First Dive:Lifeform

"Salos, I cast you as my sacrifice for Lifeform. Thank you for this, I know if you could talk you would definitely stop me. But I am sorry, there is nothing about you that is making me regret this choice. I can't seem to find any other power you could help me obtain."

It was time for the first official dive for the new class. Everything prior to this was just for flexing the muscles of their magical thoughts. Everything from now on was big gains.

The first objective was to form the Thought of Lifeform. If you had your own incomplete thoughts, you could use one as a sacrifice to allow one to start leaps ahead.

Salos from some demon from some book, something important to some and not to others. All in the end, it was born with a thought and it will be used to fill a thought.

Haseo didn't fully understand some of the lessons that were taught, he was told it was information for when he is older. Flashback material, without it, you could find yourself losing a battle with no motivation.

Forming a thought, doing it the old fashion way, one would throw themselves into the world. Would they come out swimming or drowning? Now and days it was more up to safety codes.

The new way was putting the core holding the thought realm inside of it, into a machine that powered the core and made a one time dip.

The legality of these machines were very questionable on the outside of the school. But it seems the school is above the law for some reason.

Something Haseo didn't know about the machine, it was very finicky. He needed to have an almost complete thought on what Lifeform and Salos. The Lifeform wasn't a problem, it was a learn on the way thing. You would get asked 'First Lifeform' and you would chose how Lifeforms work in your reality.

Salos being used as a Sacrifice needed Haseo to know a lot about him. All he knew was a lazy skim of names in a book. He felt like it shouldn't be a problem to do it as you go.

Salos thought realm core was drenched in a weird liquid and flew into the machine in front of Haseo. It started to spin until it was ripped into a powder. It was a whole reality grinded down into a powder.

The powder gets vaporized and released through the machines lung like mask combonation. Haseo quickly put the mask on and pressed a button.

The screen showed a 169 years and oddly a 30min time limit, which would of confused Haseo and had him ask someone. In fact this has happen too many times before.

If you want to know what happens when you fuse a pure universe into your mind, just do it and don't ask questions. Master to student, needing to explain this was tiresome.

One of the passing students looked over at Haseo, who once again started up a dive before the teacher said to start.

"Really again with this kid, he never learns. But then again, he will get to leave class early if he got a good time difference."

The student leaned in closer, causing a protective screen to surround Haseo. "Chill, not creeping on him. Just noticed he was using some heavy stuff. I wanted to write down any information about him so I could buy from him later."

The student backed up as another one approached holding a baton. She made a few swings with the baton and finally aimed it at the male students privates.

"You know the rule, I have said it so many times. I see something that pisses me off and I have every right to start smashing things I believe the other party doesn't need."

The male student broke out into laughter. "That is what you thought was happening? We-." The male student suddenly had a shoe smashing into his nose, sending him sliding a few feet on the floor.

*Stomp* *Stomp*

"Sorry did you say something? I don't care if you are the best of the best buddies in all of buddyhug town. Keep your distance from him. I mean did you not read the daily notice or something?"

The male student could only whimper as he was pinned to the ground. The female student slammed the baton and broke one of the students legs.

"Go sit in the front of the class. If I catch you doing something even slightly inappropriate, the other leg is going to meet my baton."

She looked over at Haseo and sighed. This kid needs to be protected. Even after the world treated him so poorly for sleeping, he still did it again in a public setting.

When she first head he was joining them with no rest, she felt like she needed to protest. Forcing him to go through something like that after experiencing whatever trauma.. horrible.

She pulled out caution tape and started setting up a perimeter, taking many chairs and desks leaving many students to stay standing up.

Then she set up a secondary line of defense, this time it was digital instead of physical. At best guess one would believe it was just a fancy motion detector.

She was 'nice' enough to move the others machines so they could join in on the class assignment. But it was odd how close she moved her chair to Haseo and propped up a long pillow under both of their heads.

When the teacher started to pay attention to the class and saw many students already diving. They sighed, looked at their coffee thermos for a bit before shrugging. Lifting it up and chugging, the teacher enjoyed his beverage pour for a few minutes. Letting out a burp, they wrote 'free dive' and fell asleep in the chair. Not because of diving, just of a free 30 minute nap opportunity.

[Question Number One. The first form of life, what is it? What is the ranges of your forms?]

Haseo was floating in empty space, an echoing voice filled the lonesome void. Oh wait, I saw that. Almost pulled a quick one on me.

"I saw the prompt when I closed my eyes. I can totally customize this place and it is all free for the first time!"

Instead of answering the void, he changed it all. Now instead of talking to the void, he was at a pull in Digital Touch menu for a gerneric fast food place.

"Alright first two one questions.. odd it is two. But first form length and such. I feel like I should know the answer for this. Unless it is just pick and choose? Oh, imagination is the power."

Haseo was also happy time was on his side as well. "I guess each form should last 13 years. The first form is at the start of puberty. They only exist in a handheld day care machine. Only being able to enter the real world once they existed for 13 years, has passed all maturity tests inside to prove one could have manners in public, and finally a caretaker on the outside has passed the test to prove the child will go to a good home."


[This is final.. Are You Sure?]

"…yeah, why not? I dont think I said anything too off the wall."

[First Stage of Lifeform has been set. The path forward will allow beings to be born and become powerful in a short time.]

[First Stage Bubble Baby: All Lifeforms come from cloning and be bought for cheap in markets. These products will allow one to become a parent, only if one meets the harsh requirements.]

[Note. While User gets to play as the Bubble Baby this point in time, do note all actions done with this power of Lifeform shall need to be tolerated in the future.]

"No one would believe I was corrupt after the show I put on. Though if I sold it to well and people find out."

The student chose to sit by Haseo not to protect him but to creep into his dive and try to make him have feelings for her.

She was placed ahead of Haseo and already chose her Lifeforms. No one questioned her as she is quick to smack someone. People have reported her to the headmasters, only to be told to not prove her. She was retaliating, in some form to protect herself.

While others would be disgusted by this behavior, there was one person who was happy he developed a stalker out of nowhere.

"Hello there, it is a pleasure to meet you. It seems fate has set you on my course! So just pick me up and we can go forth and live together forever!"

She only smiled as she approached Haseo. Her arm gently passing by Haseo's shoulder and going behind his head.

But it was the clipping from behind that caused him to freeze up. The woman picked up a pink egg, inside was a girl who looked like a mess.

"She has problems I can relate to and solve! You on the other hand…"