Horseman of War, Apocalypse Satellite: Infinite Worm Scanner

Giant stone titans flattened the land of fertilizer soil beneath their feet. Thier sizes varied greatly, from one the size of a human all the way to 1km. Haseo suddenly spotted a titan that was acting differently from the others.

It was one of the 1km titans.

Scooping the ground, the titan didn't seem to care if it was gravel or gravel people it got into its mouth. This was vastly different from the others of the same size, who walked like they were mindless zombies.

It stopped chewing, but from the vast distance between them, this was information Haseo shouldn't be able to spot.

The place Haseo was observing these titans from was 10km in height. Taking a step back, Haseo notice the titan was licking the preview window.

"Ha, amazing, your arrival was blessed by a miracle. Being able to witness an ascension before your shift change, but who is to say you haven't already shifted?"

Haseo looked over at a teenager who was being followed by 3 cloaked and masked figures. "Do I have some type of part time job I didn't know about? Are you my boss telling me about the shift change in person? Or the part timer who can't be trusted with work so gets odd jobs to get him outside the shop?"

The teenager gave him a death glare. "The name is Rodent and I no longer care if you are fully awake or not. I am warning you now, I ain't pulling any punches."

The three standing behind him showed no emotion or any movement, but Haseo felt like they were laughing. This was just a dumb thought that flooded his head, since it was laughter directed at the teenager.

"They wouldn't be laughing at the little guy, they walked up together. No, what if they are just silent travelers who got stuck behind some snobby kid. Who speeds up to pass you but then slows down to make sure he is in front. These poor travelers to-."

"Stop giving them a backstory you broken excuse for an artificial intelligence! Just because you are broken space junk doesn't mean you can steal my sister."

Rodent suddenly went quiet and walked off. Haseo looked at the titan who was chewing the glass ceiling. "Why is it glowing? Man, if only someone was here to explain it to me. But this pulsing in my head really makes hearing others unbearable. Thousands of screaming voices, did I get drugged before coming in here?"

Haseo looked around and noticed cracks in the glass ceiling. "Man that smells disgusting, I need to get out." Haseo walked to the door he came through.

Pulling open the door, he was surprise to discover the door led him elsewhere. "Isn't that my citizen room thing? Wow it looks like a real bedroom this time."

[Rebirth Point:Give up all opportunities and hope you have earned for a reset to a new beginning and chance.]

[Value will be determined and User will receive x10 the value of recycled goods. Then User may roll for a new fate and restart the cycle forever.]

"That doesn't sound too bad, or too good. I am sure I could farm this forever. But will I ever get my current fate again."

"I couldn't state how long I have really been dead, but this was a new life for me. Do I throw all that away to get another new one? That sounds like an addictive way to live, constantly getting more and more fates just to gamble them away."

[Note: Value of User can never decrease in any form. If you earn 10 dollars and someone robs you of 10 dollars, you still have 10 dollars.]

"Hmm so I should be more neutral about this? Nothing ever devalues, but I currently have 9 friends. So this door is the answer to the question, 'What do you value more? Friends or Gold?' Well guess what!"

Haseo kicked the door shut, falling backwards into another door. The door swung open and he found himself falling into a pile of garbage.

A man in his late 20's was groaning in a pile of space garbage, unable to think or speak, he tried getting off the pile.

He was able to use his arms to pull himself, he had legs that were uninjured but he couldn't feel them.

With the ease of the way he was pulling himself, he knew his weight was way off from normal. It felt like he lost over half his body weight.

A better question for him to ponder on was why the ground felt wet but his clothes were dry. Was being dead a weird dream and he never really died and was just injured somehow.

He never left his house, but he was obvious not near his house. First of all he lived in a hilly area, the land here was mostly flat with piles of garbage scattered about.

There was way more trees around his house but he couldn't spot any at all, so he is in a dream because this isn't where he lived before?

"There she is, you thought you could get away from us?" The voice of a typical grunt character from an anime sounded from behind. It seemed like a group as he heard some chuckling idiots, who didn't know what to say.

I wonder if I'm not the only crawling corpse around here? I am a guy, not a girl. Or was it that, THAT, was the dream and I am really a girl?

A hand grabbed Haseo by the skull and lifted him up. "XO, you thought you could scam us like this? You signed yourself as our property! That means you can't just run away because you found the love of your life!"

Having his head being held so high up, he could see a city in the distance. This place was just an illegal dump site that got to big for people to care to clean up.

The man started sniffing him, making a disgusted face, he smashed Haseo into the ground.

"You have a man running your body, you sick freak! How dare you ruin this body?! Now no one will want you! I can't even get any resell value."

This guy was a freak, how can he say those words with a mouth. As someone who can't speak up, I am offended you having speaking permission.

The two chucking idiots behind this weird man were wearing weird clothes. He looked like a guy you would see being a creep in a gym, he was made of muscle and demanded woman love him.

But the two he had with him straight up looked like serial killers. They were armed to the teeth with guns and knives. In fact one of them was handing a gun over to the muscle man.

"Hey boss, now is the best time to try out this gun we found. This gun will force log her into the apocalypse server, earning the shooter some nice cash."

The man grabbed the gun and placed the tip of the gun in a Haseo's mouth. "What about the guy she has floating in her head? Will they both be trapped in there together? If so, then I am just sending them on a fun date?! I rather just shoot both of us!"

The two chuckling idiots cheery demeanor suddenly darkened. They looked at each other and looked back at the man.

"Use this gun instead than, this body will be ruined and the ArkShip Atoms will be useless, but they will have a non physical relationship." The man pulled out the gun and licked the spit from Haseo's mouth. The man had a creepy grin on his face as he sucked on the gun and reached for the new one and shot Haseo in the head.

The shot caused sparks to blast out of both sides of the head. Instead of it being Haseo, it was a woman whose bottom half had been crushed. Her arms covered in cuts and bruises. The body suddenly burst into flames, keeping all at bay.

The man tried reaching in to grab some of the floating ash but a hand grabbed the gun and pulled the trigger turning the man into a puppet.

"I do not want that man in our organization. So that means we need to dump both of the guns. For the musclehead, it is a basic hacking gun, toss his ass into woods. Let him struggle to find technology."

The both of them looked at the second gun. "Should we be touching this? I wanted to save it for a high tiered person that bullied me last week. I wanted to trap them until I was stronger."

Neither of the two reached out to the simple gray gun. "Do you think the information on the tablet was true? All the reports on the other items were proven 100% accurate."

The two looked at each other again, looking back and forth they found a blanket and covered the gun.