If you are listening God, could you balance my happiness and sadness? The absence of one is the lie of the other…

It took a bit of effort to try and get a group big enough to wipe out the 4 he was worried about. While working, he felt this was going boring again.

"I have all this power and the others should too. Am I good or is everyone just really bad? Both options are bad for me. If I am considered talented, yikes. That leaves me being okay and others are just bad in comparison."

He looked at his can of worms. He didn't really like that it was so clunky. If it could just be part of him, it would be less on an issue.

Haseo used 483 people and rushed the group of 4 which ended in success. Though, he had to personally to step in as a tired Bird finished off the last person and was limping towards him. She only stopped because he tapped her forehead.

The rest of the year was boring. If this was like an anime, this would be the equivalent of the bad guys winning early on. Now this place is filled with bad guys, we are sorta just learning and getting better.

It was odd, everyone passed with flying colors in all their tests. It seemed the teaching style inforced by Mr. Donor was good enough to make many a top Spy.

At the end of the year party month, the 4 walked up to Haseo. He saw all of them seemed mad still. But he was even more surprised they were still hanging out with her and avoided him all year.

Lisa walked up and handed over a bundle of cords. "As the number one in the whole school, I was chosen as the chosen god of Class 0 Weapons. This was left over from my advancement. The others said we should hand it over to you as an apology."

Haseo ignored the professional atmosphere and yoinked the ball of wires. "What is this suppose to be? You guys found this in like a wire drawer and thought to give it to me. You want to throw it away but what if someone wants to hoard wires, right?"

Lisa tried denying his statement but he dryly laughed. "All I want to say to you guys is, sorry for doing my job properly. If I just slacked off, we would of all had more phone this year."

He pocketed the ball of wires and decided to read the info the system provided on it later. "I guess me going all evil bad guy made it harder for all of us to have fun together. But 10 months straight of avoiding me, was I that bad? I mean I guess it doesn't really matter, you guys don't owe me anything."

Haseo has made the atmosphere between all of them weird. They wanted to be friends with Haseo again, but he was being difficult and not making it easy to talk with.

Haseo looked at all of them, they all darted their eyes to avoid his gaze. He scratched the side of his head. "What was I expecting, it was too early to make friends. I should of worked on myself more? What does this even mean, work on myself?"

"What should I work on? Yes, yea, myself I heard that the first few times. But what about me is the problem? Like specifically?"

They looked at Haseo and grouped up together. "Hey does something seem wrong with him? Did he forgive us so hard, he broke his brain and is ranting to himself?"

Haseo looked up at the sun, staring at it deeply. "Alright, starting now I will keep unlocking new powers and getting stronger. I am already bored of the lack of effort needed on my side. I need to start limiting myself, which will lead me to get stronger. But as long as I can limit even more back to a normal person level…"

Haseo then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Opening his eyes, they were calm and serene. "Can you hear me system? Not the one on my wrist but the one who can hear all and is omnipotent. I guess I will call you Server Admin, Admin for short."

[I noticed discomfort and now you speak to me directly? This life is easy and quick. Your friends may seem distant now, but that is to just have something to work on with them.]

A voice spoke aloud but in his head at the same time. He heard the voice, it was a man with a deep raspy voice. But he couldn't remember the memory of hearing it. At most it was the words that appeared in his head. They were like the subtitles and dubbed over voice, an extra thing added to help the user.

Haseo sighed. "Happiness cannot exist without sadness. People said this meant if you were never sad, you wouldn't know the experience known as happiness. They exist on the same scale, but you don't know the real measurement."

[I cannot find this anywhere, how odd. Pieces of it can be found but this doesn't seem like a common saying….. SPEAK… What is it that you want from me?]

"Well, having years and months and days and such sounds really good. You can make a lot of progress and become strong. But I feel like we could do it a better way."

[Would you like to set permanent Rules and Laws? If you do so, you may find that your current idea of bordom of the strong will forever change…. Are you sure? YES or no..]

It seems the Admin asked only as a courtesy, the ball of wires that was in his pocket floated up and blocked out his view of the sun.

The surrounding warmth was changing rapidly and the grass dried up as the air looked like it was on fire. The ball of wires began to glow.

['Fire + Metal' item detected. In exchange for item and Class 0 Weapons, User may set special Rule and Law for the whole server.]

The wires suddenly caused an eclipse and exploding into a great big light cloud. It all flowed into Haseo's eyes, causing blood to drip down like streams.

[Internet has been stabilized. Partial 1/5 Fusion of the Metal Category. User Personal search engine is Armageddonet. Setting is Auto-Sorted into appropriate difficulty. Please standby.]

It seemed he got his wish pretty easily. In fact just thinking about something to happen or just wanting it in general, seem to cause things to come true. It seemed the Server Admin was trying to solve all his problems like an AI and not a true Intelligence.

Haseo started to ponder on what new Rule he wanted to set. This was the first time he was doing something like this and didn't know what could occur. He felt like he won't be able to chose to backtrack on something once had sets it in stone.

[Metal category is set to 'Impossible' and is set as the frame work. All things born into this Server will now come with their own version of your internet. Set new Law and Rule. Note: this change will cause severe alterations to reality. Outside residents of other Servers will look at you oddly no matter what.]

"Don't know why you are trying to social pressure me, my mind is made up. I wish the Internet had the Rule of Time."

Haseo was just trying to find a way to speed things up, one of his specialties. Though he gave him self whiplash all the time with his wants and needs.

The Admin played a buzzing noise and felt like '…' was being sent to Haseo's mind. Constant pulses of silence was broadcasted to him.

It started to feel like just saying Time was not the right thing. Did he need more words or less words? Was Time so taboo that the Admin was thinking of wiping out his existence?

[…Law and Rule Updated. Using the User's personal internet or just simply intranet, the User may visit any point in time or space. As long as the correct time address is entered.]

The sun blinked and it felt like the Admin was done talking with Haseo. Instead of being at the Spy school for Class 0 weapons, he found himself sitting in a white room.

A floating menu appeared, showing a timeline of all of Haseo's existence. It also weirdly had a section of the existence of the place he was at. He could scroll on that timeline, going trillions of years in one direction and still being closer to the present than the end of either end of the timeline.

The future was more of a multiple choice test. It seemed you could skip the details, save the time for later and begin work on something else.

Haseo felt like this was cheating in a way. He could just skip boring things for when he felt like it. Using the select, he picked the first day of the second year.