Class 0 Weapon: USB StickER

"Oh month of Love, why do you pain me so? I run into some of my loved ones and it goes astray. These old feelings of mine, why show your face now? Is something old surfacing or something new?"

Haseo passed around in the same spot for a bit. His wrist was itchy, but the can of worms was covering it and he could only try to take the van off and fail.

"I know this thing is nailed and screwed in, but couldn't I at least have a release button? I mean I can't find anything. Seamless technology, you dare vex me so?"

A tall man emerged from the shrubbery and clapped his hands. "Yo, Haseo, you seem to have snuck out. But I came to take you back. It seems there is something wrong with the things on our wrist."

Haseo looked at his wrist and at the tall man. He opened his mouth and froze. After some thinking he nodded his head and followed behind him.

"Most people hear the name 'Apocalypse' and think that is the worse it gets. So most people use it as a this is as bad as it gets. But the problem, besides the question if hell is worse, is that there is Armageddon."

The tall man put on a pair of gloves and touched Haseo's shoulder. The magenta of his can of worms started to darken.

[Search Engine: Armageddonet. This add on spices up the Apocalypse.Net, instead of having controlled points of times to enter with a chance to cause apocalypse, you chose a point of time and that is the final battle.]

The tall man stretched his fingers, the gloves turning invisible. "Mr. Donor wants to make sure this all goes well. Don't know why he gave up our past lives, but here we are in a new place. Heck, it isn't too hard to imagine this is just a reused recycling bin."

Haseo noticed his can of worms was gone and was replaced with a pair of black-magenta gloves. Though if he pulled down on the left glove, it stretches and uncovers a thinner version of the can of worms.

"Mr. Donor has assigned your love test. The gloves and search engine are meant to help you finizale your Class 0 Tactical Gear. This will help in all Spy activities."

All students entering the academy were split up into different groups and caroled into big mega structures. They were fake cities, built for a prop but fully functional and livable in.

Haseo was sitting in a waiting room leading into the only entrance and exit.

"So there are 22 weapon categories in each class of weapons. This seems to be the time to take what makes each weapon special and Frankenstein my personal Class 0 weapon."

There wasn't a need to focus on what all the weapons did. Since these couldn't kill the target, or rather not directly, the explosion of an rpg doesn't really help much.

Haseo looked at his new form of his Class 0 Weapon. "I didn't think I could get it to work. A dart launcher that shoots out usbs. Though I can also take the usb out and use it to stab someone to get it to work."

There wasn't any special add one he could do with his weapon, so it was more bland than he preferred. The basic ability was simply adding on Armageddonet to the person, forever putting them in a virtual double limbo.

Apocalypse made normal people not to want to mess with you, but you pull up with Armageddonet on you and you're done. They will try running before speaking with you.

Haseo pointed his closed fist at the ceiling. He pointed his hand in a finger gun and said bang. A usb was launched into the ceiling, the speed was a bit terrifying. "I feel like the launch is a bit too much, but I can't think of what else to modify. It is already perfect."

Standing up, he went inside the door. Not that he opened it up and walked in but rather walked up to the door and kept going. He was on the street with a bunch of scared Spy Students.

"While I turn everyone to a search engine with built in ability to scare off ads, what are they up to? I mean, they are just walking around aimlessly. A few seem way too skittish."

Haseo was talking to himself, the others while in hearing range but acted as he didn't exist.

He walked up behind a group to listen in before turning them. He wondered if it did anything.

Would they be like zombies and start running around and biting people? Would they just get notified and turn around and grab him? Beating him and keeping him imprisoned would be the best outcome. Or would they just be cool and start spreading it for him.

But the power of Armageddonet seemed more potent than he thought. He walked up and placed his hands and chin on the group of 3 people he found.

They wanted to yell at him for being a weirdo, but they were immediately switched to Armageddonet. Turning to look at him they saluted.

"Yo, boss I guess. I mean, my lord! What is it you need from us lowly lackeys?" Haseo tried ignoring his weird speech pattern. "I just want to know what is the purpose of you guys and the unturned."

The 3 didn't seem like the smartest, no thought about checking their system once they were added to Armageddonet. But when they did check they were flabbergasted.

"Yo, we gotta play tag now? What is with this, so weird… But yeah boss man, me and the bois are scheduled to just tag people. Then they have to go tag people. But uhh, before all of that our goal was simple. We just needed to avoid one guy for the whole month."

He nudged one of the other trio and the man produced a flyer. Haseo understood when he saw a handsome mug plastered on the flyer.

"That is my face on the poster, so you guys failed. But this just says I have cooties? Nothing else is explained in it at all. Are you guys even using your special gear?"

The group of 3 man looked weirdly at each other and stared at the ground. "Well, we were sorta told that we needed ammo to use our gear. So we are all out here collecting ammo. But for what we are doing with said ammo…"

The third person of the trio, who has been silent until now, decided to speak up. "There isn't a reward for fighting you or the others. I think we just have them for fun? Maybe we can get use to deploying the tactical gear? Like this Class of weapon is like the lobbies in FPS games."

The third man of the trio was excited for some reason and started talking with his hands. "Like we can't all hurt each other but we can screw with each other. I mean I have a sticky spider net throw. Given time, someone can just crawl out of it, but what about now?"

The man saw a group of people isolated from others. There was no witnesses and the man suddenly shot out the net. This was a common scene, so the group of people kept talking and just joked about how they had to deal with this lame stun.

The net covered them, the net was stickier than usual. They didn't struggle and were focused on their solid black gloves and their new rule of playing tag. Running back to them, the man was clapping his hands.

"Nice, if I knew I would get something like this I would of customized differently. Man, they are still struggling in the net. They finally cut it, put it is still stuck to their clothes. Man this is amazing thanks random dude."

Haseo looked at his system, the number 23/10,000. "This number is higher than it should be, why is it increasing so much?!"

Two of the trio looked at each other and smirked. "It seems our combination is working better than we thought. Don't be surprise by our genius! One of us have a satellite remote, it lets us have access to radio networks and similar things."

"While this just gives us access, that is where the other side of the combo comes into play. I have a radio. Not just any radio, but those who hear it get a spooky ghost message play. At first it was a fun threat, but now it adds them to our team!"

Haseo started to understand the bigger picture for the month. "So I just let these guys run around until they can't spread anymore. While they might have all their systems in airplane mode, getting stabbed by a usb is all it takes. I bet only a certain group of 4 out there will be causing me any trouble."