chapter 26 : Demi-world 3

The Demi-World, a realm boasting a nearly complete set of laws, was far more expansive and developed than the typical dimensional dungeons the students had learned about.

The Blood Clan Demi-World, in particular, was a striking and somewhat unsettling sight. Dense, blood-red clouds hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the landscape and creating an atmosphere of foreboding.



As the group of freshmen stood at the threshold of this unfamiliar territory, their gazes instinctively turned to Long Su, the strongest among them. His reputation preceded him, and their expectations were clear—they sought guidance and leadership in the face of such uncertainty.

With a hint of challenge in his voice, Long Su addressed his fellow students. "Are you planning to hide under the protection of others for the rest of your lives? It's time to step out of your comfort zones and learn to face the battlefield head-on."

Long Su and Chen Shuirong took the lead,

striding confidently into the depths of the Blood Clan Demi-World, their determination unwavering. Despite his initial bravado,

Long Su couldn't help but chuckle to himself, his inner monologue betraying his true intentions. "Just kidding, I want to be their bodyguard. Just kidding, I'm not a nanny!"

As the duo pressed onward, the remaining students hesitated, their faces reflecting a mixture of apprehension and indecision.

Some students mustered the courage to summon their military units and ventured excitedly into the unknown, while others remained rooted in place, grappling with their fears.

Unbeknownst to the students, several teachers observed their actions from a concealed vantage point.

A female teacher, her brow furrowed with concern, questioned Teacher Li's decision to expose these inexperienced youths to such a potentially perilous environment.

In her eyes, the students, who had only recently awakened their talents, needed more time to adapt to the brutal realities of the battlefield.

The graphic scenes of warfare—fallen units strewn across the battlefield, the gruesome aftermath of battles waged—were bound to be a shock to their young minds.

Yet, Teacher Li remained unfazed by her concerns, maintaining that these freshmen would eventually have to face the battlefield and adapt to the harsh conditions on their own.

He argued that those who couldn't weather the trials ahead had no place in the Lord Sprint Class and would only squander precious resources.

The other teachers exchanged uneasy glances, some on the verge of voicing their dissent.

However, they ultimately held their tongues, stifling their objections out of respect for Teacher Li's authority and the weight of his expertise.

As the teachers looked on, the fate of the freshmen remained inextricably linked to their ability to overcome the challenges that lay ahead in the Blood Clan Demi-World.


Long Su and Chen Shuirong found themselves confronted by the approaching group of red bats, their sharp fangs glinting menacingly.

The two students swiftly summoned their units in preparation for the impending battle.

Long Su's initial force comprised a hundred skeleton militia, each bearing a large black iron shield and wielding a long, intimidating iron sword.

The sheer number of skeletal warriors caused Chen Shuirong to raise an eyebrow in surprise, her gaze flicking between the undead ranks and her own contingent of thirty human soldiers.

Chen Shuirong curiosity prompted her to voice the question that burned in her mind.

"Long Su, how do you have so many units at your disposal? It's only our first week, and most of us have ten or fewer."

Long Su hesitated for a moment, a flicker of inner conflict passing over his features as he grappled with the implications of revealing his unique circumstances.

His eyes met Chen Shuirong questioning gaze, and Long Su decided to share more details about his unique situation with Chen Shuirong, hoping to foster trust and understanding between them.

"Don't you remember that I received prize money for my accomplishments in a last dungeon exploration. This has allowed me to bypass certain limitations that other lords face, and i summoned all military units not like you with human units having to summon farmers to support their armies."

ChenbShuirong listened intently, her interest piqued by the revelation. "I see," she replied, her expression thoughtful. "That explains why you have such a substantial force so early on. But don't you still need to consider the logistics of sustaining your army? After all, even if they're undead, they must have some needs, right?"

Long Su shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "That's where the beauty of commanding undead skeleton units lies. My skeleton militia doesn't require the typical sustenance or supplies that living troops do. They don't need food, water, or rest. This frees up resources and allows me to focus on other strategic concerns."


Chen listened attentively to Long Su's explanation; her curiosity was piqued by the intricacies of commanding undead units. Nodding in understanding, she couldn't help but point out a factor that might have complicated matters had Long Su chosen to incorporate other types of undead into his forces.



"It's a good thing your units are only skeletons."

Chen Shuirong remarked, her tone both serious and thoughtful. "Other undead creatures, like ghouls and zombies, still need to consume meat to maintain their strength. Even though they won't die from starvation, their combat effectiveness would diminish significantly if they didn't eat. It's a relief you don't have to worry about that aspect with your skeleton militia."


"That's quite an advantage, Long Su."



"Let's focus on the task at hand for now."


Seeing that the red bats will soon clash with his units, Long Su change the attention for a small chat to the coming battle.


Chen nodded, her attention drawn back to the rapidly approaching bats. She gestured to her own force—a team of twenty swordsmen and ten shield bearers, along with twenty archers positioned strategically at the rear.



As the red bats drew closer, Chen and Long Su sprang into action, expertly issuing commands to their respective units with the precision of seasoned commanders. "All archers form a wing formation next to me." Chen's initial order directed her archers to take up strategic positions around her, forming a defensive perimeter designed to protect the vulnerable infantrymen.


In tandem, she commanded her shield-bearing infantry to retreat temporarily to the safety of her dimensional space, safeguarding their lives while the more agile archers dealt with the aerial threat.


Long Su, recognising the value of the archers in this particular battle, said, "All skeleton militia form a tight, circular formation around the ranged allies troops."


The bony warriors stood shoulder-to-shoulder, their large black iron shields raised to create an impenetrable barrier against the oncoming bats.

The skeletons' long iron swords pointed outwards, ready to impale any creatures that managed to breach the shield wall.



With the stage set and the archers positioned at the heart of the formation, the battle commenced.

The red bats, initially emboldened by the prospect of unsuspecting prey, found themselves suddenly confronted with a highly organised and well-defended force. The creatures dove towards the formation, their piercing screeches echoing through the air.



Chen Shuirong "all units free shooting" aimed towards the bats the archers resolved as steady as their aim. Upon her command, a volley of arrows sliced through the air, finding their marks with deadly accuracy.


The bats, caught off-guard by the swift retaliation, attempted to change course, but the relentless stream of arrows proved too much to withstand.

As the bats began to fall white ligt of Filthy faith started to gather around long su

[ filthy faith +1]

[ filthy faith +1]

the remaining bats grew increasingly frantic, their movements growing more erratic as they struggled to avoid the onslaught. Chen Shuirong sensing an opportunity to break the enemy's morale, says, "All archers start timely shooting."


commanded her archers to change the shooting strategy. The subsequent wave of arrows rained down upon the bats, felling another dozen in a matter of moments.


Long Su, impressed by Chen Shuirong tactical prowess, maintained the steadfast shield formation around the archers, ensuring that not a single bat managed to slip through the cracks.


The skeletons stood resolute, their bony frames undeterred by the chaos unfolding beyond the safety of the shield wall.


As the number of fallen bats neared thirty, the remaining bats couldn't bear the onslaught no longer.

Their morale shattered, and the bats dispersed, fleeing the battlefield with frantic wingbeats, leaving behind only the haunting echoes of their screeches as evidence of their presence.



In the aftermath of the battle, Chen Shuirong archers lowered their bows, their faces gleaming with sweat and their eyes reflecting the pride of a hard-fought victory. Long Su's skeleton militia, though lacking the expressions of their human counterparts, held their formation until the last possible moment, as if refusing to let their guard down until the threat had truly passed.