chapter 11 : again and again

The soldiers tied up the commander bowman cam and dragged him in front of Chen Shuirong, and her father nodded at her.


"It's time for you to demonstrate your decisiven. Order your soldiers to kill this man, and let's see what your Luck as a beginner will have effect us and get the camp blueprint."


Chen Shuirong took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of nerves and fear.


She had never given an order to take a life before, but she knew that this was a necessary part of her training as a lord.


She turned to her soldiers and gave the command," kill him " her voice steady and confident.

The soldiers carried out her order without hesitation, and as the commander fell to the ground, White Card replaced his body.


Long Su watched in fascination as a bright red glow and enveloped Chen Shuirong.


He realized that this was the effect of her killing the commander.


But even as he was happy for his friend to get the treasure,.


He couldn't help but feel a twinge of discomfort at the sight of the commander's death and the despair in his body.


He had never witnessed a death before, and the reality of it was more intense and disturbing than he had imagined.


After the end of the fight, long Su was surprised to find that the group of small faith lights coming up from the soldier units moved in his direction.


This meant that as long as he just stood by a battlefield, he would have no worries about faith from now on!


Finding a new way to obtain Faiths was a dream become reality, and this trip was worth it even though he was standing by the side all the time.



Chen's father opened the white card, revealing that it was an part of the comander armor, he threw it aside for now

He attempted to comfort his daughter saying, "There's only a slim probability of getting the Bowman Army's production camp, so don't be concerned. We have two days of booking time, which will allow us to clean the dungeon dozens of times."


"We can't be unlucky enough to not receive it even once. If that doesn't work, I'll do a favor and buy one from my teammates."


Although Chen's father talked calmly, Long Su detected a hint of nervousness in his tone.


He understood that owing favors was often awkward, especially between a leader and their fellow players teammates.


A building that can produce archery units and bestow a special skill on a second-level unit is an incredibly valuable asset.


Its rarity and usefulness make it highly sought after it, and when one becomes available, it is quickly snatched up by those who can afford it.



Although Chen's father holds the position of deputy chief in the guild, acquiring millions of coins on short notice is still a significant challenge.


Moreover, in many cases, obtaining such a valuable asset may require more than just financial resources.


Political connections, favors, and strategic alliances can all play a role in securing access to rare and valuable assets like the archery building.


The process can be complex and time-consuming, requiring careful negotiation and a deep understanding of the dynamics at play within the guild and the on-duty lord system.



Chen's father knew that if he didn't get it in these two days, he would need careful planning, resourcefulness, and a willingness to navigate the intricate web of relationships and power structures within the guild and beyond.


Long Su, Chen Shuirong, and her father worked tirelessly, entering and exiting the dungeon again and again in their quest to obtain the coveted archer camp blueprint.



They pushed themselves to their limits, repeating the process eight times in a row before finally, on the ninth attempt, the blueprint they had been seeking appeared.



Chen's father was overjoyed at the sight of the blueprint, knowing that his daughter now possessed a powerful combination of heavy-shield infantry and skilled archers.


This significantly increased her chances of success in the battles against other students and easily got her a place in the top ten universities.


This camp can also give her a stronger position within the Lord's world in the future.



As they emerged from the dungeon, both Chen Shuirong and her father felt accomplished.



"We did it,' Chen's father said, clapping his daughter on the shoulder. "You now have the tools you need to take your place in the top ten universities.


I'm proud of you, and I know you'll continue to make us all proud.'"



As Chen Shuirong celebrated her success in obtaining the archer camp blueprint,


she couldn't help but notice the expression on Long Su's face. He was clearly happy for her, but she could also feel sorry for him getting nothing.



Despite his efforts and the time he had spent assisting Chen Shuirong and spending time with her while her father fought and commanded the soldiers,


Long Su had not obtained anything of value from the dungeon.


Chen Shuirong felt a pang of guilt.

"Long Su," she said, touching his arm. "I'm so grateful for all your help, but I'm also worried about you."


"You've given so much of your time and effort, and you haven't received anything in return. I feel terrible that you've come away from this experience empty-handed."

Long Su smiled reassuringly at her.


"Don't worry about me,

Chen Shuirong. I'm glad that I was able to help you. And who knows, maybe my luck will change in the future. For now, let's celebrate your success and look forward to the future opportunities it will bring.'"


Unbeknownst to Chen Shuirong and her father, Long Su had a secret advantage that had been growing with each attempt to clear the dungeon.


Each time they entered and exited, he had accumulated more and more faith from the battles they fought. The more death units on the battlefield, the more faith he would get.


He now had a substantial reserve waiting to be used.


All of this happened on the first night,

near the dungeon gate, He returned to his own dimensional world and discovered new information about the small palace.


He learned that the faith gathered from enemy units and the battlefield could be used as a resource to upgrade his unit buildings.


while the faith gathered from his own units could be used to upgrade both the unit buildings and the small palace itself.


Now each faith group would be used in its own field.


Long Su felt a surge of satisfaction as he realized the progress he had made over the past two days.


Despite not obtaining any blueprint rewards from the dungeon, he had been quietly accumulating valuable resources like wood and stone that could significantly enhance his small-world need for other buildings in the future.



'I may not have received anything tangible' he thought to himself, 'but I have gained something far more valuable: the means to improve and grow, even when faced with challenges and setbacks'


' This experience has taught me that sometimes the most important rewards are the ones that are hidden and unexpected, and it's up to me to find them and make the most of them.'