Worst Dive 1:Fast Ball Drilling Death Throw

Checking everything in the pod, Haseo was screwed. There were no controls or safety things in place for the pod he was in. It seemed its only purpose was to go up and down when told. No inputs from this side seemed to be a thing.

Haseo took a deep breath, looked over at the woman whose name he already forgot. "Quick question, are you able to fly back up to the spaceship in uhh space?"

Justice nodded her head, which caused the eyes on the hood to wobble back and forth. "Of course, I have a full set of buttons and inputs for the pod. It even controls your pod, since your too anti social to talk to the person supplying the pods. I can fly us both back right now, if you read the pamphlet that is provided for you."

Having a guess, Haseo opened up the system on his wrist. He was glad this was a constant that never went away and stayed in some form. A system menu popping up when you call for it gives you a rush that can't be explained.

[Want to know about aircraft and its purpose in helping Lifeform on their birthday? Well this is your lucky day! You get to experience your place in the great big space war!]

Haseo looked over at the opening statement on the pamphlet and wondered whether or not if he should continue. Justice was just staring at him, waiting for him to read the pamphlet.

"Sigh, why am I being like this? I actually like the slow life and reading. Maybe it is time to chill out? Yeah, let's just go do this pamphlet reading I have been hearing so much about."

Reading only ended up pissing him off. "So the reason the inside of my pod is flat, is because you set me on the most baby setting?" Justice broke out into laughter when this was said, the pods started back up and flew back up into space.

"A little bit of reading will take you a long way. But what is more important than reading, is the ability to talk to others to help you out. You could of got a better starting aircraft but now your stuck with Baby Safe Egg Pod. If your avatar was not set as 13 and was set at a younger age with a diaper, I could set this to change your diaper. So be more careful or I will convince them to let me add diapers to you, I mean old adults need diapers too after all."

When all of the pods struggled past the barrier into space combat and aligned back into their pod's spot and docked, the intercom system came to life. Though the static could of been better.

"Congrats kids, you all took your first dive, even if a bunch of you took away your buttons. Even had someone go through someone else to do it, shame." Haseo felt that if the man speaking could, he would give him a death glare and shake his head in disappointment.

"Anyways, it is the first month so it is all about welcoming you into our fold. Life in space is hard, many life's are lost every second."

The intercom went silent, or rather just the speaker did. It seems he was listening to a report from someone. The voice sighed.

"Well one of my ships are being shot at so I need to go command over there. Your party for this month is to sit in your pods and do your daily lessons."

The intercom went off fully and a screen lit up in front of Haseo as the glass of his pod was covered up as his pod was fully taken in for storage.

The screen mentioned it was Dive 1Month 1 Day 1 which was Lifeform Start Aircraft. Staring at the bottom right corner where he always had his time display, he noticed the hour and minutes was missing.

On the assignments, he noticed each one had 13 years each to be in. He felt this was overkill. "Did they mean to set I have 13 years in total to finish everything to get out? Because it is set to 13 years in each day. I guess there is no changing it, so no complaining."

Justice laughed. "Wow I have 24 hours in my day but each hour gives me a simulated month. I thought I was a cool kid getting 2 years a day but you are beating me by 11 years. Man, aren't we the best? There aren't many in our class that is as great as us. People like us, who are the same, need to stick together."

Haseo spoke again, a little bit weaker this time. "Same? No no no, we are not the same. You said simulated, I know I heard it. Mine is 13 years straight. So how does this time thing work? It is simulated, but I am made to feel like that time has passed?"

Justice snorted and chuckled. "Oh you poor boy, I think you have a misunderstanding. Those 13 years will all feel real, because they will be. The time and intensity are what determines your worth."

"I am an alright person, overall speaking. I mean for those of us who are just starting our journeys, I am a little above average. My score of myself would be higher, but I am built for a different function than most of y'all. I will just be dealing out Justice, but you will be getting a higher experience."

Haseo had a long first day ahead of him, rereading the pamphlet to make sure he wouldn't mess up. Though in doing this, missed most of what Justice was saying.

"Hmm, oh yeah yeah. If you are jealous of whatever torture I get, you can just come with me. I wouldn't mind having some company."

She smiled as she pressed a button, taking both of them into Haseo's first lesson.

"I knew you would agree with me pressing this button and joining your long years of learning. I am just glad you agreed before I pressed it and not after. Teehee!!!"

"High speed drop commencing in 1,3 now!" Two drop pods shot out like cannons from their respective spots. One was hot neon pink, the speed was constant and safety to the person in the pod was amazing. She had no discomfort and no shaking, the best thing for a ride out in a drop pod.

The other pod was gray and rundown. It looked like the only thing keeping it in sphere form was the duct tape and welds done on the drop pods. In some places even broken safety fixes that was welded into place, were broken. In fact, the drop itself had caused many of the to scrap off or burn off in the drop.

The shaking in the gray pod was not enviable. The person sitting in the pod seemed unaffected by the shaking, though that seemed from constant practice and courage.

In fact he could smell the courage on the sides of the pod, the smell of vomit never went away. Now the inside of his pod had the scent of 'drowning in flowers with vomit on your boot'.

The two pods smashed into the ground sending dirt everywhere. Justice was cheering encore as Haseo vommited from the impact.

"Oh, you still getting sick over there? It is odd, every time I try to feel bad about your pod the memory of me checking its raiety come to mind. Suddenly I want encores of the top 100 worse drop situations."

This wasn't an official list, just over the years she has found which ones got the loudest reaction. Then her pod ranks them and she tested it out once a weekend. The rest of the time it was set to randomized.

Haseo's pod was sporting a few buttons now, he pressed one and the bottom of the pod started to expel the vomit. He moved his finger over to the air freshener radio switch and cleaned the air.

"If you really read it, it is oddly in your favor you forgot all the bad stuff that comes with it. For instance one bad thing is all drops are always in control of another. So this is a power that requires others to grant me permission. I need to fix that."

He went and pressed another button, music started playing and he turned the button to the right and it got louder. He laid back in his pod, not really having space so he didn't go far.

"It is finally time. All this time spent dropping has taught me many things. Like the other pods here have people in them. I only noticed them when I caught a few dropping when going back up. Could you imagine only doing this once a month? You can't really say you learned anything if-."

Haseo was interrupted as Justice hit the number one dive option.