The most simple advice could lead one to master their own universe….

The puppet user put down Haseo's puppet body and laid back. He was covered in sweat as he has been working on the spell.

"This was annoying, but worth it. Well I guess the teachers will be rushing in any moment, u wasted all the time to turn myself in. I wonder how long I will be locked up."

The student was laughing as his window exploded and a squad of suited up people rushed in and placed him in handcuffs.

The puppet suddenly tilted its head and spoke. "Why does it hurt? I don't feel good, you said I would feel good! Why does it hurt?! You aren't saving me!! Why is no one telling me why it hurts?!?"

Blood started to pour out from the puppet, collecting into a rancid black pool that hardened. Seeing this the student frown. "Wait, the spell failed? This isn't right, the clone body should of failed. Wait, did you replace his body all that time ago? You guys are crafty!"

One of the people who came through the window chuckled and pointed at the puppet and made a motion. They went and wrapped up the puppet and decided to take it as well.

"You are putting too much thought into this. The headmasters are back down to two again. The male of the trio was found dead in his room, no head."

The man suddenly pressed the camera on his chest, turning it off. "One more thing I should add. Haseo is fine, in fact he is better than before. We found his original design in his mind and prepared a body for him. You should of seen the speed his being left the clone body and went into this one."

The student slammed his fists on the ground and yelled. "No! Why did you idiots have to step in?! Just because you have a few million years on me, you all think you are better?! You messed up a plan you shouldn't have! Do you all think you are untouchable because you locked yourself in a starter town?! I will destroy you all!!!"

A new student was in the headmasters office. He had reddish brown hair with red eyes. No one else was in the office with him, he was looking around and picking things up.

The student seem really bored, he couldn't stay still as he was told what he had to look forward to.

"The only issue I have is the name, Imagination Power, how and why? Now that I am fully aware, this name makes me worry. We are in the afterlife or maybe the life I lived before was prelife?"

The student stopped messing with stuff and sat down on a chair. He pulled out a phone and started skimming through the apps. Clicking on all of them to get a gist of what was what.

Some time later one of the headmasters walked in. Now they were back to just two woman, they decided to change things up. They both now present themselves as young priestesses, one in solid gold and the other in purple.

The one who walked in was the one who was covered in gold. "Hello Haseo, it must feel welcoming to be back in your body. Well, you probably were never in this version of your body. We tinkered with it a little, you are now the best you could be."

Haseo used his camera on his phone to check his face. He looked at it for a bit and looked at the Golden Headmaster.

"You guys made me pale gray and made my hair color more noticeable. I guess my nose is the same size but better shape. My blue eyes are a bit different right now, in fact looking close the green that was around my pupil is yellow. Are you guys showing me that I am the evil version of myself?"

"Relax, your eyes can be any color. It is just set to auto sense. In truth, it is clear but your blood vessels make you look like a vampire. If you want something besides blood red or clear, I recommend getting a new color. Gold eyes would look good on you."

Haseo sighed. "It seems they didn't bully me with colors. Though, having 200 free buy ins is great. Too bad I have to pay you both back for that item you used."

The Golden Headmaster waved her hand and relaxed in her chair. "Eh, that item was something we took from the third. Seeing as he went into hiding, he knows he isn't getting paid for his item being used."

Haseo scratched his arm. "Uh, is he going to hunt me down? I mean, I am just a student. Heck, I was even heavily bullied in my sleep. I feel like a grown man with magic can definitely make me pay him back for the item."

The Golden Headmaster didn't seem to care about the third coming and causing any issues. "Don't worry, I know where he is. It isn't like I released him from the hivemind. The body he picked and the room 3 doors down he is staying in, they aren't hard to find."

Haseo walked up to the door and tried locking it. Being that close was scary, maybe the door could protect him. This man was definitely coming to mug him and probably try to earn as much back as he could.

Right as he got to the door, the door swung open and a kick sent him back into the desk of the Golden Headmaster. The one who walked in was the woman who entered Haseo's mind.

"Being attached to you two has made it easy to get use to this new body. I better not turn out like you two, not knowing what gender my original body is."

The Golden Headmaster laughed. "If you forget your original gender, then you were never that gender to begin with. Only lying to yourself, the true you never changes only adapts."

The woman looked at Haseo who was still on the ground. "The item that was used cost pocket change. What really costed a lot was getting someone to split the item into two and making the activator spell also release the target from the casters spells."

The woman walked up and looked Haseo up and down. "It is a shame I couldn't get your body, you should treasure it. I wouldn't mind swapping out with you if you aren't careful. After all, what would be the point of the back door I left if I don't use it."

Ignoring Haseo the woman looked over at the Golden Headmaster. "I want to go back to being a teacher. I shall be the P.E. Teacher for the track. Hell hounds nipping your ankle is the best way to stay in shape with running."

The Golden Headmaster just shrugged her shoulders. "You know the rules, write it all down. If the school allows you to do it, it is above my pay grade. I just have to sit here and talk to people."

The Golden Headmaster than stood up and walked over to Haseo. "I feel like you have wasted enough time here. Your class is about to have its first dive lesson. You might of missed a bunch of time to read over all the rules and needs, but you know how to dive."

The Golden Headmaster looked over at the new Track Coach. "Coach, take this kid to his class. Luckily the one thing he is skilled with is imagination. So he won't struggle in the classes. It will just be his fellow teachers and students who suffer from him being so…creative."


"Listen up students, since someone decided to join us late, we are having one quick lesson before we let you go wandering off."

"Imagination, what is it? Well of course it is all. Most of us come from places that if the residents didn't have imagination, we would exist."

"Magic is the word we use when we tap into imagination, science is the one we used when we get an okay grasp of it. But simply put, it all works because someone thought it should work."

"At the beginning, your position in life was determined by your imagination. So those who appeared early had a better chance to advance in existence."

"But a few of these beings were just born different. One being made a bunch of humans and they used these beings to do the creative thinking for them. This became commonplace and now all beings get to have millions to trillions and more followers just because."

"Next came what we all refer to as the 'System', which is just an advance AI used to track your workout. This also went common place and now even new beings can get power from the older ones."

The teacher went quiet and flipped over her notes. She didn't really feel like covering everything just for one student. After flipping through the whole lesson book she stretched. "I guess there is only one more thing you need to know to succeed in your futures here, which is to work hard."