make the same level or higher internet. Also you can cover the visible Fire, making it harder to find you."

"The beings with Wood or any living core is just ready for harvesting. The fights between them can be summarized as putting sticks into a log chipper."

"Also it is common sense that Metal ascends the best when the resources are plenty. For some reason he is making everything into ArkShip Atoms, so he is the best choice."

Fish sighed. "The goose, egg, and the whole golden flock. He is the best pet anyone could have. I am surprise we got to him before anyone else."

The three of them reached another closed door. Terra pushed Haseo in and told him he just needed for the next door to open before going inside.

Having Haseo on the other side of a sound proof door, Terra looked over at Fish. "If any other person came by, they would of dropped a lot more money to buy him at a higher position."

Fish chuckled. "It took 9 of us, plus the resources that Haseo had on him, to just have enough for the cheapest option. Do you remember the name, no? It was, ArkShip Loyal Pup."

Terra sighed and looked at her system. "Right, we joked about it a lot, but it never says he is our pet. Sure, it says to baby him and make sure everything is good. But it also states that he is able to break the last limiter, which is the first thing that ever states something can do that."

Fish laughed. "Yeah and the second to one hundred times was the next few options for Haseo. We are just a bunch of kids who scraped enough together to buy something to kickstart the final story. Someone else could of came and bought a better choice, getting more benifits."

Terra saw the other door open, Haseo walked through and the final door shut. "The price was equal to what we had on us. It was also the only one that didn't have too many zeros. I think the option we got is open to anyone that walked up and met the requirements."

Fish made a bubbling noise with her mouth. "Are you stating the other options would of been cheaper for others? Like it would show up as the only thing they could buy?"

Terra notice the shaking of the surroundings started to get bad. "Yeah, it was probably a function to grant any one person or group a chance to greatness if they helped out Haseo. If some rich person came by and saw the prices, they would of got to pick the one that sounded the best."

Fish looked at the falling panels. "I wonder what option was number 100? It didn't even have a name, only a price that I don't think any one could afford."