chapter 20 : ambush

The three-day holiday had passed.

Long Su entered the classroom, his footsteps echoing through the silent room. His face was set in a look of fierce determination, and his jaw was clenched with resolve.

The weight of their recent experience in the dungeon hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the dangers that awaited them in their world of summoned creatures and deadly battles.

His classmates sat at their desks, their bodies stiff with attention and their faces pale with the memory of their encounter.

They shifted uncomfortably in their seats, the events of the past few days fresh in their minds. Their eyes were fixed on Long Su,the student who used skeleton units to get the third place in point last dungeon exploration

their expressions were a mix of fear and respect.

Long Su surveyed the room, his gaze sweeping across the sea of faces.

It was clear that their recent experiences in the dungeon had impacted them deeply,

driving home the importance of preparedness and caution. 

Long Su took his seat, his thoughts already turning to the upcoming dungeon exploration. But as he settled in, he noticed Chen Shuirong waiting for him. She approached him hesitantly, a determined look in her eyes.

"Long Su," Chen Shuirong said, her voice soft but determined. "I've been doing a lot of thinking about the last dungeon exploration. It really made me realise how important it is to be strong and to be able to protect ourselves and each other."

She took a deep breath, gathering her courage. "That's why I was wondering if I could join your team for the next dungeon exploration. I want to learn from you to become a better fighter."

Long Su looked at her, his gaze thoughtful. He could see the determination in her eyes and the resolve in her posture. He knew that she was a capable fighter and that she had the potential to be a valuable asset to his team.

"How do you know that today's dungeon exploration will be played as a team?" He asked, curious voice.

Chen Shuirong smiled. "Everyone knows that. It must be because you slept through some class and didn't hear it." She paused,

her expression growing serious. "So how about it, Long Su? Will you let me join your team? I promise to work hard and to do whatever it takes to become stronger."

Long Su considered her request. He thought about the last dungeon exploration, about the dangers they had faced, and about the friends they had lost. He knew that they needed to be stronger and that they needed to be prepared for anything.

He also thought about Chen Shuirong, about her determination and her skill. He knew that she could be an asset to his team and that she could help them become stronger and more prepared.

Finally, he nodded. "Of course," he said, his voice steady. "I'd be happy to have you on my team, Chen Shuirong. We can all learn from each other, and we can all grow stronger together."

Chen Shuirong's face lit up with relief and gratitude. She nodded, her expression resolute. "Thank you, Long Su. I won't let you down. I'll work hard, and I'll do whatever it takes to become a better fighter."

Together, they turned their attention to the upcoming teacher, Li.

Teacher Li entered the classroom, his presence commanding the attention of everyone present. He walked to the front of the room, his steps sure and purposeful.

The air was charged with anticipation, and the students were eager to hear what he had to say."Good morning, everyone," he said, his voice strong and clear. "As some of you know," he continued, his gaze lingering on Long Su for a moment, "the last dungeon exploration was a challenging one. But today, we have a new opportunity to test our skills and work together as a team."The students leaned forward in their seats, their expressions a mix of excitement and trepidation.

They knew that the last dungeon exploration had been difficult and that they had faced dangers and obstacles that had tested their abilities to the limit. 

But they also knew that they had grown from the experience and that they had learned valuable lessons about teamwork and resilience.

Teacher Li continued. "Today's dungeon exploration will be a team-based exercise. It's essential to work together and support one another if you want to succeed in the dungeon. The dangers and challenges you'll face will be too great for any one person to handle alone."

Teacher Li's voice grew more intense, his expression grave. "So, if you already have a team, please gather your members and head to the bus waiting outside. For those of you who haven't formed a team yet, please remain in your seats. I will organise you into teams before we depart." 

The classroom buzzed with excitement and nervousness. Students who had already formed teams, including Long Su and Chen Shuirong, quickly gathered their belongings and made their way to the front of the room,

eager to get a head start on the day's adventure. 

It wasn't long before the school buses, filled with students and their accompanying teachers, began to pull away from the school grounds.  The buses formed a small convoy, winding their way through the city streets and towards the outskirts, where the dungeon awaited. 

As the buses drove, the students chatted excitedly among themselves, discussing strategies and sharing tales of past dungeon explorations. 

The teachers, while keeping a watchful eye on their charges, couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and anticipation. They knew that the experiences gained in the dungeon would be invaluable for the students' growth and development as dungeon explorers. 

On the outside, the city gave way to rolling hills and verdant forests. The landscape grew more rugged as they neared their destination, with the imposing form of the dungeon looming on the horizon.  

 As the buses came to a stop, confusion spread among the students. They were supposed to be at the dungeon entrance, but instead, they found themselves in the middle of a seemingly ordinary road. 

 The teachers, however, seemed to be on high alert, their gazes scanning the surroundings warily. "Students, please remain in the bus," Teacher Li instructed, his voice firm. "No matter what you see outside, do not leave the vehicle." 

The teachers then exited the buses, forming a protective circle around the vehicles. The students watched in bewilderment as huge numbers of armed soldiers began emerging from the surrounding area.

Some were humans, some were monsters like werewolves, and others were half humans and half animals like lizard man and dog heads human , and some resembled dragons or other larger beasts.  

They descended from the sky; their presence was overwhelming and intimidating.

The teachers whispered among themselves, their voices filled with concern. 

"Army of Blood Slaves" 

 "How could the blood army cult have gotten this far into our human domain?" one teacher asked.

 "There must be something strange happening at the front line," another teacher replied.

 Teacher Li nodded, his expression grave. "My contacts in the army have told me that battles at the front line have become more frequent. Something must have shifted the balance of power." 

Inside the buses, the students sat in a tense silence, their faces pale with fear and their eyes wide with curiosity. They could sense the danger outside, their hearts racing in time with the sounds of battle. The air was thick with an unease that none of them could fully comprehend.

Whispers of confusion and concern passed between the students, their voices barely audible above the din of combat. Some of them exchanged worried glances.

One student, a young girl with fiery red hair, leaned forward in her seat, her eyes fixed on the battle outside. She had always been adventurous and eager to prove herself, and she felt a pull towards action.

But even she could sense the danger, and she knew that rushing headlong into the fray would be foolish. Still, neither student could look away from the spectacle outside.

The sight of their teachers summoning their units only meant one thing: that this was no ordinary dungeon exploration; there was something far more dangerous at play.