Does ID theft insurance cover you if you get taken over by a hivemind???

It was a rare thing for the headmaster to speak over the intercom system. At most he would speak at the end of the year, congratulating those who left.

"Attention students, I am a man that can tolerate a lot. I have been fair and let many things slide, when I shouldn't of. But some times people take things too far."

The intercom cut off for a few seconds and then came back on. There was just deep breathing, causing those listening to feel uncomfortable.

"I already know each and every student that was involved and I will be punishing you to the full extent. Even things I would normally let slide, no more. If you turn yourselves in, I can let you plead your case."

Pleading their cases was really just them choosing their punishments. If they left it to him or someone else, the worse punishments would be up for grabs first.

The headmaster pulled out a scroll and looked down at Haseo. He didn't read of the scroll, only held it out. He looked at the woman in charge and she shook her head no and pointed at the door.

The other woman went up and opened the door, showing a few students who were trying to spy on them.

The three older people stared at the students for a long time. The woman who was awkwardly stuck there looked over at Haseo. "The 3 headed one or rather Headmaster of the school is here for you. So odd, that scroll seems to be special. I mean if it was brought over to help you and they still aren't even using it."

The headmaster spoke up. "Ah, so all of your groups were working together to get me to pull out this scroll to help this poor student. I know you are all upset that he skipped the line. But tough luck, him being here is important. The school will still be fine if we didn't have any of you. So, are you sure you wish to go through with this?"

The lead person smiled. "No no no, go right ahead and use it. But it is a waste, after all, his real body is this puppet right here. What you guys have sitting there is just a fake body you made to save him."

"So, you want me to use the scroll on him or this so called original body in your possession. Interesting indeed, you came up with such a simple plan."

The student with the puppet frowned. "What do you mean? We just wanted to mess with a student who thought he was special. How was I suppose to know he would get hurt over a few small pranks."

The old man of the Headmaster trio tightened his grip on the scroll. "It seems Student Haseo wasn't the only one being messed with. You do know the advisor you went to for this, she is playing you all worse than what you are doing to Haseo."

The student shook his head. "Ms. Pan helped us out too much. Even if she says she isn't connected to us, a lot of her collection was used in our prank. So she will take the bulk of the punishment, while we students only get community service."

All three of the elderly people turned away from the student and smiled widely. It caused the woman to tense up, she always hated these 3.

But they were the local headmaster for this specific school. Who knows for how long though? Haseo's case is going to be a huge problem, as the headmaster of the school they needed to make sure all goes well.

The old man dropped the scroll and kicked it towards the student. "I am not one to care for theatrics. You obviously turned his body to a giant doll that allowed you to constantly spam items and curses onto him."

The old man pointed at the Haseo in the pod. "This clone we had made also came with weird additions, like the redirect spell it had. But all of this is pointless. So I tossed the scroll on the ground. Pick it up if you so desire, or use the puppet you are so happy about."

The student walked up to the scroll and picked it up, unfurling it without a care in the world. "Most people would fall for your taunt, because you are a being with 3 heads. You think more and better than anyone else, at least 3 times I believe. But you made a small error."

The three headmasters looked at the student nonchalantly, but had their backs drenched in sweat confused about what was going on.

They looked at Haseo in the pod and the puppet body of Haseo. Their eyes were like pin needles and they surrounded the student.

"Ah, so there was another curse both bodies shared. You put us in an anti intelligence field, which with the unity of 2 identical targets, the synergy causing even us to falter."

The student was skimming the scroll. "Well it is an AOE ability, being 3 people sorta makes you take this attack way harder then it should. Try solving my anti intelligence field, I plan on selling them. A spell that works so well on the headmaster, the auction will be fun."

The student walked out of the room and slammed the door. It was silent for a bit before the three smiled again.

Haseo floated in an infinite white expanse. Looking at his arms that were phasing in and out of reality, he sighed and then looked up at the sky.

"Who am I? Why am i? What am I? When am I? Where am I?" His voice echoed after each line and he giggled away. It seems they were still adding things to make Haseo's situation worse.

The old man of the trio of headmasters suddenly shown up in front of Haseo and placed a knife in his hand, then he was gone like he was never there.

Haseo held the knife and looked around for a bit, then tried to eat the knife.

The student was sitting in his dorm room, using his puppet as a chair. He finished reading the scroll and stood up on top of the puppet.

"I guess it is a good thing I didn't destroy that clone out of anger. This spell requires 2 people who look alike and it takes one of them and makes them disappear. It doesn't state what happens to either the one who stays or the one who guys. Honestly, this spell is pointless."

The puppet turned its head, its body still propped like a chair. "But master!!!! What is the point of the spell? It seems important and the headmaster brought it out for the loser!!!"

The student was using the puppet to bad mouth Haseo, it was pretty sad and the reason he kicked out all of his roommates out of the room.

He smiled. "Well pointless is pointless, at least in most situations. You see, most people don't have three when they use this spell. They have to have 3 similar beings, clones only count if they have the original bodies. And puppet bodies only count if you trapped a soul in it."

The puppet made a pose and a weird surprised face. "Oh wow boss!!! Who would of thought?!" At the end, the voice from the puppet broke and tears were seen dripping down the puppets eyes.

"It seems he is about to start caring the spell. Alright everyone get into position! We cannot let them disgrace us! If we do, we will all get replaced."

They were all watching over the Haseo in the pod, weirdly the woman was locked in a room. The old man of the trio of headmasters was staring her down. The two old women were no where to be seen.

"Hey, I don't even care about getting payed for the job. I can even pay back the down payment you guys paid me. I just really don't want to be. I have another job coming up soon."

The old man sighed. "The brat from earlier really upset me. It made me think of a plan I had made before I became part of the trio of headmasters. It is a sham your body was the one intact and not that man's."

The woman was confused about what the headmaster was saying. She wanted to run or scream for help but she couldn't. When she came to this school, the man in front of her was one of the teachers.

He was someone who painted themselves as a Torturer of Hell. He tried over throwing the school and the Headmaster, who at the time was a duo of witches, proceeded to destroy him and force him to be part of their being.

This woman had a feeling she was screwed. Was she going to have to pay for a new identity? Does her insurance still cover her identity if she loses it? She started thinking really hard about all the insurance covered.