5 Levels Of Warfare Out To Sea

"There are 5 depths in a fight on water. The odd thing is, you can only move down when you die. Well if you just jump into the drink you die, but no captain worth thier salt would abandon their boat."

"Air Warfare is the first level of Naval Warfare. These are fought with our staffs. While we are stuck with water rounds, we could even shoot out aircraft in the future."

"Surface Warfare is the second level of Naval Warfare, you start on any type of boat. If you are broke like us or doing a stupid school trial.. like us."

The guy got quiet and someone else jumped in and started talking. "Lily pads are the bottom of the bottom in the Surface Warfare option. They are good enough to be used in our testing of Class 3 weapons. Honestly it is scary to think how even though they shrunk the aoe of the blast, it is still an explosion big enough to take out a singular building."

She seemed to be giddy talking about the missles. "But like, it only does enough to flip a person and a lily pad into the air. That is why you got to sink to us."

She looked around for a bit before talking again. "Now time to talk about the place we are at now. This place is where Submarine Warfare should take place."

She sighed. "In truth, the schools don't have a budget right now. They might get a rich history that stretches back forever, but like all of us, they start with no money."

She waved her arms out and started spinning in circles. "So we get what we get. We aren't even getting all 5 lives in this fight. To top it off, they don't even try to make it feel like a school. You walk in and boom! Now missles and lily pads."

Haseo spoke up, after spending a bit to speak underwater. Though the water was fake, he seemed to have a bad fear of being in the water.

"Go back, you said not all 5 lives?" The woman looked at him and smiled. Unlike her who has spent a good bit of time submerged in the fake water, he was new. So they spoke different amounts right now.

"Well you see like I said before there are the 5 depths, meaning all have different lives and battlefields."

She quickly looked in a direction for a bit, the rest present also started looking around. Haseo heard nothing, after a long silence the woman started speaking again.

"I keep getting distracted, sorry. Anyways, Air and Surface was combined to form one thing which saved up some money from having us fly around with missles."

"It also lets you cheapen the experience some more. You did it with one thing, why not another? So we don't have a boat in this place."

"This is a problem because we should have missles and boat, but we have the staff and no lily pad or maybe submarine to move around in this place."

The woman pointed out her staff and shot out a missle. Or rather if they were on the surface it would be a missle. Instead an underwater mine came out.

"You see, Submarine Warfare should have missles, boats, and manipulation of things in the water. But things get changed when the public view can only see the surface fight."

"This sea mine, sure it fits all three categories. But this is to just introduce us that this level of fighting exists. Most people are okay with it as long as they get to murder each other."

She froze and this caused Haseo to look behind him, which was a regret. They came into view little by little. First it was only around 10 sea mines floating towards them. Then hundreds came into view. Next thing thousands appeared from all directions but above and below.

"It seems the others who got taken out by your starting payload found us. Well, if we spawn in together on the next level I can tea-."


A chain reactions of underwater sea mines was a beautiful thing. In fact, it was so powerful it affected both levels above and below the Subarmine Warfare level.

Deep Submerged or Deep Sea Warfare was filled with terrifying sea monsters of varying sizes. They were sorta terrifying and varying.

Haseo ended up in a room, none of the others from the explosion ended up in there with him. Laying flat on his back, he saw a kraken on the other side of a port hole.

There were port holes littering the walls, ceilings and floors. Haseo couldn't get up, he was a bit tired. He was just waiting for his death.

"And waiting and waiting, why is it so far away? Did it hit a barrier or something? I feel like it is bouncing off whatever is in its way. Maybe I should just get up and check."

Haseo planted his face against the glass and the kraken started running away. Haseo wiped the fogging viewport and put his face back on it.

"Yep that is so small, probably couldn't get any calamari out of it. Man, what is this place?" Haseo looked around and could only come to one conclusion.

"Ancient Baby Sea Beasts Aquarium, not final title or maybe I should say guess, who cares. So if you die in a submarine, your future is walking through an aquarium. The afterlife at sea thing is weird."

It was sorta of a guided tour, only having one direction for him to choose. At the end was an elevator. After stepping inside, it closed without warning and blasted upward.

Shooting out of the surface of the sea, the elevator was still going strong. More like a missle or rocket than a safe elevator.

After sometime the missle landed on a ship. No explosion occurred, the elevator was simply absorbed into the ship. The ship was a giant tower, that looked as if it stretched infinitely into the sky.

Two people walked up and shook Haseo's hand. When they realized that the other person grabbed his other hand, they let go and cleared their throats.

Haseo walked over to a view port and he saw that he was now in outerspace. He placed his hand on the glass and sighed.

"Why am I being shown this?" The man and woman in business suits looked at each other confused, 'What was this dude talking about?'.

The woman took a step forward and clapped her hands loudly. "Okay look here. Nice, so kid, congratulations on reaching the wizard tower. Though it requires you to be weak, since you had to die a few times to get here, nonetheless you being here is good!"

The man was using his cell phone and messaging people the words Haseo said earlier. After a bit of messaging, the man stood up and fixed his tie.

"Well kid, you see, the reason you are here is pretty simple. Don't worry because I know all about it, eh who am I kidding? I only know a thing of two, I hope it is enough."

Haseo nodded. "Anything would be helpful." The man was glad Haseo spoke up. Since Haseo never looked away from the window it was hard to see him shake his head slightly. The man was on the other side of the room, as the woman had approached Haseo first.

Looking at his phone a bit more, the man cleared his throat and took a sip of water from a plastic water bottle,

"So you are running late for the opening ceremony, so people got worried about you. After all, a Citizen needs to study their lessons and be useful."

"Then apparently the healthcare is real nice cause they broke right into your room and discovered your tutorial sphere was heavily modded."

The woman stepped back and looked Haseo up and down. "Are you saying this kid was running a black market tutorial sphere? Isn't that.. like really bad. Regulations state tha-."

The man covered her mouth and leaned in to whisper to her. "The judgement for this goes high up, so we are only told to report black market goods. This happened a few levels above our pay grade, so chill out."

The man went back over to Haseo and started talking while looking at his phone. "It seems not only were you using illegal technology, while you were asleep to run the tutorial dive someone or some people came in and made many heavy modifications."

Going quiet, the man read a few more pages of information. "Alright, so basically they determined you haven't done anything bad. But it seems many people came by while you were diving in the tutorial."

The man chuckled a little. "Sorry, but it seems you were very diligent person. You jumped into the tutorial early to get ahead of your peers. But you skipped an important party of your seniors welcoming you and your peers."