"Hey, Sin!"
I still didn't fully snap out of myself when Hina called me twice.
"Yes… Miss?"
"So where do you want to go next week?", Hina asked, her eyes twinkling.
"I suppose we could stay here. There's still a lot we can see in London."
"We can do that during the semester too."
"Yes, but there are things like… Christmas Market in Covent Garden, other Christmas decorations around the city…"
"Hm, you are right. I was starting to get a little tired of English weather though… It's depressing, to say the least."
"I understand."
"So we stay in London?"
"That's my suggestion."
"OK. What about on Christmas Day? We gotta do something special."
That's right. This was going to be the first Christmas Day we spend together.
Gees… it hasn't even been a year since I met Hina?
"We will do whatever you wish, Miss."
"Boooring. I want you to come up with an idea. Surprise me."