Egg Drop Ride or Space to Air Travel

The woman ended up buying both Haseo's egg and the pink egg that was behind him. Though calling it buying was a stretch as she was offered even more of them.

She waved off the worker. "I don't care that I can take 50 with me for free. Wouldn't I need to feed them? I would be stuck with them forever!"

Haseo's egg let out a cute cough noise as he spoke up. "I wouldn't mind taken them in. You see I guess you could treat it as bad parenting or being an owner. But I can still make progress in here. It is just your parent score will be super low till they all grow up and make a name for themselves. By then, you will be rolling in money."

The woman brought Haseo's egg to her face and even spun it, getting a warning about a deduction in her parent score.

"I know they are so happy to give away these things now, but they will be big burdens. These things are tests to determine if you would make a good parent or owner. You need to stay in the positive by a large amount if you want to avoid all the penalties."

The egg Haseo was in was gray and looked like different patches of other type of eggs and fabrics. Some metal and earth materials were also seen from time to time on it, a very odd thing.

Both eggs are from the Egg Baby Bundle: Stinky Babies. She was a higher quality hot pink garbage baby. She was more of a city doll, trashy in living style and not wealth.

Haseo was of a lower quality, but higher rarity oddly enough. He was a trailer gray egg baby, his needs different from the hot pink egg.

"This is a joint test between egg and tamer or parent and child. The option you choose when you active me and the pink one will be how you want to treat us."

The woman laughed. "So if I wanted to, I could turn the girl into my avatar and you to my forcibly appointed mate. Both of us thrown into a ranch together. Hehe, you will have to be mine."

Haseo was just an egg boy and couldn't do anything. He had to convince this weird girl to take him to get activated. After that, he can set some boundaries. Mostly because they would be meeting in a physical zone, so he had to protect himself.

A group of people were cheering a woman who decided to help two new children into the world. No one wanted to bring in more residents, too much work and responsibilities. No matter how much it was made easier, many people didn't want kids.

Even if it could also be considered pets to them, none of them could pass the caring test and gave up.

So despite this woman using one for herself and the other to bring in someone for…. Fun, which was all that was written down for the reason of adopting Haseo.

After getting a few more books and such, the woman settled down in a room that had all the necessary things to live in the room without leaving.

"Wow, I have learned a lot about you just from the small bit of time we have spent together. Babies and Clones and Robots, each taking up 33.3% of what most people choose as their Lifeform. But here we are."

She spread out all the free books she got when she registered the two eggs. "In your word you get a little handheld toy and free home and food. Granted the room isn't too big, i have all I need to focus on raising a being to bring them into the world."

Haseo was spinning in his egg, the woman has yet to plug him in and start his care sessions. "Yeah I am in the odd .1% in my choice. I don't trust in myself or others to raise sentient things correctly. So making them mentally 13 years of age and having themselves and another teach them to be independent is what I feel is a better choice."

The woman plugged her hot pink egg into the wall and it lit up, speech bubbles started to flood the room. This labeled all its needs since it was created.

Haseo hummed. "I thought you just grabbed the egg behind me to taunt me, who knew you were good at picking babies out. This egg is pretty old, you might need to spend a bunch of time and money but you will soon have a powerful avatar to play around with."

The woman plugged in Haseo and was surprised no bubbles came out. "Wow, you are a good child. You don't have any needs, as a new parent I know it is wrong to pick favorites. But one of you is me while the other is you, so I don't think either of our feelings will be hurt. Now how do I kiss you?"

The gray egg dimmed and Haseo whispered out of it. "Well, umm what did you just say? If you said that in your avatar, less weird cause we would both be mentally and physically the same ages give or take. But I am an egg baby and you are a grown woman right now, so kinda weird."

Haseo's egg fully went out as the woman was left in the room by herself. She pulled out a bottle of alcohol, chugged it and went into the hot pink egg.

[1st Deployment of Lifeform pods. Sending in 5-]

A 13 year old form of Haseo was sitting in a small circular pod. It had a giant viewing window to the outside and had a harness one would see on a roller coaster, holding him in place.

There was a screen with a 13 year old girl in a hot pink robe. Her lips were in a frown but she wasn't upset about the orbital dump they were about to take a part in.

The countdown was up and the pods they were in dropped. Haseo and the woman were not the only ones that were being dropped down. In truth the others that were dropped were just to fill up the background space.

"I just think it is weird you are keeping the private setting to what it is. I mean, you have a chance to view the great me all the time. But you have everyone set to disguised. We are just a bunch of robed figures to you."

Haseo shrugged. "I am also a robbed figure to everyone else. Hmm, maybe I should be a fully masked being. Anyways, to tell the truth, I feel sick when I see a face I recognize as sentient. I do not know why, so keep your face covered."

The woman looked out of her pod. "I don't feel this thing shaking at all. We are dropped right into it from 100km in the air, how fast is the drop?"

Haseo looked at her and raised his hand, pointing down, he braced himself. She was confused until she felt her stomach go up. She has felt this before, normally on something fun.

But after hitting solid ground after 10 seconds, her vomit told her this wasn't fun. It seems the brace wrapped around the person was to make sure they survived the drop and didn't end up in a pile of vomit.

No one had to wash vomit off themselves as if it was design to ensure cleanliness, despite there not being much space in said pod.

Instead of getting out of the pod, they waited for the pods to start floating in the air.

Haseo looked over at a screen that showed the woman. "I need a name to call you. Not a real one, just a code name I can use to not forget what to call you."

The woman pondered for a bit. "You can call me, Justice. Not my name, as far as you are concerned, but it is what I am all about. I want to be your assistant, maybe specifically a secretary."

She winked at Haseo, but it wasn't effective. Not because the robe covered her eyes. When she went to wink, cartoonish eyes appeared on the hood and winked to show him what she did.

The problem he had was he saw that her pod was getting closer to his. He looked at all his settings, he had no control of the egg drop craft he was in.

So why was hers coming towards him? It seems their pods had different controls. Despite them going extremely slow, her pod ended up slamming into his and causing both of them to plummet to the ground.

"What the hell are you doing? Why would you keep hitting me till we both fell?!"

She scoffed at him. "I don't know what you are talking about. These controls are so hard, just because you used auto pilot doesn't mean you are better."