Telepathy… from one being to another

[What is the point of dropping from the ship in a pod for you to learn about Lifeforms?]

A very simple question was asked after the time allowed in the session was used up. When he saw this and notice he wasn't moving into the next day he sighed and hit his head against the glass.

It was finally time for him to get out of this annoying pod and he gets asked a question he didn't think about at all in the 13 years of diving down. In fact, even if he was asked this question at the start, he wouldn't of remembered to even think about that question.

He sat in silence, something new to him. It seems Justice had a question that she didn't need to think about. She was already gone and it was just him. Well… there was others in the pods. So there was probably thousands and thousands of nervous people getting asked the same or different question or questions.

The simplest answer would be that is how eggs are laid and babies are born. Maybe the pod launch and landings were meant to simulate the birth of a being. But this couldn't be all there was to the question.

Maybe it was a way for him to be thankful he was a living people and could leave the pod? This was just him not wanting to go drop in a pod again. Whatever got his mind off the fact he needed to drop one more time at least.

"I guess it is sorta safe. I mean sure, the care of passenger in mine compared to Justice's is vastly different but drop pods should be a great way in safely leaving ships."

It seemed this question was time based as it kept waiting and waiting. "Huh, Justice got to leave but I am stuck with this same question still. Is it cause of the few ideas I thought of? Is it taking those and choosing the best one?"

He started to get impatient, he was still stuck on the pod. For 13 years he sat in this pod constantly falling and rising. It seems food isn't a concept or at least not yet for now.

He laid back as far as he could, the pod was too small for a grownup, there was enough space for him to feel like he was reclined.

He thought what would count as a final question. "I have to think of who is asking the question. Which is an artificial intelligence on my wrist… okay new thought. This is the afterlife, it seems you get pulled around a lot when you first enter."

His face went blank. "No, that is what it was for me. I can't confirm if anyone else got shafted like I did. Hmm, let's see,what is my purpose or the answer to life? Or rather my life and what is reality life. What is the point of it not being a barren rock all across the universe?"

Haseo took a deep breath and felt around the pod he was sitting in. "I still don't get control in the launching of this. This is different and maybe can lead me to an answer."

Some more time passed as he blankly looked out the window. After some time he notice that inside the pod was a display that showed a list of names. On the left were people who haven't given an answer that is good enough, on the right were people who did,

"I don't like the fact that there are hundreds ahead of me. I need to get this done before I drop below the 50%. My ego can handle not being considered the best of the best but it cannot handle dropping below the average."

It was time to give what he felt was his truest answer. The numbers were getting higher and the anxiety was getting to him.

"It is so we can make sure our race continues. Pods give a better chance of more people surviving. If you load a bunch of people on an escape craft, it makes your loss bigger when they are hit. With a pod, you can do a mass drop and as long as the enemy doesn't have a powerful aoe weapon it should be fine."

He scratched his head, hoping to come up with more. What if what was said can lead to a gift? He needs to speak his mind to get the best thing for him, he didn't know why he knew a gift was coming, it was best to not question it. It wasn't like he could question it even if he tried however.

"Pods are smaller and are harder to lock on and when you do land safely, burying the pod is easier than covering up a jet. Finally, that is how life started. Life was just tossed out in a slurry, filled with pods."

His last line was rushed, it's cadance and tone vastly different. But he didn't notice because the pod reacted and his answer was accepted. Whether it was the word finally or the weird shift in his voice, he had finally passed the first day.

[Congrats on passing your first day! Just 359 more days to go! Keep doing your best and giving an answer from your truest self.]

[Your Lifeform, or rather every being that you produce either through procreation or pro recreation, Aircraft will be Pods. While only first generation, this choice shall affect you deeply.]

[Next, welcome to the Kaiju section. These will be your giant beings. As this is for Lifeform you may consider this, as well as all future choices in Lifeform, as something for your NPCs.]

[What Kaiju would you like for your Lifeform?]

His pod was taken to a different section in the ship. He didn't know what shape it was, all he did know it was big and you moved through the ship in pods. He didn't know if this would change, but so far he was enjoying it.

The pod he was in was going fast, he didn't know how fast but because his pod seemed to cut a lot of corners, whenever he hit turns or corners he thought he was going to die. However the pod he was in was one of the best of the best, in terms of not dying till you stepped out of the pod.

"It seems this is another question based on time, maybe." The pod started moving as soon as the question came in. Unless he was being treated as belt sushi and was just going into circles till he picked or got picked.

"This shouldn't be the final question to Kaiju, I will probably be asked what I thought about it or something. Hmm, Kaiju for my NPCs."


[Understood. Now filling pod with transformation fluid.]

It happened again, Haseo opened up his mouth and another voice came out. His skin started to wriggle and a face appeared on his arm and smiled at him.

"It might be better for me to go down here. I just wanted some of the nice fluid. I don't want to get it fed to me baby bird style. Oh, I am a new friend it is nice to meet."

Haseo covered the mouth and pushed his arm underwater. He was pretending to drown the mouth, nothing coming out of it. The mouth didn't even try humoring him.

"You are an odd dude. Anyways, I should introduce myself since you could consider me your born again twin. My name is-."

The fluid filled the pod and Haseo couldn't hear the mouth more as he passed out as soon as the liquid touched his nose.

Opening his eyes, Haseo could see the drop pod he was stuck in for so long was replaced with a fully clear pod.

Looking around he saw different stages of clones of him from the ages of 0 to 13. The ones that were 13 only numbered around 7. Haseo only saw one of them moving, it was waving at him and its mouth looked like the one he saw on his arm earlier.

{Hey there Clone 0, I am Clone 1 the first real clone. You are not considered as one because your brain and soul was moved into one of the unawakened ones. Oh also we can all talk to each other with telepathy if we are close enough.}

Haseo looked at the clone of him, the mouth was so different from his that it felt weird to look at. All of the teeth were like shark teeth, but in a reality we're sharks had the best dentist.

He opened his mouth and saw the same teeth as the clone. The clone smiled a big toothy grin when he saw this. He might of been waiting patiently for Haseo to ask, but it seemed like Haseo was to scared to talk. He was scared of the liquid filling his mouth, drowning him. Despite the fact he woke up in the pod and his lungs were long filled, the fact it was telepathy seemed to go over his head.