chapter 21 : ambush 2

The students stood frozen in their seats as they watched their teachers conjure powerful spells, pulling creatures from alternate dimensions to aid them in battle.


The sight was both terrifying and intriguing. but as the army of teachers grew, so did the unease in the students' minds.


And then they saw it—a looming army on the horizon, almost in hundreds of thousands of units, their footsteps shaking the ground as they marched forward with determination.


The soldiers were unlike any creature they had ever seen before—tall humanoid beasts with fiery red skin and eyes glowing with menacing energy. It was clear that this was no ordinary battle, and fear began to consume the students as they waited for the inevitable clash between these two opposing forces.


Their features were twisted and ferocious, inspiring dread in all who looked upon them.


One of the students, a young man with a serious expression, spoke up. "I know this army," he said, his voice trembling slightly. "It's the Blood Clan army. They're known for drinking blood as their main source of food and for enslaving many creatures to use as their own personal blood supply."

A murmur of unease rippled through the students as they exchanged glances, their faces pale with fear. They had all heard rumours about the Blood Clan, about their ruthless and violent ways. But to hear that they were so close to their city that they posed a real and immediate threat filled them with dread.


The student continued. "Even though we have a borders with them, it's very strange for them to come this close to our city. I don't know what they're planning, but it can't be good."

His words hung in the air, and the weight of their implications was heavy on everyone's minds. The students shifted uncomfortably in their seats, their thoughts racing with fear and uncertainty.


One student, a girl with short blonde hair, spoke up. "What do you think they want?" she asked, her voice trembling. "Why would they risk coming so close to our city?"


Another student, a boy with dark hair and glasses, shook his head. "I don't know," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "But whatever it is, it can't be good. We need to be prepared for anything."


Long Su and the other students fell silent, their faces a mix of fear and determination.


The teachers, too, felt a sense of trepidation, their earlier confidence wavering in the face of this new threat.



In a desperate bid to summon help, one of the teachers pulled out a small paper talisman and threw it into the air.



As it soared upwards, it began to glow with a red light that shone brightly in the sky.


It was a rescue signal, a plea for assistance to any nearby human military forces.


The teachers formed a protective ring around the buses, their summoned units standing ready to defend the students.


Long Su and other students Many different types of units began to come out around the teachers.


Some of them were Golem units. The golem units were massive creatures made of stone and earth. They towered over the other units, their hulking forms inspiring awe and fear. They moved slowly but with tremendous power, their mighty blows capable of shattering armour and bone.


In the sky, the dragon beast units resembled dragons from ancient myths, with scales that glinted in the sun and wings that blocked out the sky.


Most of the teachers had human units that were skilled fighters, wielding a range of weapons such as swords, spears, and shields. They wore armour that gleamed in the sunlight, and their faces were set in determined expressions.


A small group of them had the beast units, who were a fearsome sight to behold. They resembled animals from the human world but were much larger and more ferocious. Their claws, fangs, and fur were all enhanced with magical abilities that made them even more deadly.


All the teachers exchanged worried glances, their earlier calm replaced by a sense of urgency. The students, too, were filled with a mix of fear and hope.


They clutched their weapons and prayed for the human military to arrive before it was too late.


The battlefield descended into chaos as the low-level creatures engaged in a brutal clash. At the forefront of the battle were the stone golems,

the main units of the third class teacher. They were large, numerous, and formed a formidable first line of defence.

The golems moved with surprising agility for their size, their rocky forms smashing into the hulking red beasts that opposed them. The impact of their fists created a deafening cacophony, with the sound of stone and sinew colliding echoing across the battlefield.

The beasts retaliated with razor-sharp claws, raking them across the golems' chitinous hides. Each strike sent sparks flying, illuminating the chaos of the fight. The monsters shrieked and roared, their fury palpable as they sought to tear through the golems' defences.

The ground trembled beneath the force of the battle, clouds of dust rising into the air and choking the breath of those who breathed too deeply.



Trapped inside the buses, the students were deafened by the cacophony outside. Shouts and roars intermingled with the deafening clang of metal on metal, a symphony of violence that sent shivers down their spines. Though their vision was blocked, their imaginations conjured horrifying images of the carnage unfolding just beyond the window.



Teacher Li stood tall and resolute amid the chaos, his gaze fixed on the fierce battle unfolding before them. A subtle tremor ran through his outstretched hand, and a weak light began to emanate from his fingertips. It was a protective spell, a last-ditch effort to shield his students from the impending danger.

The light spread out, surrounding the summoned units and engulfing them in a faint glow. It wasn't much, but it would provide some defence against the onslaught of the enemy forces

The other teachers followed suit, using their unique abilities to enhance their defenses. One teacher called upon an ancient incantation, bolstering the strength of their units.

Another chanted a mantra that increased their speed, allowing them to move with lightning-fast reflexes.

Together, the teachers formed a protective ring around the buses, their faces set in determined lines. They knew that they were the last line of defence for their students, and they were prepared to give their all to ensure their safety.

Despite their grim circumstances, the teachers stood ready to face the high-level enemy.



The clash between the level 1 units raged on for almost an hour, a testament to the strength and determination of the teachers and their summoned creatures. Teacher Li and the others exchanged relieved glances, their earlier worry replaced by a sense of cautious optimism.

Their gamble, deploying only the weakest units first, had paid off. The enemy's arrogance and their underestimation of their seemingly feeble resistance had bought them precious time.


But their relief was short-lived.

From the enemy ranks, a new wave of units emerged, their levels far surpassing those of the first wave. Levels 3 and 4 of Blood Knight, led by powerful Level 5 Blood Knight commanders, advanced across the battlefield with deadly intent.


The teachers' faces hardened as they surveyed the new threat. They knew that the upcoming battle would be far more challenging than the first, and they steeled themselves for the fight ahead.


The blood knight units clashed with the teachers' defenders, their powerful abilities, and fierce strength.


The ground shook with each impact, and the air filled with the roars of monsters and the shouted incantations of the teachers.