What is love? Birdy don’t shoot me <3

"Last day of the party, I guess I can just go out for a bit. I mean, there is only an hour left before the next month starts."

Haseo gave up collecting more cards to shred, stood up in who knows how long, and he left the basement. The others in the room would call out to him, talking about their future. They assumed since he didn't speak, he agreed but was too focused on shredding more cards.

Haseo spent too long on going into public areas, by the time he arrived the party was over and the next month was about to begin.

A hand was gently pressed against his shoulder, but as he turned around an audible announcement sounded across the academy.

[Month of January;Start is over. Starting Month of February;Love begins!]

"Nice to meet you again, you may not know me but I know you. I am Melissa, Lisa for short. It seems fate has shown upon us. We meet again under the moon of lov-."

Before Lisa could continue, two hands pulled her by her shoulders. Three familiar people showed up and two of them seem to be real angry.

Bird pulled out a gun and pressed it against Lisa's throat. "Who do you think you are? Trying to lay your grubby bug hands on my man? How many bullets do you want?"

Waifu was the other hand who grabbed Lisa. She didn't pull out anything to threaten her, but she gave a terrifying glare and didn't speak.

Rodent slowly side stepped to Haseo. "So, we were looking for you the whole month. You weren't visible showing on our trackers, so we would spend time taking turns checking to see if you would pop up. We gave up in trying a week or so ago, because we would see you in time anyways. But, Bird woke up hungover and checked and you showed up. So she came over with her gun. Waifu followed to make sure you didn't die from gunshot wounds. I came… because someone needed to call the ambulance, one who wasn't responsible for your wounds."

Haseo felt all over his body and sighed and said with a smirk. "Thank goodness I am not shot or physically wounded in anyway. Just a bit sleep deprived from overworking. You guys are so lucky, you didn't have to check all the paperwork."

Waifu looked over and locked eyes with Haseo. He gulped and continued. "You guys got in because you wrote what type of tactical gear you wanted. Along with the device to deploy it. I was part of the quality assurance testing. Me and a few other students and teachers had to sit in the underground and work if we wanted in."

Bird shot the gun in the air and pointed the gun on Lisa again. "Are you getting to the part you tell us why she shouldn't end this girl? Has the pet forgot his master and became a stray that humps anything that walks by?!"

Rodent pulled out his phone and dialed for an ambulance to come by. It was a 39 minute wait, hopefully no one dies in that time. While dying didn't seem like a problem before, it was different now.

Up to this point, it was a limbo of sorts. There was no start or end. No journey that went anywhere. But with Haseo coming in, everything changed.

Now a start has been added to this open ended place. But now with a structure forming, things may start changing at random to something more permanent.

The ambulance appeared and Lisa climbed into it. She wasn't physically injured but mentally she was drained. Rodent convinced the driver to stay a bit longer just in case.

Bird now had her gun pointed at Haseo, who now had the same blank glare as Waifu.

"I thought this was the month of love, but for some reason it feels like the opposite. Bird, I know your tactical gear is just a glorified stun gun. But if you keep pointing that at me, I will make you regret it."

Waifu opened her mouth to say something but found Haseo was now behind her, holding a card to her throat. "Old scars are opening up and I don't feel like hearing any of you speak. All of you leave before I do something I regret."

They were in a far off place when all of this happened, so it was faster and safer for them all to ride the ambulance back to the main part of the academy.

All but Haseo got in, he stayed behind watching them with a stare before they were out of view. Rodent looked at the three girls and their different reactions.

Bird was scratching the side of her head and freaking out. She was freaking out because she messed up. In her long life she spent many times trying to take care of pets. They all ended up dying. She always wanted to succeed but couldn't.

Waifu was silently crying. She never would of thought there was a time Haseo would hold a weapon to her neck. Though it was a card, she felt like it could slit her throat if he willed it so.

Lisa was balled up in her corner. These people caused her great mental turmoil and now they have to ride in an enclosed space together?

Rodent cleared his throat and tried making it less awkward. "So, since this is the first month of the academy being in full swing, we should check out our system updates. Maybe Haseo acting out like that has something to do with the academy's activities for this month?"

Lisa stopped trembling and looked at her wrist. She took a deep breath and looked at the other three.

"I think I understand what is going on and why you freaked out at me greeting your friend. It seems like people can flip sides just like that. Have we lost free will or is this him acting like this?"

[It is the month of LOVE!!! But what does love mean? Honestly everything is so jumbled, we don't know!]

[But maybe Love has just as many meanings as the people who fall for it. We have found a lovely and odd couple or rather group that merits a test!]

[One boy and four girls, a spicy entanglement. They bought the boy toy to satisfy their needs of needed a 10th person. They own him, why can't they make him fill as many.. needs the team has?]

[So we decided to spice things up! Let the pet not only have his own pet, but let's make him independent. So for the rest of the time you are at the acedemy, he is the enemy!!!]

There was 5 years they would be stuck at this acedemy.

The 1st year is the time spent on working on their tactical gear or Equipment. This is an almost non lethal class of weapons. Considered Class 0, Equipment is used in support for missions. Having the ability to make the mission work.

2nd years spend time working on Class 4 weapons, Orbital weapons. These come in two parts. One is the satellite that carries the payload and the other is the rifle the user carries. It can be used for targeting and changing the power of the payload.

3rd years work on Class 3 weapons, Missle Staff. This is a staff that can shoot out missles that have a payload to take out ships.

4th years work on Class 2 weapons. These are grenades that you toss out and summon giant robots to fight for you.

5th years work on Class 1 weapons. These are handheld weapons that shoot out bullets that are small Mecha Platforms. Small Mecha are summoned to attack the ArkShip Atom body and defeat them.

So, for the next 5 years they would be against Haseo. It seems that they also needed Lisa on their team for some reason.

Rodent frown and looked at everyone. "So, do you think we can beat him? I mean we have 2 of the 5 elemental lords or queens of elements. Me, who is just a high rank player in the apocalypse server. Finally, some bug girl? Even if we count you as a dead weight, it doesn't seem right."

Waifu looked at him. "Things are fair only in death. You are using this line of thinking to what? Saying that the 4 of us only equals 1 of him? Even if that is true, for all we know, he might have been issued a giant army to fight us."

Lisa chimed in. "Well, me and him are part of the Elite Agent Package. We number 10,000 so maybe him and the others are our oppenents?"

Bird looked over with wide eyes. "You are on our side, so the others might not nessacary be on his side. So we should be under the impression Haseo is really strong. Either from hiding it or being taken over with something. We need a game plan."