chapter 12 :bone trees

As the school trip to the training field approached, Long Su and the Chen family quickly completed their preparations.


trying not to draw too much attention to their recent achievement. After returning to the city,


They celebrated with a lunch at a posh restaurant before retiring for the night.


He had seen the Iron Wolf Army on the battlefield, and their formidable strength had only further fueled his determination to upgrade his own troops.

With a new faith-based update in mind, he wasted no time entering his dimensional world


[Gold Coins: 1000]

[Filthy Fatih: 8000]

[Daqin faith: 1]


Seeing this information, he was ready to explore for the first time the use of the faith he had gathered to strengthen his skeletal militia and skeleton slaves.


As the sight of his 300-skeletal army gathering around the small palace filled his vision, he felt a sense of pride and power swell within him.

The bones of his soldiers rattled in unison, eager to fulfill their master's bidding.

With a wicked grin, he focused his attention on the faith that flowed out of the palace, a steady stream of devotion and belief from the unsuspecting inhabitants inside.

He visualized this energy flowing into his army, fortifying their bones and strengthening their connection to the dimensional world.

As he watched, the skeletons began to change, their forms becoming more solid and defined as they absorbed the empowering energy. Soon, each one was glowing with a faint, ethereal light, emanating an otherworldly aura that struck fear into all who beheld it.

[skeleton Militia]

Level 1

Strength: 3 (normal human 5 max)

defence: 3 (normal human: 5 max)

Speed: 4 (normal human 5 max)

Will: 2 (normal human, 5 max)



[skeleton slave]

Level 1

Strength: 1 (normal human 5 max)

defence: 1 (normal human: 5 max)

Speed: 2 (normal human 5 max)

Will: 1 (normal human, 5 max)


[gold coins: 1000]

[filthy faith: 0]

[Daqin faith: 1]


The skeletons' bones underwent a dramatic transformation, hardening and strengthening to the point where they were no longer brittle and fragile, but instead sturdy and unbreakable.

The visible changes were striking - no longer did their limbs look like they would snap with the slightest touch.

Their movements became graceful and fluid, as if they were dancing to an invisible melody.

Their agility and coordination had increased tenfold, allowing them to move with ease and precision.

However, as Long Su watched, he couldn't help feeling a pang of disappointment.

Despite their impressive physical transformations, their attributes remained unchanged.

His faith points had been depleted in his efforts to strengthen them, yet nothing seemed to have truly changed in the end


Doubt crept into his mind as he watched the faith spread without any apparent effort.

He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something he had missed, some crucial piece of information that would make sense of it all.

As a creator and ruler of his own dimensional realm, Long Su had an inherent understanding and connection to everything within it.

But even he couldn't deny the strange sensation that now enveloped him.

It seemed as though every bone in his realm was reaching out towards the small palace, drawn to it by some unknown force.

Turning his attention to the palace, he was struck by the eerie beauty of the bone trees that adorned its backyard.

They shimmered in the light, their delicate branches intertwining and creating an otherworldly canopy above.

It was a sight unlike anything he had ever seen before, and he found himself transfixed by its haunting allure.

With each step closer to the bone trees, he could feel a pull towards them, as if they were beckoning him with some unknown force.

The twisted branches and gnarled trunks of the trees seemed almost alive, pulsating with an otherworldly energy.

As he extended his hand to touch one of the trees, a flood of knowledge surged into his mind, revealing the true purpose and function of these strange structures.

They were a source of power, capable of upgrading his skeletal units through the gathering of faith from defeated enemies.


By investing faith in a particular tree, he could enhance the corresponding skeletal unit, increasing its strength and capabilities.


For example, by charging faith into the tree marked for 'Skeleton Slave,' he could upgrade the unit to a higher level.


effectively giving it the strength and abilities of a higher-level unit like the Skeleton Militia.


This would be achieved at the cost of the original Skeleton Slave's weak attributes, creating a powerful new unit while preserving the cost of production of the original one.


For example, the cost of producing a skeletal slave is only 1 gold coin, and if the unit is upgraded through the bone tree, he could have a skeleton militia at the cost of the skeleton slave.


The same thing goes for the skeleton militia, but because he's only a level 1 lord, he can't improve his militia to a higher unit


Long Su was excited by the potential of the bone trees and the opportunity they presented to enhance his skeletal units.


He saw this as a significant step forward in his development as a lord, and he was eager to begin experimenting with the trees and exploring the full extent of their power.


Now I have gold coins. It's time to start building some units.