Attention students…

"The room you picked was what you thought was the best room. While it was the worse one, it met many of your requirements for a room. The problem was the door that lead to that room."

"You picked the one bedroom that had a broken lock. When your seniors discovered you made the chill out room your living space, they apparently started emptying their pockets."

"Using anything they had on hand, they kept adding things to your tutorial sphere over and over and over again. If you had your universeal issued one, this wouldn't be a problem. How did you get rid of it?"

The man wanted to know, as did the woman. They have caught and heard about many people using illegal tech. But this was the first time they couldn't find the ones the universe supplied."

The woman looked over at the phone. "That is so odd, even if you somehow break something, the universe always makes sure you have one issued to you. Even if you had other similar items, this was an always equipped fall back weapon."

Haseo blinked, looked around for a bit and pointed at himself. "Sorry, what is going on right now? You said something and I said something,.. maybe? Do you remember?"

The three looked at each other and couldn't remember anything they were talking about.

The man looked at his phone. "When did I get a phone? I thought I said old fogeys like me don't need silly tech like that."

The woman grabbed the phone out of the man's hand. "The beeping means someone is calling you or spamming messages old man! Dang, why am I baby sitting you today? I swore I quit my job and went to work for the competition."

Looking at the constantly dinging phone, the woman found out the reason for the sudden memory loss of the three of them.

"We are in the middle of an operation and both our companies agreed on dousing us with memory manipulation has?! This is some total bull crap! Why do I even work in this stupid business?!"

The walls were phasing in and out and were in triple vision. Purple, green, and gray realities were collapsing onto the current brown one.

Opening a door, that was partial melted but opened just fine, the three escaped past the door, thier surroundings were normal and the man's gaze hardened.

He looked over his phone again. "It seems they want to pull him out ahead of scedule. I guess they didn't like the plan of letting him get a taste of everything."

The woman was taking deep breaths and stretching, it seems what was happening earlier was troublesome. But Haseo didn't seem to mind.

In fact, he was acting like he got his brain lines split in half. He went full silent and was just following those two around as they tried to figure the way out.

The woman looked at Haseo and shook her head. "I can't believe they performed a lobotomy on him. I understand it can be reversed and make the person better in some way, but still he didn't sign a waiver for this to happen."

The man kicked open a door, the door flew open into the room and it collapsed. Now there was just a wall, or rather there was always just a wall a door or anything else never existed in that spot ever.

Looking down at his phone, the man sighed. "Another dead end, either this find exit thing is busted or they keep collapsing as soon as we open them."

The woman frowned. "Maybe try not kicking them in? I thought you knew that they were super unstable and you were just trying to stall the time for us to escape."

The man was about to kick another door open but stopped just in time. He grabbed the door handle and shook it for a bit. The door snapped open, but didn't crash this time.

He looked so happy until he looked at his phone. He slammed the door shot and it collapsed. "It wasn't even pointing over here. I forgot I just wanted to test the first door I saw. Anyways, why would I be stalling for time? They already went this far to get him out, they might go even more drastic."

The man was acting like they would go further if they didn't get Haseo out in time. Though they didn't know how long they had, seeing they keep changing the time.

Haseo stood still and didn't follow into the next room, this caused the man to get irritated. "Come on Mr.Scrambled, come this way. I finally got a door to open. We need to get out of here, I don't know if we will be able to survive if we have to find another door. I don't want to take a death penalty from this weird place."

Haseo wrapped his hands around his neck, causing the woman to step in and try to stop him. "Why is he so strong?! This isn't right, this must be an outside influence! But why are they going so far?"

The man checked his phone again and frowned. He pulled out a gun and aimed at the surroundings. "This isn't them, someone or something else is doing this. Make sure he doesn't kill himself, that might be a trigger for something else."

The woman finally got Haseo pinned to the ground, she handcuffed his hands together and had her leg holding Haseo's back down.

She also pulled out a gun and was looking around.

"Are you positive they would take the chance to show up right now? Also in front of us, are they really that cocky?"

Something was walking towards them, causing the two to aim their guns in that direction.

"Hey! The modifications you guys made on him are already permanent. We can't tell if you are trying to help or harm him but enough is enough. Leave him alone and let him start his classes, he is already a bit behind because of you guys."

The man tried placating the other side. If they were trying to just harm Haseo, either they give up pulling this sick prank or…

A were wolf suddenly bashed through the wall and tossed the woman through the ceiling. It kicked Haseo through the wall as it pounced at the man and ripped a good bit of the side of his stomach.

Blood splashed all over the ground as the man shoot 9 bullets through the were wolves head, which only caused it to stagger. As it walked up and lifted him by his neck, the bullet wounds already closed. The were wolf ripped his throat out.

The woman was dragging a bloodied Haseo throughout the halls, which were looking more and more bland and repeating. She didn't have the man's phon, so she had to rely on her own contacts,

"Come on, come on, why aren't those idiots picking up. Oh, you guys can hear me? This whole time?! Then why haven't you told me the way to go yet you idiots!"

She had a Bluetooth earpiece she was using to talk to her men. Haseo couldn't hear them, not that it mattered. His head space was scrambled, no thought that lasted longer than a few seconds.

The woman finally got directions and opened a door, only to get her head blown clean off her shoulders.

An arm reached out of the room and slammed the door shut, causing it to collapse. Haseo was left alone with the woman's headless body.

In a room that only had one piece of furniture, a pod meant for sleeping and diving into other universes, there were many people standing around the pod.

Inside the pod was Haseo, it was hard to see him because the glass was covered in permanent marker. It detailed a bunch of different powers, this simple graffiti causing many alterations to Haseo's time spent diving,

There were two people sitting on the ground, the man and the woman who met Haseo. Standing above these two were 3 elders. Two woman and one man, one of the woman seemed to be in charge.

"So, why are you two out here right now and he is still stuck inside? You two surely didn't die and have to escape to the outside, did you?"

The old woman was smiling as she looked down at the two. The other two with the old woman were focusing staring at Haseo in the pod.

"It seems they went with the scorched earth plan, they even used things that are only accessible by our law enforcement."

Hearing this caused the man to try and stand up. "Wait, that wasn't you guys who activated the lobotomy? Oh crap, I think I know who is behind this!"

Suddenly this man's phone exploded, causing him to die again and disappear. The old man pulled out a microphone and cleared his throat.

"Attention students…"