A call from home

It's been a good few months since Hina and I came to London. We've settled down and even Hina was studying well, or at least better focused than when we first arrived. Class essays started to roll in and she whined and complained every time as work piled up, but I helped her as she got pulled through it kicking and screaming. 

She did alright. 

It was the final week of the semester and things were winding down a bit as the holiday season approached, and that's when I received a call early morning on Monday while smoking outside as Hina was still sound asleep in our room.


I haven't talked to her in a long while. Ema called me regularly (perhaps a bit too regularly) to check on how Hina was doing, but I've completely cut off all communications with the Chan Group since I left. I have to admit that I still kept looking out for any related news. I may have left the company, but the company never left my heart.