The Problem of calling my name and not knowing who I am.

{You used me as your Lifeform so of course you would get some nice teeth like me. These are gator teeth for your information, in case you were wondering. I really can't believe the power of my main body was used to make Lifeforms. I wonder if you did this because of how strong I am or you simply didn't know about me and used me as a toss away?}

Haseo looked at Salos, since this guy was one of his NPCs, all of his people will have the power of this guy.

{I am a Great Duke, I am not much further behind then the ones of us who represent the sins. But using me as a Lifeform is better than using one of the sins. They come with a heavy burden with lots of power while I come with no burden with loads of power.}

The pods they were in started to move. They were just as bad as his drop pod, they won't die in the pod but the journey will be bumpy.

His pod and the first clone were the only ones who moved, it seems the clones who were done get sent elsewhere.

{I will still go by Solos, just know I am yours and not someone else's. I am spread pretty thin and even go by a few different names. Oh, fyi when gods have varying names it is because they are abusing the system and added others to their power.}

This man was dropping lore but Haseo was focused on the movement of the pods getting faster. The pods were safe and he knew they probably could handle a lot.

But they weren't slowing down at all, just going faster and faster. Maybe because he didn't have anyone responding to him, Salos started looking around to find something to stare at as he zoned out as well.

{Huh, we are going fast. I have memories and knowledge of all of the other Salos so I have been in similar situations. So I can inform you with all the worry possible, this isn't right. Is this an elaborate death trap? Hey kid, just talk normally. I should be able to hear you. I am just doing telepathy because it has been a long time since I had a jaw. I was getting used to it again.}

"Ah, sorry I was just so lost. You sorta came out of nowhere and I didn't really want to focus on you." Haseo finally talked to Salos and it was the most awkward way possible.

Salos glared at him for a bit and shrugged his shoulders.

"Whatever, you need to learn to be chill and go with the flow. Life is fun when it is chaotic, people coming and going. You haven't really lived until you experience a day that keeps repeating but those around you changing all the time."

This was the first time he spoke out loud, his voice was similar to when he was just a mouth. Haseo also notice that despite him being a clone, they looked a little different.

"Hey we are both naked clones, being in pods and I am assuming we were both freshly created. So why do you have a crown and I do not?"

Salos grabbed the crown and pulled on it to show the crown was attached. "Yeah about that, these are horns. I am a demon, didn't you find it out I didn't have visible horns? You don't have it as you haven't earned it yet."

Haseo felt his head, no horns in sight. "Earn? I mean I guess I have heard of stories of angels earning their wings or something but earning horns? Aren't you born with them and they can come and go sometimes?"

Salos looked disgusted hearing the word angel. "Earn wings? You mean get corrupted to death by them. But back to business, you don't have Horns or Crown. So you can't even visual look like my power. You will get these things once you finish your fleet."

Before Haseo could ask what he meant about a fleet, their glass pods suddenly rammed off the rails and slammed into the wall.

Haseo was expecting the glass to shatter but the pod just detected it was off the rails and opened up and drained itself.

Salos was the first to get up and he looked around and checked everything. Haseo was throwing up the liquid from his lungs.

After emptying the fluid from his lungs, Haseo got a look around the room. They were in a locker room and Salos was already fully dressed in a trench coat with a big hat covering his crown.

"Nice for you to show up to work on your birthday. But the suits you wear here are different. Please get up and chose what you want to wear."

Haseo stood up and grabbed a towel. Drying himself off, he walked up to the lockers and opened them up. Each one had a different outfit inside.

"Having Kaiju as a power of weird kid. Who helped you set up the powers you wanted in your fleet? I mean I understand wanting big monsters to flatten planets and stuff but the penalty for adding things to your fleet when they are out of theme is wild."

Haseo found an outfit that he felt like would work best for him, also because he didn't want to be naked.

"Sorry about choosing what type, but I couldn't let up this chance. To make it easier for both of us, just think of it as a mysterious stranger. We still have a chance to become big monsters but with this, we can make all of our race to be able to do so. It also uses my power to make sure you are all as strong as a Great Duke of Hell."

With Haseo fully dressed, he turned over to Salos. "So, what is going on here? I notice the lack of an escape from this room. The weird fetish like selection from these lockers are also making me feel worse."

Salos started rubbing his own chin in thought, he guess he could let Haseo know a bit more. "Where to start and where to end, if only we both knew what each other knew. But I can try to fill you in with enough information."

"Lifeform, the form of life you chose for the life you form. Pretty simple, I already told you that is an NPC. Think of it like a public face in a way. In the future you will be stealing others NPCs and they will be stealing yours. So I recommend you keep that in mind while you give your answers to the questions asked."

Salos went up to a locker and pushed in the dial. The only open space on the wall started to open up and an escape tunnel appeared for them to leave.

"Now you have about 25 total power modifiers, which I have to say is pretty good. The modifiers decided how many days your months get. While how many months you get is determined by your choice."

Salos leaned in and looked deep into Haseo's eyes. "Or in some cases, the choice of others. You have a total of 360 days, 13 months, 12 being 25 days long and the last month taking 60 days. The months show another aspect to your choices, different settings causes different answers to appear."

They fully went through the tunnel and ended up in an underground crawl space. After crawling for a bit more, they ended up at a hatch and escaped above.

"The costumes are so we aren't recognized for what we are about to go do. You know, it would of been smarter if you picked something or someone else as your Lifeform. We are Kaijin, meaning we are humanoids that are being affected by something else to make them other than human."

Salos checked out the window, he was careful with the blinds and when he saw no one outside, he went and locked the door.

"Many see me and my abilities and think I am a good and charismatic person. The truth is a little more… demonic."

He walked over to a desk that was covered in marker and damaged by picket knives. Opening it up, he pulled out two kitchen knives and handed one over to Haseo. "So the different variations of costumes was for a summer camp and we are the cooks?"

Salos and Haseo looked at each other, Haseo waiting for Salos to tell me instead of him guessing. So far with all the information available, he felt this was about to go bad.

"Yeah, no. You see, I cause others to love each other. Now, most see this as a I cause you to get horny and that is as far as it goes."

Salos unlocked the door and walked outside. "I cause men and woman, men on men and woman on woman and other genders, to fall for each other. My powers don't only rely on lust, though lust is all Lady Abaddon needs to control people."